《Universe 2.0》Chapter 64 The candlelight dinner


In fact, William and his party could have left this planet at once, but William felt he had one more thing to do.

He emailed everyone they met on the planet -- except those by his side -- and said he wanted to celebrate Rebecca's hard-won victory with a candlelight dinner.

Everyone agreed, except for Jackson who was still under repair, the pretty girl who was having a big event, and Melissa who needed to be examined. They quickly agreed on a time and place.

Rebecca was thrilled. "It's wonderful." She said, "I've never had a candlelight dinner before."

"Me neither." William laughed, "So it's a good chance to have some fun."

When the two mother stars set again, the party finally gathered in Lavender River Valley. The camel scientist was in high spirits, while Hans the engineer and the mushroom pianist were glad too. Their faces were all brimming with bright smiles.

Sierra's grandfather, the innkeeper, managed to find a room big enough for Connor. When they entered, a large round table, covered with a white tablecloth, had already been set. Several white candles were burning and glowed a pale yellow light.

"Congratulations, champion!" The camel scientist stood up and said. "Congratulations!" Said all the others. Rebecca smiled shyly, "Thank you all!"

Soon, all the dishes appeared on the table. The party was all a little hungry, so they began to enjoy the delicious food. On the table were roast steaks, fruit salad, chips, and so on. The main course was a one-meter-high round cake with a white, creamy coating coated with pale yellow cheese. On top of it were some fresh fruits from the secret fruit growing base and a "mini Rebecca" made of white chocolate.

"For those of you who may not know, these meat dishes do not come from the animals' bodies, but from their cells." William said, tasting the blueberry juice.

"Wow! That sounds great, but how did you do it?" Asked Carly, the robot working in the recycling center.

"I have a cloning machine, and Mr Monkey knows about it." Then he looked at the green monkey. He nodded. So William went on, "You can choose different procedures, such as cell culture, cloning, etc. It is the cell culture process that allows these cells to become tissues. In this way, there is no need to kill the animals."

The others stared in admiration. "I have to say that sometimes aliens have technology that we can't even imagine." Said Cherimoya, the owner of the fruit growing base.

The taste buds of the party were seduced by the dishes. They were appreciating the beautiful environment, tasting the delicious dishes and enjoying the comfortable feeling. "I haven't had such a delicious dinner for a long time." William told Ranran, "The last time was at least ten days ago."


"Oh, yes." She said somewhat sadly, "Look, you're too busy to enjoy yourself like today."

"Hey, that's all right. Now that Rebecca has become a champion, all that hard work has paid off! It was worth it that I missed those dinners!"

"Great!" Everyone clapped. "So that makes up for your regret nicely, doesn't it?" Woodford joked. Laughter echoed through the room.

"Well," Said Rebecca, "my master has just said something about me being a champion, and I want to add something. I didn't say at the ceremony what I wanted to do when I retired. Now I've decided I should do something new and exciting. I have told Master, and now I'm going to tell you all. I'm going to join my master's party and go on an adventure with them!"

"Oh!" Exclaimed the mushroom pianist, "That's a right decision!"

"You'll become a good team member!" Said Sierra, Peter and Connor in unison.

The camel scientist said, "Rebecca, you have indeed changed. You are not the Rebecca I remembered. I'm glad to see that you feel so sorry for Jackson and have offered to let other new competitors participate later. This planet is lucky to have such a good competitor."

"Here's to Rebecca!" Suggested the engineer, holding up his blueberry juice. "Cheers!" Wine glasses collided with each other, issuing a crisp sound; the candles burned slowly, lighting up the room.

"I am also lucky to meet you, dear friends." William said, "If it weren't for you, maybe Rebecca wouldn't have done so well. I want to thank you very much, James. You used your technology to show us that believing is success. Cheers."

James raised his glass too. "You're welcome, William. You can come to my farm more often."

"Hee-hee, sure."

"If we ever come back, you must take us to Maxwell Snow Mountain again!" Photon said to Peter.

"I certainly will!" Laughed Peter.

"I have some good news for you." Said Bush, "William helped me launch more environmentally friendly books, and now it turns out he was on the right track. One study showed that since the books were published, the whole book-manufacturing process has become about 70% less polluted than it was before. William has done a great job!"

"You flatter me, Mr Bush." William finished another glass of blueberry juice.

