《Harmony: An Assassins Tale》Chapter 30: The War Begins


The war had begun, almost instantly after I explained to them our plan. Since it wasn't much time before I had explained it to them, everyone seemed to be a bit confused, but then after a while they were rallied and then the real battle begun. Those who didn't realize this soon enough had passed, and since most Reapers had a cooldown of 2 days, they wouldn't be of any use for quite a while now. The remaining though, started the fight, and the massacre begun.

The Tactics, led by Trinity and Michael first surrounded the Flugre,Dragon,Demons and Angels. Trinity seperated them into four so that it would be equal amongst each race, and then Trinity had The Bait circle them around so that The Savages could take the finishing blow. I myself didn't participate in this, rather I was waiting for there army to thin, so that I could take down there generals when they aren't guarded, because they always have around 100 people to protect them, because they can't fight alone, like the wuss they were.

After that, I simply watched Trinity and assess her abilities, because this is the first time she actually lead a group of people, or fought in an army at that. Trinity seemed to be doing well. She first told the generals of both The Bait and The Savages about what to do. Then, they decided to first take out the Dragons, because they were the strongest after time. She first split the group of 50,000 into 1,000 for each dragon, leaving the extra 40,000 to hold back the others. out of this 1,000, there were about 250 Tactics, 50 Savages, and 700 Bait. The Bait was to circle around the dragon, and lure them into a certain position. After that, The Tactics would trap them into a certain spot and then the Savages would go for the kill. This took careful co-ordination, and if these all were much better listeners and so, even 100 in total would have been plenty. When the Bait first took position, the Dragons didn't seem to understand the idea, and went straight for them. The best part of all this was the fact that only the Lords know the actual way to kill a Reaper, and it seemed that they didn't tell their army yet. The Dragons were able to kill, well , knock out, about 600 of the Bait, and the other 100 were able to lure him to the correct positon. The Tactics then split into a group of 5, and created a pentagon shape around the dragon. While the Dragon was focusing towards the Bait, the Tactics shot magical bullets which were to attempt to either stop his movement, or move him to the spot necessary. Then it was time for the killing blow. The Savaged split into 2 teams, 25 each. 25 of them jumped from above to try and render his wings useless, and may as well try to kill him. If he was still alive, then the other 25 would attack from the ground to kill him.


This worked for about 9 of the Dragons, but the last one, the Dragon General, which, to my surprise, was actually Osroes. "I have decided to learn from the Human Lord's words, and I've come to avenge the killer of both him, and my father. I was allowed to take this position by RagNar-Ok, and so I owe him a great debt. Now I shall either kill you right now or will die in the process. Now, let us play, Diablo." The team that was meant to take care of the general was killed in mere seconds, and it made Trinity worried, she started biting her nails. "Tch! Damn, didn't think that through, well, anyways, I hope you can take care of him, Raizel, the rest of you, come with me, Jennifer, go knock yourself out, there are many more people to fight!" and Jennifer seemed happy enough. "Yes! That is great! I can finally test out my new power! Tell Michael to hide somewhere, because what I'm going to do with them will scar him, so please, hide him, I can't control myself anymore!" and she ran, without thinking , to the midst of the battlefield, and started slaughtering angels,demons, and flugre alike. I then faced towards Osroes, who already pounced at me when I wasn't even ready.

"You shouldn't let your guard down, Diablo!" but I easily deflected his attack. He was weaker then his father, Osros, to my surprise, as he was a Void Dragon, and Osros was a Steel Dragon. The Void are considered the strongest, yet still he was weaker than a Steel, which amazed me. He kept on charging at me, yet I dodged with ease, than I saw his big teeth showing, as I dodged one of his attacks. He then whipped me to the side with his tail, and he got a hit on me, and I was flinged towards the wall. The Reaper society was big, but if this was to continue , the whole Society would be in danger, so I grabbed Osroes from his tail, and teleported him to somewhere more vacant, The Fallen Island. The Fallen were the biggest enemy of us, the Reapers. They are the souls who are roaming free and are meant to be reaped, but this Island was long since vacant, so it was no worry, as there are only 2 or 3 Fallen left.

