《Stupid Cat》7- Date


Reyna kept three paces behind Ichi wearing a tightly wound kimono on the way to school. Ichi felt a warm simmering behind him, reminded him of a hot tub he went to once with his mom while she was still alive.

"Would you do me the pleasure of accompanying me this Saturday? I want to go moon-viewing. Rikya's house has a nice rooftop, that sounds like a wonderful place. Around midnight would be beautiful." Reyna said.

"Sure," Ichi responded. He wondered if Rikya would mind.

"I have a dress picked out. It's a white one piece, but I'm worried about the color... I think red suits me better, don't you think so?"

"White's better on you." Ichi turned and grinned, watching the smiling Reyna adjust her kimono.

"I like red."

"It's up to a girl what she wears to a date." Ichi shrugged.

"I promise an exciting evening." Reyna chuckled.

With that, small pleasant comments between the two lovers were sent back and forth on the way to school. It'd be a date he might die for, Ichi thought. As they passed through the trees they stayed silent, Ichi's heart thumped in anticipation of an attack from behind, by Reyna parted to the schoolhouse peacefully.

Ichi went to the back of the schoolhouse, where he could hear shots from Myon. Myon stood there, ample breasts present as always, with one hand firing a stream of careful shots. Bottles stood up on the rungs of a fence teetered back as she hit them, then she walked over to set them all up again when she met Ichi's eyes from a distance.

Waving at him, Myon curled her hand toward herself in a come over here command. Ichi followed, meeting her at the fence.

"Stay here and set them up," Myon pointed to the glass bottles. Not a single one was even cracked, even though there was a small pile strewn across the ground and onto of each other. Ichi complied as Myon went distant. Myon turned on her way out to the shooting stand which was a chalk mark in the ground. "Don't move. I'm serious, I could put an eye out."


Ichi stood by the side of the fence, instinct telling him to bolt. However, he felt something within saying that if he backed off now, he'd hurt Myon's feelings. Either way, twelve shots rang out and the bottles got hit just enough to land on the ground behind the fence in the grass. Falling from the fence the shot bottles missed the bottles strewn across the ground as they made no sound falling into place.

Then, Myon came over, climbing on the fence close to Ichi.

"Did Reyna say anything?" Myon asked.

"Date this Saturday," Ichi said pointing to the rooftop of the schoolhouse, "up there. Think Rikya will mind?"

"Not a matter of minding or not. Reyna didn't take the news well?" Myon sighed.

"We're about to fight to the death, for sure. You got a favorite? For the fight." Ichi said looking at her side boob unintentionally, then intentionally.

Myon waved her hand, like swishing away his line of sight as she caught him.

"Syon and Reyna... seem to be friends."

Ichi blushed and looked away, noticing that Myon noticed with a flash of her eyes.

"So? Is that all my life is worth?"

Myon laughed, turning to meet Ichi's gaze.

"The seer's council gave Reyna a week. That means, they gave her preparation time. Either they were too lazy to do the ritual to transfer the cat right away, or they value her more than you." Myon looked away, half whispering. "They're so creative with their 'punishments'."

"What, did the seer's council do this on purpose to have Reyna whack me off?"

Myon stayed silent for a second, humming under her breath and biting her lip.

"Maybe? Either way, I have plans. Want to hear them?"

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