《The Nest (TOME 1)》You monster, I hate you!


I was sleeping, floating and feeling good.

I dreamt it was Christmas and we celebrated all this together. Dad used to dress like Santa Claus and all his friends like elves. It was fun. It was fun. But after the meal and the party was over, it was the snowmobile rally.

Ah, I loved it!

We were going faster and faster and faster. Dad! Dad! Dad, faster, faster, faster but we slipped and crashed into a tree and CRACK

It's all dark, and a crack of light has appeared. I'm awake but I'm suffocating and I can't breathe. It jams me and it clashes. The tree must have fallen on us.

Crack and I fall out of the cell where I was and instead of being in the forest next to the snowmobile, I am in a cave next to the colored eggs.

Nooo......... it wasn't a dream.

I'm scared! I'm scared!

Crac. The other eggs also open and monsters come out!

It's stuffy in here. But there's a big hot rock on me.

Ah, it's moving! It's the monster, I'm under his wing! A dark green head looks at me joyfully. But the mouth is full of teeth.

She's getting closer. Nooo.

A huge tongue wipes me off. And I'm shaking with fear. She's the one who attacked the plane. How do I know it's a female?

Between two licks, I look at myself to see my wounds.

No, please, it's not me!

I-I-I-I... with. My hands, where are my hands? I have 2 clawed fingers, one thumb and the rest are wings. My other fingers are lying abnormally long.

My head, I have horns! HORNS!!!!!!!

ahahhaah (I'm shaking and shocked)

I have a long neck, a tail and wings, I'm like that monster!

I have just been reborn. That shit killed me! And I don't know how she did it, but I ended up in the egg.

Yes, that's right! the egg is colored green, like me, it was pale before. He must have absorbed me when I died! It's the only explanation.

I'm her child now.

You monster, you destroyed my life! I hate you, I hate you!

His eyes are terrible. What a size! It must be about 20 meters long.

I have 2 brothers or sisters who have just been born.

The dragon then leaned over to the other 2 newborns and licked them.

We had reserves of albumin against our bellies at our belly button and we were too weak to move.

We started to breathe and swelled like air mattresses, the air and water and Mom's albumin and saliva were absorbed by our skin and tissues, swollen and stuffed. Two hours later we were three times the size of the egg and I was almost the size I was as human as I was.

We were asleep and the three of us fell asleep, brooded by the dragoness. I'll say mother for her and mum for the human.


I could smell the beast and the smell was terrible. My mother smelled like a wild animal too! It was unbearable.

We were in a kind of nest made up of branches, human bones and skins and jackets that covered the nest in layers.

I recognized my jacket on the wall of the nest.

I felt that my new life would not be as pink as before. I don't have the courage! I don't have the courage! I want to die! I can't go on like this!

Mother felt that something was wrong. My eyes were full of emotions too sophisticated for my newborn age. My movement, my gait, the way I oriented my head and especially my body awareness was something impossible for a newborn baby. She turned her head towards me and hugged me. She rubbed her cheek against my head like a mother does with her baby. Except here reptiles don't breastfeed.

They exchange heat, keep their young on them, bring them prey to finish and teach them to kill and then teach them to hunt and stay motionless for hours.

But here it's a dragon and it's very, very different. He's a super predator and at least as smart as a human being. And that's what I was most afraid of.

Keep a low profile and don't provoke her, don't provoke others.

The worst part was that I felt nothing for them, and only hatred for her. I had to hide it absolutely. Although....If I provoked her, maybe she'd kill me... and I'd get out of this nightmare, I hope. Maybe if there hadn't been the egg, I'd be in the dark for all eternity?

A second chance? I don't know, but I'm too scared to try. I'm still afraid of death...

Maybe I'll find happiness otherwise? To have my body returned to me? I doubt it....

Tears were flowing abundantly from my eyes.

Mother saw it right away and tried to comfort me.


She licked me until I stopped crying, thinking I was comforted. In fact, I couldn't take it anymore and my sadness was replaced by the annoyance.

My brothers and sisters, unable to see the difference, began to devour their shells. I was hungry but my emotions were stronger than my instincts.

I did like them and discovered that I had famous teeth. I felt like a velociraptor.

In the meantime:

Karine received a phone call from François. The plane didn't arrive and they're a day late. I called the control tower and they said they left yesterday morning.

"Honey, I'm afraid there's been an accident."

Indeed, one minute later, the police arrived at Dad's company and asked the visitors to leave because they had sad news to tell my father.

