《The Nest (TOME 1)》Outside



"All out! And in flight!"

Mother forced us out of the nest and said to us today, we are flying!

We all jumped on the rocky steps and arrived at the exit, past the abyss that protected us.

The daylight was violent for us!

I was happy to get out and change my mind. I couldn't stand the smell of urine and feces anymore. I now realized in daylight the full extent of my new body.

I had black claws, and black horns, canines and I was a real killing machine. My tail ending in a stinger reminded me of a mixture of a green scorpion and a green lizard.

"Climb on the rock there and do as I do: stick out your tongue and the cold will tell you in which direction the wind is blowing.

Always face the wind. There are ways to fly without flapping your wings and not getting tired."

So I climbed on the rock and I faced the wind and spread my wings and I left. My training paid off.

What if I ran away?

No, not enough strength and endurance......

And it's impossible to phone with my hands but my paws? I should train like my brothers. I could do something with my hind legs. They're like hands after all!

What a horror!

But what a pleasure to fly!

Ahh, quick freedom!

Please, let this nightmare stop!

Without realizing it, I was still flying and mother admired me.

"You, tomorrow you hunt with me!"

Actually, she was a monster, but this monster knew how to take care of her young people.

I wanted to get attached but I couldn't!

My death, Hans, Vilja her mother and sister and all those innocent people... Devoured! NO, I couldn't get soft. Maybe a little for my brothers.

Then Mother took me to task in flight and said to me.

"If anything happens to me, I can only count on you. I knew from the beginning that you hate me. I may not have been a good mother, but I don't know why you have such a grudge against me. I do everything to protect you, feed you and above all avoid being found by hunters.


We are only a few in the world left, a handful and you are one of the last females. I beg you, my darling, do everything you can to stay alive! You must rebuild our people with me! I have so much to teach you. I've hugged you so much, why don't you ever hug me? You don't know how sad I am about it."

she hugged me in flight but I lost my balance because of what she told me.

Fuck it! I didn't ask to be a dragon. This is typical of narcissists, they always manage to make themselves look like victims and make their targets feel guilty.

They can all die for me!

I had such beautiful hair, such beautiful eyes and I had a perfect figure and all the handsome guys were looking at me and I was proud of myself and my body. In addition, I had good academic results and I was on the starting blocks to prepare for my higher studies in chemistry or medicine.

And that filthy beast ruined everything! It's not that she can go and die, it's that I want revenge! That's all that keeps me alive! Otherwise I would have already cut my artery.

I hope they break their heads or cook on a high-voltage cable!

My eyes were so hateful that I didn't realize that I was very high and that they looked at me with astonishment!

The more I had the rage, the stronger I became. My scales were blushing and I was becoming a flying lobster, a scarlet red dragon!

Hold on so I can be seen from afar!

"WISTALA! Come down! You'll kill yourself!"

GRAU!!!! roared -I

I rushed to a suicidal pace that terrorized Mother! And hop I opened my wings and landed with a controlled skid, challenging her with my eyes!

"Take another tone with me and stop looking so suspicious!" Mother ordered me.

My two brothers fluttered as best they could, but they eventually managed to do so.

"The day after tomorrow, we're leaving camp!" We'll go more towards the fjords and discover the sea together. We'll hide in a narrow valley and go fishing! I have an old cave here that I haven't been in 50 years. I saw a car looking for us and a biped, father of a prey we ate together, didn't WISTALA?!!!!!!"


My father! He's looking for me! I have to warn him! Otherwise she'll kill him!

Can I go home, mother? I want to go play!

"You don't leave the nest except to come here. You have to learn to orient yourself, find your way back and know a map! I have to draw you the world map and teach you where the hiding places are! There are bears and wolves here!"

She smiled Machiavellianly and it clicked!

to correct suspicions:

"Mother, what is a map? The sea? And wolves and bears? Are they stones?"

Her eyes relaxed and she sighed!

Phew. The test!

I wasn't supposed to know that and I HAD to ask the question.

How cunning she is!

I took a black rock and pretended to tap a phone, just to see if I was being watched!

When I relaxed a loud voice in my back asked me "What are you doing?

Show what you got in your paw! And she forced me to open my paw to see a rock"

"Oh, sorry!" she said to me, "I thought it was something else, forgive me, darling! You know how much Mommy loves you and looks after you! There are so many things that bipeds have made that are dangerous that I see danger everywhere!"

she hugged me and I unconsciously gave her a cheek kick like felines and predators do killer whales sometimes when they have had a good hunt.

I didn't recognize myself! I was afraid of losing myself.

"Say, mother, how long do we live? Compared to animals?" I asked.

"Wistala, you don't get old! We are dragon people! Why? Are you scared?

No, I was wondering if we were dying of old age?"

Bipeds and animals yes, we don't, we're an exception."

We are immortal... The big deal. !!!!! She won't die of old age......

Bitch, nothing escapes her! It's a achievement to have sent a text message. FUCK!!!

I'm afraid the next hunt is my father.... Please! Don't do this!

"Mother!, Boredom! Can we go play outside?" I asked.

"I'm going hunting! Play here in the cave! Wistala, you watch your brothers, okay?"

"Can you bring rabbit, deer or sheep? I'd like to practice killing them! I love roasted sheep."

"There's no more wood!"

"I saw some at the entrance! Can I pick up the branches?"

"Right in front then!" At the slightest noise you fly away, okay? You don't go home to betray your brothers! Okay?"

She gave me a kiss.

She left with a tear in her eyes! I think if it had been any other way, I would love it, but we're on opposite sides.

I hit my paws on the floor with rage!

I was now 4 meters long with my tail!

I set out to prepare fire and make lots of smoke in the cave. Even with a sharp, infrared, ultraviolet or magical view, you can't see in the smoke!

Outside, I heard noise and my dragon senses were very useful to me. I recognized this noise from all of them. My brothers who had never seen or heard one could not feel the danger:

A pack of hungry wolves.! They had smelled the faecal smell of the cave and waited for the dragon to go hunting while hiding. Probably a settling of scores, but what was surprising was voices. I heard Voices!!!!!

And I wanted to hurl myself towards the voice, but my instinct put me on alert! It was the wolves talking to each other.

Oh, my God! Am I talking to animals now? So that means I'll never be able to talk to men again..


"They're here, their mother's far away! Our plan worked! All we have to do is bite them to death.

We will avenge our little ones that this monster killed."

I could feel about fifteen wolves. We had no chance! I couldn't get out anymore and our fire is insufficient. If mother fights with them, I could send a text message in confusion....mhhh risky!

What to do about it?

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