《Time Travel System》6. Deathshot


[Look like your time’s up, Nathan]

“Yes, I can’t find any objection with you this time system.”

Usually, I just refute any comment from the system, but this situation is different. Previously, there always place for me to hide, but this time there no safe place here when the moon is falling to earth, the speed of its falling is abnormally fast. And with no doubt, it will be devastating to the planet, and more importantly, it aims at me.

The impact of moon crashing to earth will make earth temperature rise. Based on moon fall rate, after the collision, earth surfaces will be even hotter than sun surfaces. There also will be many tsunamis around the earth if the water doesn’t immediately evaporate. One thing for sure, it will sterilize the planet from all living creature.

As I said, everybody will die. But I hope I won’t die this soon.

However, even the threat of the moon descending towards me still less than that man with casual clothes. He is covering he and his teammates with something like protection without breaking a sweat, and from their look, it seems this situation won’t affect any of them. Some of them even grinning when looking at my expression and earth impending doom.

“Is life just a game for them?” I can't help saying this remark while seeing this apocalypse situation.

[I think you don’t have any right to talk like that]

“Aren’t you even on my side?”


“Hmph, even Magikarp is more helpful than you.”

[Are you referencing something again?]


[I will search that in Akashic records, wait for it]

Looking at notification, I can’t even. Why would you're using Akashic records for something useless like that?

Well, whatever, I need to do something, but there is nothing that I can think that can destroy the moon with my ability help, even if I can bring the powerful nuclear weapon humanity ever created, Tsar Bomba and exploding it, it won't cause even a dent in the moon.

What I can do in this situation, can I even survive? Also if by some dog-shit luck I can survive, can I even winning against those men? As expected my hope to survive is just to flee into the past, but even now it still failed. I must think another way in the meantime, it is foolish to believe it will succeed in a critical situation when even in normal condition it always failed.

And about those men, I will think about it when I can surviving this ordeal.


My name is Kinana, I’m one of the early Senwyn followers before she even becomes one of founder revolutionary army and become vice leader there. My position in the revolutionary army is as one of the elite troops, and mostly responsible for misdirection and information war tactics. However, it doesn’t mean I weak like a regular strategist, on the contrary, I belonged to the stronger side here, but my talent to misdirecting enemy is indispensable, so I didn’t get approval to go to front-line.

But because of that too, I become one of the survivors in elite teams at Nathans ambush, I didn’t go in the front-line when that happened. When everything is over, what I know is every elite in front-lines are death except for three people, one of survivor is Senwyn, but even her got severe injuries in their escape.

It’s like a joke, why that man has power like that. Don’t heaven have eyes? Every hero I admire, every senior I respect, every friend I dear, everything I value destroyed by that man, Nathan the Tyrant. Is there no justice in this world, why evil who's always won in the end, where are the promised happy ever after.


Well, I just curse in my mind, the world isn’t sunshine and rainbow, there is no justice in this world, there is no happily ever after, and the strong is the one who always wins.

I know that from the start, but still, in front of Nathan, I want once, just once, a miracle happens and throw him from his throne. But a miracle is called miracle because it never happens, this revolution is no exception. In our last chance, we lost horribly.

Everyone in elite teams is dead because of Nathan ambush, even Travis who fight valiantly with him alone to give them an opportunity to escape. But like us, Nathan isn't alone, there also his minions who're ambushing our teams. More and more of them perished in their retreat while protecting each other. In the end just a few of them who survive, but even that is with a hefty price.

Now, there are just eight elite fighters left, and most of them survive because they have another mission on hand. We hide from universe to another universe, and from time to another time randomly while waiting for Senwyn to recover.

Sometimes we meet another ordinary member of the revolutionary army who scattered in the multiverse, and we let them enter our group after confirming their identity.

With Senwyn leadership, we move to another universe without obstruction, even if there any some local overlord we can kill them quite quickly. I didn’t know what she wants to do. But I, no, we know there a pattern in every her movement, and she ensures there are no threats to us before moving to another universe. So, we trust our life to her.

One day, she announces that she found the way to travel to a newly created timeline and we can erase Nathan from that timeline forever. She decides that she will go to that multiverse and remove Nathan from that timeline permanently, but that mean she will abandon her war here.

At first, there many commotions between revolutionary army but at the end, they choose to follow her. Well, that’s understandable, the war on this side is a lost cause, and even if they can win against Nathan, their loved one can’t come back.

But, in that multiverse is different, their loved one is still alive, and they have an actual chance to save them. It’s a selfish reason, but who isn’t.

