《The Lucky One》Chapter 5: Information could save your life.


Honoka was filled with disbelief when she learned of the information, also the blue motes of light around her seemed extremely magical.

"Focus on the blue orb in your thoughts to know the information about your skill."

Honoka quickly did what Shin said, but there was no useful information other than the skill Sword Flash consumes 10 mana, and that it last for 5 minutes.

When Shin was told about it, he frowned. He also tried checking his special skill Luck!!! but failed to find anything useful.

Unlike his skill Absolute Defense which he got a basic description, special skills seemed to be something different, and effects could only be known if used.

Shin was eager to test out Honoka's skill, but he was also curious about the title she got. After some thought, he glanced towards Koari and said. "Honoka, give Kaori the sword and let her level up too."

Honoka wasn't sure if it was right to let someone frail like Koari to kill those creatures so she hesitated and kept hold of the sword.

With that, Shin quickly went out to lure some enemies. After a few seconds, he came back with several creatures following behind him.

"Honoka, quickly give Kaori the sword and let her attack these creatures fast."

Koari had a firm expression and grabbed the sword then started stabbing the creatures which Shin tightly held in place. If not for Shin's Absolute Defense it would have been impossible to create such situation and enable Kaori to kill those creatures.

Unlike Honoka, Kaori had a hard time killing them, but she brimmed with determination as she kept stabbing the creatures.

Honoka was beside her assisting her in case something goes wrong, and a creature attack her.

After a while, Koari killed enough for her to gain a level. Information flowed in her mind and experienced the same thing as Shin and Honoka.

Level 1: Holy Beast Summoner

Strength : 5

Agility : 5

Vitality : 10

Spirit : 25

Luck: 15

Mana : 250

Unused stat point : 2

Special Skill : Summon Holy Beast.

After receiving the information, she quickly focused on the orb inside her thoughts since she already heard it from Shin.

Then she got the information that the skill Summon Holy Beast requires 150 mana and the summoned beast could only last for 30 minutes.

When she told Ming Li the information, Ming Li thought deeply for some time and asked. "Do you love animals?"

Kaori was shocked how Ming Li knew that trait of her and she nodded eagerly.

"How about you Honoka, do you like swords?"

Honoka also nodded, it was somewhat obvious that she like swords from her movement. She practiced several martial arts, but kendo was the thing she was most passionate about.

"So the special title is somewhat linked to your passion, and a skill is manifested along with it." Shin thought as he analyzed his own special title.

With that, they proceeded with their journey, but this time, along with Honoka, it was easier to kill the creatures.

While slowly walking, a sudden occurrence startled Shin, a swarm of creatures suddenly came at them from an abandoned building. There were around thirty, which was the most they have encountered so far.


Luckily, Shin's vitality is still boosted by his special skill. Quickly, he used his remaining mana to activate Absolute Defense and his body to block the swarm, while Honoka followed closely behind.

This time, Honoka activated her skill, her sword felt lighter as if it was not even existing, mist started to appear from it and she felt that swinging that sword was incredibly easier.

While Shin was killing the creatures on his path, Honoka, with her skill, sliced a creature beside Shin. The movement of her slash was extremely fast, and only after images could be seen.

Even Shin was completely amazed by it. Quickly, she was able to kill the creature with three slashes which did not even last a single breath!

At the back, Honoka eyes also glowed with blue light. In front of her, a magical symbol appeared in the floor, then the blue motes of light quickly rushed above the magical symbol which created a giant blue light that quickly transformed into an image of a wolf and solidified.

When the light dimmed, a real white wolf with golden eyes walked out of the magical symbol. Then Kaori quickly ordered it to attack the creatures.

This time, Shin was totally shocked, he never thought that something extremely magical like that could actually happen.

Also, not only was it magical, the wolf was strong. It ripped the creatures apart and easily dodged its attacks.

After a while, they successfully killed all 30 creatures, with shin killing the most.

In the single clash Shin gained a level, Honoka gained two, and Kaori also gained two.

Shin quickly added all the stat points into luck, but Honoka was clueless on where to put it. On the other hand, Kaori did not even ask for Shin's opinion and quickly added all of her 6 unused stats to spirit. It was like she was familiar with games and knew what she needs.

After which, her mana increased by 60 making it 310. Shin noticed the blue glow on her when she added it all to spirit, so Shin asked. "What happened?"

"I placed all my stats into spirit." Kaori replied.

Shin was a bit shocked by Kaori's quick decision making, but he did not say a word anymore and asked Honoka where she allocated her unused stat points.

"Err.. I still don't know where to put it." Honoka said.

"Put it all to agility, it can make you several times faster." Then Shin sat in a corner to rest.

He have been fighting nonstop and have drained most of his mana, he needed to rest to recover it.

