《Universe 2.0》Chapter 62 The wings of diamond(2/2)


Jackson didn't think so. "I must catch up with that damned Rebecca, and I wonder why she has been so fast this year!" He repeated to himself. The flight control system kept warning him that the engine was overheating, but he didn't take much throttle off. Instead, he continued to overload the engine. He said, "Well, this damn flight control system just doesn't want me to go any faster!"

The result of his efforts was that Rebecca was 15 kilometers in front of him, but the cost was clear: the flight control system automatically activated the forced-cooling mode, bringing him back to 700 km/h. This mode would last for 5 minutes and then shut down.

Rebecca was not sitting still. She also switched on the boost mode, but not as crazy as Jackson, because she had just heard that five planes had quit all because of engine failures. So she didn't even dare to overload the engine for more than a minute.

The planes came over the castle. The weather became gloomy and soon it began to rain. "Rain of diamonds!" Cried Rebecca in surprise, "I love it!"

A small diamond landed on her wings. If she wasn't in the middle of the race, she would have enjoyed the artwork, but there were still 35 hours to go, so she couldn't relax.

In the spectators' area, William and his party were also thrilled. "This is the second time we've seen diamond rain." Ranran said, "It's rare. We shouldn't see a third time."

"That may not be," Sierra and Peter said. Then Peter explained, "I have some chemicals here that can make more diamonds fall."

"Wow! That's great! You should have told me earlier." Cried Rebecca, who had overheard the conversation.

"Focus on the race!" Natalie said angrily. "Well, I'm not silly. I know Jackson is going to pass me soon, but I'm not going to let him steal the championship." Replied Rebecca.

Jackson hated diamond rains during the race. He thought it would blur his vision. Sure enough, he nearly crashed into a tower.

"Oh, my God, I'm scared. I should have flown higher." He said.

When Rebecca saw that Jackson was only 10 kilometers behind her, she decided to use the electric system powered by fusion cell. "But I'd better ask my friends first." She thought.

The others agreed. And she whistled through the forest of green monkeys, passing the snowy Maxwell Snow Mountain like a lightning. She succeeded in extending her advantage. With 30 hours to go, she had reached 42,735 kilometers, while Jackson remained in second place with 42,708 kilometers.


Rebecca was running low on fuel. Conner got the news and rushed over. There was just one glitch: Connor's refueling pipe wouldn't come back. Fortunately, the trouble was fixed after a minute. Otherwise, Connor would have to slowly retract the refueling pipe for three minutes.

"I'm so sorry, Rebecca. I didn't mean to slow you down." Connor said guiltily.

"It doesn't matter. At least I have a secret weapon. But if you refueled Jackson, he would not talk as kindly as I do."

This mistake was terrible, for the advantage which Rebecca had accumulated so hard was diminished. Jackson was only 15 kilometers behind, and he had not used overloading in the last few hours, so it was not difficult to make a comeback.

"Hopefully Jackson will make a mistake again." Rebecca thought so, but he didn't make a mistake until the last 20 hours of the race. Their gap had always fluctuated between 10km and 15km.

Rebecca saw this and thought, "This is not good. I must fly fast enough for the last twenty hours."

A number of other planes quit, again due to engine problems and mainly overloading the engines.

Jackson was worried when he heard the news. "Hopefully I won't be 'the lucky dog'," He thought to himself. So he began to chase Rebecca as hard as he could, but not as wildly as he had in the middle of the race.

With only 15 hours left in the race, the gap had not widened or narrowed. Rebecca was already running out of energy, but she knew she couldn't give up.

The rain of diamonds was still falling. Two mother stars were setting and the sky was becoming dim. Looking up at the stars can help Rebecca relax. "Come on, make it through these hours, and the golden trophy is yours..." Her propeller was still spinning, but for a moment, surprisingly, she didn't feel tired.

As she flew over the sea, Rebecca deliberately lowered her altitude. She saw her reflection in the sea. The red paint had never shone so brightly.

Looking at her own shadow, her mind went back to the previous races. At that time, she was invincible, winning almost every competition. Now she was living through it all over again.

She thought of the mind detector that Melissa the star angel had given them. "I'm glad I can encourage myself like that." She said, "It's my first main draw, but I'm happy with my performance so far. The only thing I have to do is to stay until the end of the race!"

The reflection smiled as happily as she did.