The battle had just started. The Island was barren, with stone, so the land was pretty plain, which was bad for me because he is bigger, and has more of an advantage in a place like this. He started off with a barrier, which his father also used, but I already knew its weakness, and that it was better when used in the Dragon Dimension. I simply destroyed the barrier because it served no purpose for the both of us. Since he was a Void, I knew his ME was much stronger. He seemed to try and put up the barrier again, and so I supposed it was something that buffed him , in a way. I decided to put in my own barrier. I like to call it, the Void Reborn Rebirth, or VRR for short. I called VRR and it destroyed his barrier instantly, as mine was much bigger. "Although you specialize in using your Mind Emifer, mine is still much stronger than yours, now, lets see how you like my own barrier, VRR!" and so it began. VRR was a special barrier designed by Trinity, and could only be used by me. Essentialy it kills your usage of your senses, and also creates illusions, confusing you constantly. He seemed to be directly into it, screaming in agony as he saw his fears.


It seemed to easy at first, considering that RagNar-Ok himself was a well known tacticion himself, I wondered why he chose Osroes. The state he is in, I bet even Michael could take him on, granted he was very angry. Osores than started screaming louder and louder, until his screams began to become so loud I decided to take away his gift of cords, and he couldn't scream anymore, just like a regular Dragon. So he continued thrashing about, while I was watching him, laughing , letting my sadistic side take the betterment of me. I wanted to see him in more pain, I wanted to see him thrash about more, but in the midst of his thrashing, I noticed something odd. It was that he was showing his teeth again, he... he... he was laughing? I realized my mistake that instant.

My Barrier had no effect to begin with. His barrier does just that, it negates ME in a certain radius. I was right. Around him, was a barrier, tinted in a gradient of Red and black, being dark black on the bottom, and dark red on the top. He wasn't effected at all, and the lost of his cords made it even easier to hide that fact. Since he wasn't speaking, he was also able to focus more on using his ME, rather than talking in the midst, but I could tell he was laughing.

He then, with a simple shake, pulled out of VRR, and started attacking me once more. "Ahh, you are much more challenging then I expected, Osroes. Well then, let us begin our fight, for real now!" and I decided to end this quickly by using my familiar, because my Soul Emifer was necessary at this point. "Come on out, Sadisuto!" and Sadisuto, my sadistic little familiar, came out. He was a mutant, not a hybrid. A mutant was like a hybrid, but rather than having there abilities, they had there looks at physical strength, and he was a Mutant of Reaper,Dragon, and Demon, an ultimate evil weapon. He was around 600 years old, a young one, in Dragon terms.

Sadisuto is as strong as God, yet his power depended on his Master. Depending on the strength of his Master, was his strength. Sadisuto was my familiar, so his power was well beyond Trinity's . As Osroes came to attack me, Sadisuto came in front, and with his tiny little wings, created a gust strong enough to push Osroes back. His happiness seemed to vanish, as he knew things were going to get a bit more tough.

So now, my battle with Osroes had ended, and it was Sadisuto's turn to take care of him. "Sadi, after your done killing him, meet me back at base, so we can start our invasion at the Dragons." and that seemed to anger Osroes a bunch more, which cleared my suspicions. "RNo is not at home , is he? He is most likely fighting off my friends, or more like, 'There' friends." I said, pointing towards the Flugre. I've had a secret treaty amongst Trine which was that she was to aid me if there was any war against me, and I would do the same, so she lended me 10,000 Flugre, and I gave her 15,000 Reapers. I then flew back to Reaper Society, keeping my Rift open, such that I can watch Sadisuto.

I then took my eyes off that battle for a while to continue analysing Trinity. She seemed to be doing right, for the most part, yet with the littlest mistake, she freaks out. Jennifer seemed to have 2 wounds, one on the arm , and the other on the right leg, yet she was unfazed by it, and continued to mow through the armies. I then took the final calculation.

Dragons Left: 1

Demons Left: 6,000

Angels Left: 8,000

Flugre Left: 2,000

Reapers Left: 25,000.

It started with 10 Dragons, 15,000 Demons, 10,000 Angels, and 5,000 Flugre, with about 50,000 Reapers at base, the rest already went to the other Dimensions, to worry them out a bit.

So, at the moment, it seemed like we were losing, but Trinity hasn't fully planned out, exactly, but next time we fight, our casulties will be cut in half. I continued watching, when I realized that the Demon General decided to tangle with me. With him was the Angel General, and the Flugre General. "Ahh, Taubi, Yuuki, and Yarmi. How are you doing today? I'm sorry about this, but I must kill you. Well then, goodbye!" and my fight continued on, this time, with three people, and with only one more trump card, besides my Soul Emifer.

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