《Alarulin Dreamers》CHAPTER 17 - Heartbreak
“Just as I hoped, he has made off with the princess, yet I do not recognize those two helping them… No matter, the damage has been done. It is time to land the final blow.”
The morning breeze trailed over Madia as she hobbled forward, leaning heavily on the staff Cael had left behind. The princesses were on either side of her, staying close as though to hide behind her at a moment’s notice.
Rune let out a yawn as she rubbed at her eyes. “Can’t we sleep a little longer? I’m still tired,” she murmured.
“We’re lucky we got as much sleep as we did, Rune,” Madia said. Rune did not seem to care enough to respond as she continued trailing behind Madia.
“If we keep heading north-east, we’ll reach the Vaira Stronghold,” Madia said, pointing ahead. “After the collapse of the Revrian Empire, it became a school for magic.”
That seemed to get Rune’s attention, as she snapped out of her tiredness. “Magic? In a stronghold?”
“Despite its name, it had always been known for its scholars and magicians. After the empire ended, many of them made their knowledge accessible there. There may be people there that can help us, and plenty of magical reagents to boot,” Madia explained.
Rell smiled. “Just imagine, a fortress filled with books and magic!”
Madia returned the smile and nodded. “Not only that, but it’s also quite far out of the way. A perfect place for those who would lose themselves in their research, or for those looking for shelter.”
The weary wanderers continued on, keeping themselves deep within the woods bordering the western mountains as they drifted north. The gorge had long since been left behind as the hours passed, the sun high in the sky as Madia hobbled forward, fighting the pain in her leg.
For not a single moment did Madia drop her guard as she frequently scanned the area around them, on alert for anything hostile. Much to her surprise and relief, there was naught but the wind in the trees and the footsteps of the small party against the dirt as they made their way to the northern shore. The sun began to hang low as the evening approached.
“Madia, I’m hungry,” Rell muttered.
Madia bit her lip. “I’m afraid there isn’t much we can do about that. Maybe if we get lucky, we’ll find something edible.”
“Look there!” Rune called excitedly, pointing just to the right of them.
Madia followed her gaze and saw through the underbrush a singular tree that stood out from the rest. Light-green apples were hanging from its branches, barely visible against the green of its leaves. The children exchanged excited glances before rushing forward, Madia following closely behind. Despite her own glee, she narrowed her eyes a little as she caught up to them. “That’s rather convenient,” she mused as the princesses jumped up to try and reach at the apples.
Madia stood on her toes and grabbed a branch with the tips of her fingers, pulling it down as Rell and Rune gripped at a pair of low hanging fruit, and Madia did the same. “Hold on, I want to make sure these are safe.”
Rune slouched a bit as Madia took the apples and looked them over. I doubt there is any danger, but that was terribly convenient… immediately after we began thinking about food, this lone apple tree appears in the midst of the woods. Tentatively, Madia took a cautious bite from the apple. At first, it tasted a little bitter, but after a moment the sweetness came through. She took a larger bite and chewed it methodically, before nodding. “Alright, they’re safe.” She concluded, handing the fruit back to the girls.
They graciously accepted and sat down under the tree, sating their ravenous appetites. Madia joined them and continued eating her own apple, letting its flavor wash into her mouth as she relaxed. “It feels like it’s been ages since I ate,” she chuckled softly.
Rune tossed away the core of her apple, reaching for another one. In that moment there was a loud twang. Madia gasped as she immediately dropped her food and grabbed Rune, pulling her away.
The girl let out a squeak in response as an arrow skewered the apple she was reaching for, pinning it to the tree. Rell screeched as she jumped to her feet, and Madia did the same. “Go! Quickly!” Madia shouted as she grabbed at her staff. Another arrow flew by, narrowly missing Madia as she stood up, her loose clothing trailing behind her as she ran after the princesses ahead.
“Stay on the path!” Madia commanded as she glanced over her shoulder, seeing a pair of Arden men jump out from the bushes, before spreading their wings and taking flight. “And whatever you do, stay in the woods!” she insisted.
Catching up with the girls, she took the lead grimacing as the pain in her leg flared up, using the staff to keep herself skipping onwards. There is no way we can outrun them in this condition! Her mind raced as she tried to think of a solution.
“Rell, the poultice!” Madia said as she ran beside her.
“I-I don’t have much!” Rell responded, reaching to the pouch that had been emptied of dust in the river the day before.
Madia took it immediately and now was faced with a new dilemma as she hobbled forward with the staff under her arm. The stronghold is not far. The question of what to do with what little magic she had at her disposal was one she didn’t have time to think carefully on, so with a moment of focus, she shoved her hand into the little leather bag. A thick, dark-green substance coated her fingers as she pulled her hand out. She dared to look over her shoulders as she tied the pouch to her staff. Her heart wavered as she saw who was among the Arden giving chase.