Finally, all of the revolutionary army members go to that timeline, fleeing from the tyranny of Nathan on this side.

After I come and opening my eyes, I’m seeing lava and there a trace of death everywhere. Well, this temperature is nothing for me, but for the weak member, this is very serious.

“What happens here?” I’m asking one of the nearest fighters with silver armor.

“Lady Kinana, it’s like Nathan kill them all with a nuclear bomb and earth’s core,” he answers decisively.

“Hmm, he is already this strong when it’s not even a day after his awakening?” I can’t help but surprised by Nathan talent.

It makes me ponder, to make destruction to this scale how long the time I used to train. It’s a week after awakening I have this scale of destruction. Even if I called a prodigy, that feel paled in comparison to Nathan talent.

“What happens here?”, Hearing a familiar voice behind me, Tyrell voice, one of member elite troops in the revolutionary army. I turn around and explaining what happened to him.

He's silently hearing my explanation. He has blue eyes and blue hair like his grandfather, but what out of place is that blue headphone hanging on his neck.


“So it’s like that. And where the other elites?”, he changes the topic while checking at their death

“They still don’t arrive” I'm shortly answering while looking around

“What, seriously? I know I’m stronger than you but aren’t that mean I weaker than those bunch of musclehead, I will be teased to death by them after this is over” his face turn sour after saying that.

“Oh, don’t forget that Senwyn suppresses a big portion of her power before she comes here to travel faster, and she still arrives later than you,” I put more salt in his wound while can, and that make his face turn greener than before.

Not long after I can feel a peculiar change in the sky, I can’t see anyone with my naked eyes, but after I'm using my sight ability, I can see Nathan standing in the air.

“He is in the sky,” I tell everyone here.

“I know and he trying do something” his eyes changing to black while seeing at Nathan direction.

I see hot orange liquid scattered in the sky, it falling fast towards us.

“What a joke,” while saying that, I transmute those lavas become many bubbles and commanding those bubbles to attack Nathan.

“Good job, time to taunt that guy.”

“Um, isn’t it better to kill Nathan right now?”

“Nah, it doesn’t matter he will die anyway, why not make him taste his medicine and make him feeling despair.”

“That sounds like a bad idea,” well he still ignores my saying and casting his ability to all of us and make us fly to the sky and meet face to face with young Nathan.

He's quite tall for people at his age and looks like an average joe, his hair and eyes still black and there no suppressing aura emanating from his body. If I don't know better, I will doubt this person will bring disaster to every world.

There a happy feeling in my heart when seeing his condition right now. One of his hand is cut off, and a sword pierced his chest. But looking at that and he yet loses consciousness, It seems his endurance is quite good, well that doesn’t matter he will die anyway.

“Well, well, what we got here. Nathan, You will die”, you seriously taunting him Tyrell?

“Everyone will die.”


I can’t believe Nathan still have guts to speaking witty at this moment, well at least Tyrell become angry and want to end this fast. I can see he is pulling the moon as a weapon against Nathan and after that, he's making protections to all of us. In less than three minutes the moon will hit the earth and kill all creature on this planet.

But if Nathan never cares when he destroyed our world, why would we care when we destroying his?


The moon is getting closer and closer, it will hit the earth in less than a minute.

No matter how hard I think, I can’t get any solid idea to survive this calamity or something that can destroy the moon, even if there is some weapon that strong enough to destroy the moon, I don’t know where it is and I can’t mark that weapon when it's hard even to imagine it shape.

From the beginning, while I think I still trying to fleeing to the past but it is for naught. So, my only choice is now bet. Gambling that my enemy doesn’t realize until it too late and betting that I will get that dogshit luck.

I remove my foothold, make me falling free while I prepare my other skill.

‘Time Ball Projection’

It’s a skill that projecting balls from my time power, there no effect I can observe in this first level but at least it can fly. That’s what I need right now.

I'm projecting many balls and covering my body, trying to fly at low altitude, and get behind that man and his soldiers. In this moments I'm observing their facial movement carefully, and I can see the man with blue hair smiling as if he says he can read my plan and that futile. On the other hand, the woman changing her facial expression and want to warn him but it's too late, he's already snapping his fingers and vanished from that place.

“Wait, he can teleport?”

I perplexed, Why am I even making those people as my enemies in the future? But I can’t think another thing right now, in a few seconds the moon will hit the earth.

I need to go down faster and faster, why? I realized before that all of those soldiers appearing from the same spot.

Earlier, I'm just thinking about how to destroy the moon with my ability, but that notion is a wrong from the start. The question I must ask is, who can destroy that moon? Not me, obviously. It's them, the people who're pulling it in the first place, but putting expectation to them is a foolish decision.