Jackson, who was in second place, chased her hard and was now exhausted. "Gosh, with my electric system I can only close the gap a little bit. Is it that my power is not big enough?"

No. His motor had been operating at its rated power for dozens of hours, and fatigue was inevitable. Reflected in Jackson's average speed, it was 3 km/h slower than before.

With ten hours left in the race, Jackson and Rebecca closed the gap to seven kilometers. "Fortunately, my engine is strong enough to make up for the loss of power due to fatigue." Jackson was glad.

Rebecca used the hybrid mode a second time, but Jackson also used it. So in the 91st hour, they still had the same gap. Plus, Rebecca only had enough nuclear fuel to last two uses.

Jackson had a refueling. This time he deliberately slowed down so that the engine and motor could rest. Then he put on a crazy sprint in the 93rd hour.

Rebecca was in a little bit of danger. Jackson was only five kilometers behind her with four hours to go. This meant that if she didn't fly as fast as possible, the champion could change hands. So, she used the boost mode for a full half an hour, but still couldn't extend her advantage.

"Rebecca, are you all right?" Sierra asked over the radio, concerned.

"I'm fine. It's just that I need one last air refueling."

"Connor will assist you again."

"That's good. I hope nothing happens this time."

Connor did not malfunction. But Jackson took advantage of the opportunity to speed up. With two hours left in the race, Rebecca had covered 56,870 kilometers and Jackson 56,867.

Rebecca was a little flustered. "Jackson is flying so fast," She thought in panic.

Jackson changed his strategy -- he wanted to keep the overload mode on for the last three minutes of the race in order to take advantage of the final opportunity. With an hour and a half to go, he managed to maintain the gap.

"Not bad." He praised himself.

The gap between the two players is narrowing even further. Hour 99, Rebecca 57,431, Jackson 57,429.

"Aha, are you afraid, Rebecca?" Jackson sneered, "Before the race, who said 'Let's wait and see'? Now know the consequences?"

Rebecca's thoughts were confused. She used hybrid mode with 30 minutes left, but the gap was still 2km. William and others watched anxiously. "Be quick! Don't let him catch up with you!" William shouted. But Rebecca seemed to be out of touch, with no response.

"Oh, will Rebecca..." Ranran said anxiously.

"No." Said William firmly, "We have to believe she can."

It wasn't until Sierra's voice came over the radio that Rebecca came to her senses. "Oh dear, why did I stay in a daze for so long? And I didn't fly at full speed when using hybrid mode! Damn! Only 20 minutes to go! I must speed up!" She said ruefully.

As Rebecca was not flying at maximum cruising speed for a few minutes, Jackson caught up another kilometer. Then the rain clouds cleared and he could see the red plane clearly ahead.

10 minutes to go. Rebecca was still about one kilometer in front of Jackson.

5 minutes to go. Jackson was ready to make the final push.

"I'm coming!" He shouted. Rebecca heard this and, worried, switched on hybrid mode. She ignored her fuselage that was becoming hotter and hotter. This time, however, Jackson switched on high overload mode at Hour 99 and Minute 57, faster than Rebecca. There was no why -- that was the characteristics of Jackson's powertrain. He could run faster than Rebecca, but he could not do that too long.

William watched anxiously as the two mileages drew closer and closer.

30 seconds to go. Jackson needed only 200 meters more to make a comeback. "The champion... Is...... Mine...... !" He cried through gritted teeth. Rebecca was not at all relaxed. Her engine roared loudly and wind whistled past her. Though the flight control system kept using urgent prompt tones to remind her that she seriously overheated, yet she kept sprinting.

10 seconds to go. "Come on, Rebecca!" The party's uncluttered voices came over the radio. The runway on Moss Island was coming up -- 100 hours was just enough time for the fastest plane to reach the runway.

"I... Will... WIN!" Jackson said.

"NO! NEVER!" Roared Rebecca angrily.

A huge speaker, which was at the platform, said, "5,4,3,2,1..."

Suddenly, just as Jackson and Rebecca were flying side by side, and just as the clock ticked to zero, his engine gave a loud noise. Then, smoking, he descended rapidly.

"Jackson!!" Cried Rebecca despairingly. She quickly lost altitude, aimed at the runway, and braked hard until she came to a stop. A few dozen meters in front of her, Jackson lay in pain in the middle of the runway. His propeller was out of shape and his landing gear was snapped off. His engine burst due to high overload. Now he had to have himself repaired.

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