On the other hand Koari was petting her white wolf on the side along with Honoka.

"So that wolf is really strong, I guess having them level up was a good thing."

After several minutes, the wolf dissipated into motes of blue light. After which Shin asked. "Can you summon a different beast?"

"No. I can feel that the wolf is the only thing I can summon."

Shin didn't proceed asking and sat there resting as much as he can.

After some time, when his mana was full again, he stood up and proceeded along with Honoka and Kaori.


This time, he had more confidence in facing the enemies with the help of these two. Also, as long as there was no other creature more powerful that what they are fighting with, he was confident that they could easily kill them all.

Suddenly, while walking carefully, they heard people shouting not far away. In the direction of the noise, not even hundred meters away from them, there were several people together using metal pipes to fend off three creatures.

Slowly, Shin along with the two, walked towards the group. They knew that it might be dangerous, but still, it was their only chance to possibly find other people who were able to create an encampment against the creatures.

With the amount of people trying to fend off the creatures, it was possible these group of people were able to gather some survivors to work together and help each other.

When he came nearer, he noticed that the people were staying close to a four story building nearby. Amazingly, the building was still intact and only a few cracks are on its walls.

In the window of the building, he saw several people inside, there were even women and children.

"So there's a lot of survivors here." Shin thought while approaching the building.

"Stop!" A middle aged man's voice suddenly came from the building.

"What do you need? And tell us if you have been wounded by those creatures!"

Shin furrowed his brows as he answered. "We are a group looking for a safe place to stay. We have been walking for some time and just happen to find this place."

When Shin said this, a man appeared in a window at the third floor of the building which was visible from their direction.

The man stared at them as if assessing them then asked. "What is your level?"

Shin calmed his expression as he answered. "I am level 2 and the two behind me are level 1. I have just recently killed a few of those creatures which made me realize that killing them makes humans gain a level."

The man up above stared deeply at Shin, then after a while said. "Alright. Come in using the backdoor. There, you will stay for 5 hours before being allowed to enter."

Shin wasn't stupid, he knew that there was a reason for them to be required to stay there for 5 hours. The only reason he could think of was that the thing about being injured by those creatures. He have watched a lot of zombie movies and was very familiar with the infection they can give.

He also assumed the same; that anyone injured by those creatures could get some sort of infection.

Quickly they entered the backdoor and found themselves in a small room which looked like a stockroom with no windows and only another door which obviously leads inside the building.

Then suddenly, a voice from behind the door said. "Please wait for five hours, this is for the safety of everyone."

Shin then asked. "What will happen in five hours?"

The voice did not respond for a while as if thinking if he should answer or not, but in the end, the voice still said. "If you were injured by those creatures. You are more likely to die in five hours. Your body will then explode and ten or more of those creatures will come out of your body!"

Shin's eyes went wide when he heard of the explanation of the man behind the door. He could never imagine such effect from simply being injured.

Then he continued inquiring. "So why is it that the dead body does not exhibit the same even though they are being bitten and eaten by those creatures."

This time, Shin got a quick answer. "I do not know, but what we observed is that it only affects live humans. It seems like it needs a live host for it to incubate its eggs."

Both Honoka and Koari now also felt scared of the creatures. They knew that it might have some sort of effect, but being used as an incubator was something which terrified them."

"How many people in your group suffered this?" Shin asked.

"Around five. So right now, we are currently strict on this just to make sure that the creatures could not enter the building."

Shin then sighed and asked another question. "So how high are the levels of the people here?"

The man did not answer the question and chose to keep quiet. So Shin did not inquire about it further and also chose to stay silent and wait for the five hours to pass by.

After five hours, a man opened the door. He looked like a normal salary-man wearing formal clothes which was already full of dirt and with him there were two more men wearing the same type of clothes who seemed to be unusually familiar with each other.

Shin's group were taken to the second floor where the middle aged man who allowed them to enter was supposed to be waiting.

Along the way, Shin saw some people inside the building. There were more women than men, and there were some children. He also noticed that the whole place was a small hotel with several rooms inside in the second and third floors.

"So you are all not injured. Do you wish to stay in here?" A man said while walking towards Shin and the group.

When the three people escorting Shin and his group saw the man, they all backed up and stood behind Shin's group as if showing extreme respect to the man.

Shin then looked at the man in the eyes and said. "My name is Shin, and yes we would like to stay here if possible. We have been looking for a place where a lot of survivors gather to seek safety."

The man then smiled and responded. "Alright. Since you aren't infected, you can stay. Also, avoid swinging that sword around inside the building.You can chose any vacant room to stay."

Then the man pointed at the person who led them to the second floor and said. "Also you can ask the rules of the place to Koji over there."

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