The new question is, who can I depend to destroy the moon other than them? The answer is someone who stronger than them. Who? It's a fighter who will appear after this.

The problem is, it depends on great luck on my side. Hoping there will appear a stronger man in specific time, and reflexively destroy the moon. Usually, I wouldn't choose this type of hopeless gamble, but there is no choice.

So, I'm betting with my life, if I can go to behind that spot and in minuscule probability, appear one of those soldiers, it can destroy the moon who directed to him. If not, tough luck.

I hope a miracle will befall me this time.

I can see the moon getting nearer every second.

“Please appear, please appear.”

I never pray this much in my whole life before, not like I ever pray, but I still chanting it over and over again.

I already behind that spot but there no sign of someone will appear, the moon burning from friction with air, it even clearer than before.

“Well, tough luck,”

I’m saying that because there no way for me to survive this, I already put my maximum effort, and satisfied even dying right here. I already saw something that never seen by any human before in their entire life.

But, just after I said that I can feel fluctuation in time, and here a big earthquake can be felt. The tip of my mouth curled upward, looking there someone appears.

*Crack* *Crack* *Prang*

In front of me appear a beauty out of this world, wearing a fitting black shirt with no sleeve matching her black ponytail hair and eyes color. In contrast, her skin is white like a pearl, she like a princess in the fairytale if there no green tribal tattoos on her left arm into her neck.

But enough describing beauty like xianxia novel. This beauty in front of my eyes is just freezing a freaking moon and make it scatter become particles of light.

“Tyrell, what I say about killing Nathan,” After viewing her surrounding, she talking in a small voice but can reach the entire world.

“I’m sorry, I can’t hold back my feeling to taunt him,” from nowhere there a voice from that man, like a subordinate who scared with this lady.

“Don’t think that because you one of the elite troops you won’t get any punishments”, her voice firm, like a commander reprimanded her subordinate.

“I won’t dare, Senwyn”

When I observe the situation and hearing that name, I know the beauty in front of me is the one who's leading this attack.

[Fuck] ‘Fuck’

I don’t care how minuscule the probability, my only hope to survive from her is fleeing into the past right here, right now.




In a few seconds, without even concentrating I just spamming time travel skill, my time power reducing rapidly and as expected it failed each time.

I’m seeing Senwyn lifting his hand, and chanting something. There nowhere to run, the blue hair and his friends already appear and surrounding me. Well, at least I bring many of their companions with me before.

I become nervous, what type of ridiculous attack from the leader this time, supernovas? Blackholes? At least I can see something astonishing once again before I die.

I can feel tremor everywhere, and the lava before vanishes without a trace. From the ground, many bones rise, muscles springs while knitting each other and red skin covering them. Finally, after those skin change to a natural color, identifying them become possible, they are those soldiers that I killed earlier.

‘What the heck, she can even bring everyone alive? Isn’t this cheating?”

It’s disheartening when watching at my kill count back to zero, and she starting to looking to me, I can’t help to think this is my final moment in front of her.



[Time Travel Succeed: Destination Amazon. The year 1677]

[Do you want to go there?]


‘Fuck yes, anywhere but here.’

[You will be transferred in 10 seconds]


“What? Shit”

I can see her approaching me, I need to stall.


“Why would you want to kill me? What injustice even I do to you, with your power you can reverse every wrongdoing I did”, I don’t know what to say and just asking that.


“You know nothing, you are the one who…”, it’s the blue hair who is talking but stopping in the middle because Senwyn stare.


“First of all,” Senwyn talking in smooth voice but firm while smiling.


[Warning: Skill Disturbed by Third Party. Time Travel Caceled]

Looking at the notification, I can’t help want to scream and curse.

“Now, now, I’m here right” Senwyn talking again, I'm looking at her and after that, her aura changing.

I can feel my blood freezing, and from every pore on my body like stabbed by a thousand needles. I see my body disintegrate from feet become light, even it’s beautiful it actually hurts like hell.

‘Damn it, why this Senwyn is so practical when killing people’

[Well, tough luck]

Look like the last person I spoke is you, system. Well, that is exciting when it last.

“Right, it’s just a short time, but I’m blessed ever to know you.”

[Pokedex entry 132, Ditto]

“Did you just referencing Pokemon?”


I’m chuckling after reading that window, our chattering makes me remember my childhood adventure with my friend and encounter many things.

However, as everyone said, an encounter will always be accompanied by separation.


[Good Bye]

[You Died], the last thing I see.

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