"Sir, can we call you François? Sit down.! Sit down"!

A policewoman friend of my father's held his hand.

"François, you must have guessed it, right? There was an accident with Heater. The plane was found in small pieces and, given the condition, it must have exploded in the middle of the flight. Only the pilot's and Heater's feet were found. The explosion must have been violent to leave so little. We found the black box and they were looking at something downstairs and we heard Heater's scream saying attention a big bird then iiii then a crash. the black box was in the tail of the plane and it was cut in half in mid-flight. It must have exploded on impact. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. We will do some research to find the remains but the area is wild, full of bears and wolves and, unfortunately, we will not be able to put much in the coffin. You will have to be strong, Francois."


He got up and shouted HEATER! my little HEater... AH AH AH AH AH AAAAA... by collapsing to his knees.

Karin arrived a few hours later and they sobbed and collected all the memories that were linked, objects that I loved, books they searched my computer from top to bottom to find my friends and classmates and those who were harassing me at school too. They had to pay because they will have a future and I won't.

It was heartbreaking.

Fortunately, I didn't see this scene, I'd be even more angry.

Slowly my alumina bag is resorbing and my stomach is drying. I will be able to move.

A blow, a tear and it's the end of the infection, anemia and slow death, often because of the smell of blood, my brothers or sisters could eat me alive, little by little... horror!

I had a plan: find my mobile phone and send a text message to help! I was unable to get any sound out except for squeaks and KKRr and fssss, to blow.

I had to finish my shell before the others attacked mine. It was a race against time for the one who would grow the fastest to devour others. I understood it by looking at their cruel little eyes.

We didn't talk but non-verbal communication is very high in reptiles and they always manage to make themselves understood without pushing a sound.

Please let the battery hold!

Where is Mother? She's no longer in the cave!.. Crunch, crunch, crunch, crunch, we looked at each other jealously. The scene was becoming comical! But it was far from that! As I crunched, I could see they were looking at my shell. I was almost at the end and so were they.

Get a weapon, quick! Yes, a pointed stick in the nest. I manage to extract it and the other 2 look at me surprised, not grasping the threat.

Crunch Crunch, crunch. One of them comes up to my shell and wants to bite into it and bang, a blow with a stick on the snout.

He began to moan and hid behind the other newborn.

Seeing the other frightened, he reared up and squeezed against the other, in a ball. They were afraid of me! That was the expected effect. He climbed on it and almost fell out of the nest.

I have to be careful or Mother will punish me!

I put the stick back in place but within reach.

On the wall, I saw 2 split eyes looking in my direction. I thought it was the cave wall, but it was dragon eyes, not mother's eyes. Father??? Brother? ,????

They turned to the black and from there I saw other huge yellow eyes open and look at me.

Had I committed a crime?

Now, I'm sure, many adults live here. It's a monster nest, a monster nest. A horror!

All our actions were monitored in a visible and invisible way. They're more than beasts, they're demons...

Help! Help! Help! Muuuum, darling!!!!!

zz zzz! zz zzz! zz zzz, the mobile phone is in the pocket but I don't know if the monster will come in or not! I have to do this in secret, without the others seeing.

I decide to turn it off to save the battery and slide it deep into the nest, out of reach of the other 2 who might try to taste what I touch, thinking it's food.

Then all of a sudden,


mother goes down and puts her huge legs on either side of the nest. and says dragon:

Mommy give food!

The other two try to breathe as if by reflex and repeat. I did the same.

"MMMMMM dddndn mmaagggrrr!"

Too early, too hard.

She spit out of her throat a rabbit that drooled on each of us. It was disgusting. He looked like he was caught in an oil spill and smelled like oil. She blew and the rabbit caught fire!


She took the rabbit and rubbed our snout with it so that we could recognize the smell:


She licked us and by reflex, our mouths opened like little birds and even I couldn't resist the instinct of survival. I could feel the rabbit slipping into my mouth, and sliding like a boa along my throat and down to the bottom of my stomach.

I had a disgusting heart up high.(vagal reflex)

Then she looked at my snout and the snout of the one I had hit and there was a tiny drop of blood.

She scolded me with her eyes: "Not hit brother! OKAY?"

I knew he was my brother now.

I had always dreamed of having a little or big brother but not a scaly one.

So that's how our second day went. Happiness for them, but suffering for me. Besides, I was pretty pretty and now I'm hideous.

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