There could be no doubt. The calm yet intense expression, the long and dry white hair, and the cape on his back. Tuulin was with them.
Having to change her plans on the fly, she looked forward again and redirected her magic into her legs, willing with all her might that the pain would go away. In a surge of energy, she suddenly felt strength course through her veins. Her surprise only lasted a moment, as seconds later another arrow whizzed by. She picked up speed as the pain dimmed and she began to sprint, holding the staff in one hand now. There was smoke rising from her fingers as she discovered there was a little bit of the concoction left. One more spell. Make it count!
As she pulled ahead of the princesses, they too began to run as fast as they could, no longer worried about leaving their protector behind.
Madia clenched her hand into a fist and snapped it to the side, causing a brief flash of light before the last of the poultice fizzled off her fingers. At that moment, her senses were flooded with feeling, being able to hear and see everything around her much more clearly. It was almost as though she could see what was coming before it had happened as she ducked out of the way of another arrow and kept her eyes forward.
She jumped over a collection of roots only to have the shaft of yet another arrow launch at her. She barely reacted in time, whipping her arm and consequently her staff around as she blindly deflected the projectile. She surprised herself as the arrow hit the ground behind them, her eyes wide in shock. Did I just-? Her confusion lasted only a moment as the arrows continued to fly.
Up ahead, she could see the walls of the stronghold towering above, carved into the mountain cliffs. “Come on! Not much further!” Madia cried desperately as the trees began to thin out. The protection the forest had given them would soon end, and the Arden would surely catch up then.
The three of them leapt out of the underbrush as they entered the clearing leading up to the fortress, sprinting for all their might. The Arden seemed to have fallen behind, as she glanced over her shoulder and did not immediately spot them through the leaves. As she turned her attention forward again though, her heart sank as she found the wooden-and-iron gate closed.
“No… no no no-!” She nearly screeched as she slammed into the door, pounding her hands and arms against it. “Let us in, please! We’re under attack!” Madia screamed. The princesses joined her as they pleaded with the enormous door before them.
Another arrow flew by, striking the door and shaking as it embedded itself into the wood. Rell screamed as she moved behind Madia. Suddenly there was a loud clang from within the stone walls, and the sound of chains grinding was heard, the gate creaking before them. Hope flared up in her chest as she turned around to face the incoming Arden. Four of them jumped out of the forest, and Tuulin was brandishing his blade as he rushed after them.
Madia held Aevum’s staff in front of her defensively, recalling the level of focus she achieved earlier. Come on, Madia, it’s now or never! With a battle cry, she stepped forward, taking a defensive stance as she began to swing her staff, spinning it in her hands as she knocked arrows out of thin air. Time seemed to slow down for her as she locked her vision onto each individual shaft that shot forward. The door behind them began to rise at a painfully slow pace as Madia faced Tuulin, who slowed down and stopped, seeming to hold an aggressive stance as he approached more cautiously now.
As more arrows came, Madia struck them with her staff one at a time, every movement flowing with her as her senses were pushed to their limits. Every sound and every movement told Madia everything she needed to know in order to defend against the infrequently fired arrows. Tuulin ahead seemed more curious now as he narrowed his eyes, before pointing his sword towards Madia.
Madia processed what was happening a moment too late. Three arrows fired in unison, and Madia felt her heart stop. She gripped the staff and took one step back, striking one arrow while it was still ahead of her and another while it was passing her. She whirled around to strike the third arrow, but her staff barely missed it as it escaped her.
“NO-!” A voice she was not expecting accompanied her desperate cries. Tuulin had extended a hand as well as he echoed Madia’s word.
Madia barely managed to see the princesses as they huddled against the door, waiting for it to rise enough to slip under. The two saw the arrow, and everything seemed to go silent as Rune opened her mouth to scream in terror, closing her eyes. There was a sickening thump, followed by a gasp of pain as Madia watched in horror.
Rune’s eyes blinked open, and Madia fell to her knees as Rell stood in front of her little sister, an arrow protruding from her back. The princess coughed, her hands on the door and Rune beneath her, before she collapsed to the side, her white robes slowly turning crimson.
Madia’s breathing began to pick up, her chest rising and falling as her entire body shook. “N-no… R-Rell,” she whispered as her head stared down at the ground below.
Another arrow flew by, and without even looking at it, Madia raised her staff and struck it, sending it spinning up into the air. Her mind went blank for a moment. This cannot be happening… this cannot be happening!