"I have good news, too." Said the camel scientist, "This person is probably only known to William and his party." He winked at James, who got the message and pulled out a picture of Melissa the star angel.

After briefly introducing Melissa's identity to the others, the camel scientist said, "I have successfully applied a new technology to her -- a small rocket backpack. I expect you'll see a lot of rocket backpacks coming out in less than a week. However, I have no plans to design a rocket backpack with a longer range, yet I will certainly consider it if residents are in need."


"Great!" Cheered the engineer, "I believe that with our joint efforts, the inhabitants of this planet will be able to live a better and better life!"

"I'm very optimistic about it. In addition, I have another technology -- minitype fusion cells. It will be out soon, and I predict that, with its excellent performance, it will completely replace the primary chemical battery. Sometimes it can even replace a secondary battery. The next step is to find a way to put more nuclear fuel fueling stations on the planet, but that's not a problem."

"You deserve to be a great scientist, so creative!" Said Cherimoya.

"No, no, no, far from great. I just want to make everyone's life better." The camel scientist replied humbly.

"Sir, I have an idea." Ranran said, "I heard that with your help Mr Hans has successfully used new materials to build wind turbines and power transmission lines, so I think we can make some supercapacitors out of some excellent materials. Because if his wind farm produces too much electricity, the supercapacitors will store it so that it can be released for everyone to use at peak times. It's just a thought. What do you think?"

"What you say makes sense. I'll think about it." The camel scientist laughed, "I'm going to take that as my next project."

"Guys, I even want to live here." William joked as the others laughed. He said, "Because I think it is even better than my planet. There are no major flying races on my planet quite like the Robertson 100-hour round-the-planet flying endurance championship, and in some races the competitors are often willing to stop others for glory and profit. I don't think they are fit to race at all. And, despite my planet's beautiful environment, some of the new technologies here, especially those that help protect the environment, have really opened my eyes. For those of you who don't know, my planet didn't become habitable enough until at least 50 years later. So I think the environmental awareness of the residents here is worth learning from our residents."

"It's the first time an alien has ever praised us like that." The green monkey said, "But everything has its advantages and disadvantages. Maybe what you are good at are what we are bad at."

"For example, we are not as advanced as you in cloning and tissue culture animal food." Connor said.

"That's right." Sierra replied, "My grandfather kept marveling at your cloning machine while he was preparing dinner."

"Ha ha ha." William laughed, "But I'm glad to be here and help her realize her dream." He patted Rebecca. The others cheered, "Champion! Champion!"

Rebecca said with a smile, "I'm happy that everybody likes me so much. And I will do my best to be a good member of my master's team!"

"It's wonderful." The camel scientist said, "Not only did we celebrate Rebecca, but we also felt great anticipation for our better life."

"Yes, I'm very lucky to have met you, William." Said the mushroom pianist, "I would even like to compose a piano piece for you."

"I want to write books for you!" Bush the bookstore owner said.

Hans the engineer said he and Carly would paint their images at the wind farm and recycling center. "Call it Friendly Aliens." He suggested. The others agreed.

Night fell, and the starlight poured into the windows, reflecting the yellowish candlelight. The party enjoyed the food and headed outdoor. They sat on the ground, smelling the perfumes of violets and lavender, listening to the song of the river nearby, and bathing in the light of the stars that shone like diamonds.

William broke off a violet, looked at its three clear petals, and put it carefully into the backpack. "It's kind of a memory of my visit." He thought.

After a few minutes, he stood up and said, "The good times are always short. We've got another planet to go to, folks, so we're going. But we will miss our time on this planet!"

"We'll miss you, William!" Said Sierra and Peter.

"Share with us your experiences on the planet if you can!" Connor said.

"Certainly!" Rebecca replied.

"We're going to find our spaceship. Good-bye, everyone!" Cried William.

"Goodbye!" The voices of the others echoed in the night sky. They watched the shadows of the party fade into sight.

William followed the instructions on the computer's map and led the others back to Bell Forest, where he found the spaceship. "Wow! Your ship looks very nice!" Said Rebecca in surprise.

"Ha ha, you're really good at giving compliments." Ranran smiled, "Sit tight. We're going to take off soon."

William pushed a few buttons, pushed a push rod, and the ship's electromagnetic engine started smoothly. Its low roar echoed through the forest.

"We're coming out, right now! Take off!" He shouted, pushing the throttle rod to the maximum. The engine roared, carrying the party off this purple planet and on to the next.

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