Her shock seemed to last only a moment as she pulled herself to her feet and whipped around, teeth clenched as she looked at the Arden, who were now holding their fire. She saw a look on Tuulin’s face she never expected to see.
He began to back up as Madia cried out in fury and anguish, lunging forward with the weapon she had inherited from Aevum and Cael. The earth seemed to shake with every step she took. Tuulin jumped back, now on the defensive as he raised his blade to block Madia’s first strike. He swung back, but Madia read his every move as she felt an unusual strength course through her. She ducked, spinning her staff and striking her opponent upside the head. He tumbled backwards, barely regaining his footing before Madia came at him yet again.
The other Arden rushed to his aide, but before they had even moved, Madia had sensed their intent. She dodged backwards as they drew their weapons and Madia struck their blades with her staff. Tuulin continued to back away as the other three took over.
Madia’s vision shook as though the world was shifting around her as she fought three against one. Even against those odds, one by one she struck them back, keeping them away before finally, with a cry of anger, she struck the ground in front of her with her staff.
There was a deep, thunderous boom, echoed by what sounded like ice cracking around them. Madia blinked in confusion as the ground she had just hit began to crumble and collapse. She jumped backwards again to get away from the fissure forming ahead of her. The Arden yelped in surprise as they tried to take off, only to lose their footing before their wings could take them into the air. All three of them scrambled as the earth gave out beneath them, Tuulin watching on in shock and fear as his men fell into the earth below. He clenched his teeth and let out a growl before leaping into the air and spreading his wings, leaving Madia behind.
Madia panted and loosened her grip on her staff, before remembering what was still behind her. She spun and sprinted back to the gate, where the door was nearly completely open now. Men and women were gathered around in the courtyard just inside the fortress, having pulled Rune and Rell within the walls. The people gathered were murmuring and whispering to each other as Madia fought her way through the crowd.
“Out of my way- out of my way!” she cried as she pushed past everyone. Tears were already forming in her eyes as she got through and found Rune and Rell in the middle of the crowd. “Don’t just stand there, get help! Please!” Madia shouted desperately as she fell to her knees again, kicking up grass as she skidded to a halt in front of the princesses. She immediately picked up Rell, holding her close.
She was still breathing, sputtering a bit as she tried to keep her eyes open. “M-... Madia…” Rell choked.
“Shhh, shh… it’s gonna be okay, Rell, you’re gonna be fine! You’re gonna be fine,” Madia said again and again.
“M-Madia, it hurts…”
Madia reached around to Rell’s back, feeling for where the arrow was, finding it buried deep into her back. “Oh Rell…” she whimpered as she realized that it was far too deep to pull out without making things worse. “Hold on, Rell. Just hold on! Please…”
Rell raised a shaky hand to Madia’s face, her eyes nearly closed as she coughed in Madia’s arms. “Is Rune okay…?”
Madia nodded as tears streamed down her face, nearly gagging on her own words. “Y-yes, Rell… she’s safe, she’s right here.”
Rell stared for a moment, before a slight smile appeared on her face, barely managing to look at her sister. Rune knelt, her own tears soaking her face as her lip quivered. “Rune…” Rell’s voice was getting quieter. “I-I’m sorry…”
Rune held her sisters’ hand as her mouth hung open. “N-no, Rell you… you can’t die. P-please don’t die, don’t leave me here...”
Rell quivered in Madia’s arms, the smile disappearing off her face as she gasped in pain. She gripped Rune’s hand tightly, while the other fell limp to her side. Rell looked into Madia’s eyes, before she managed to open her mouth.
“Th-thank you…” Rell closed her eyes as her breathing slowed, then stopped.
A silence fell over the stronghold, even the crowd stopped their muttering as they all held their heads low. The only voice that broke the air was Rune’s strangled cries. “Rell… Rell, please-! Please Rell, don’t go!”
Madia closed her eyes tightly as Rell went limp in her arms. She pulled her in close, holding her now lifeless form to her as she sobbed uncontrollably.
“Why do you always have to do this!” Rune shouted angrily. “Why can’t you just think about yourself for once! Why could you not just let me take care of myself, just for once in your life!!” she screamed. Tears poured from her eyes as she placed her head against her older sister. “W-why… we’ve been through everything together… I can’t follow you anymore if you’re-” She didn’t even manage to finish the thought before her voice trailed off and she cried into her sister’s body, gasping for air.
Madia shivered as she struggled to bring herself to say a word, or even utter a sound aside from her bitter sobs. After a short moment, she began to rock back and forth with Rell in her arms. She took a breath and opened her eyes, which she could hardly see through by now. With an unstable voice, she began to hum softly, struggling to maintain the tune as she swayed with the young princess, giving her one last lullaby as her last sleep took her.
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