《Universe 2.0》Chapter 60 The star angel


The figure dropped slowly from the air, then fell gently in front of the party. William stared at this uninvited guest. It was a beautiful woman, somewhat like the pretty girl he had met at the castle. Her white skin was reflecting the light of two mother stars, her violet eyes looked at them in a friendly way, and her face wore a kind smile. The sea breeze blew her white dress and ruffled her long blond hair. She had a yellow star in her breast, which was shining faintly.

"Hello..." William stammered, "Who are you, please... Where are you from? Why...... come find us?"

But the woman did not answer at once. Instead, she pulled out a picture from behind her and asked, "You must know him, right?"

Ranran looked closer. It was a picture of James the firefly. "Yes, we know him, but he didn't mention you to us." Ranran said.

"Well then, I'll introduce myself to you now." The woman said, "My name is Melissa. I'm a robot made by James the firefly..."

"Wait." Sierra interrupted, "I'm sorry, but my plane and I don't know who James the firefly is."

"Ah, that's all right. Let me tell you a little about him. It sounds like he lives somewhere you don't usually go. He lives on a farm, has a lot of firefly companions, and has some incredible inventions. On top of that, he has also raced in endurance championship!"

"Oh! Really!" Sierra was surprised and delighted, "But I really had never heard of him. Maybe he won a couple of times before I was born."

"Ha ha, maybe. So let me go ahead and introduce myself. James went to town, saw a beautiful woman just like me, and decided to build a robot. He called me the star angel, and his purpose in naming me was simple -- in his mind, star represents hope and angel represents goodness. So he wanted me to come and encourage you one more time before the race started. That's why I'm here."

All of them understood, even Sierra and Peter, who had never heard of James. "Well, it looks like you don't have the equipment to keep you aloft, Melissa. How on earth did you manage to fall from the air?" William asked curiously.

"Hee-hee, you don't understand. Look." Melissa turned around and the party saw that she was carrying a small rocket backpack. "It's this rocket backpack that allows me to fly, and it only needs the same fuel as you do." Melissa said to Rebecca and Peter. Then she showed William a note.


I still live in the laboratory and continue to work on the latest projects. There have been some encouraging developments. I'm sure residents will soon be able to see that technology applied.

"Does that look familiar?" She asked, smiling. "Isn't that a note from the camel scientist?" Said William in surprise, "What does that mean? What did James want you to tell me?"

"Oh no, it wasn't James who wanted me to tell you. It's the camel scientist who wants to tell you that he's working on small rocket backpacks of this kind. When it comes to how he applied this technology to me... Er, did he tell you he likes to watch the endurance championship?"

"Oh, yes. He did."

"Good. He was in fact very good friends with James and knew all about his past glory. After the successful test, the camel scientist found James and heard the news that he was making me. So on a whim, he suggested that I be the first application. James agreed. That's why I'm flying to find you."

William was enlightened. No wonder the camel scientist didn't immediately tell him what he was working on in the note. It turned out that he wanted to give him a surprise.

"James has told me all about Rebecca, William." Said Melissa, "He gave me a very vivid description of her story and said he was looking forward to her victory. He told me before I came that I must encourage you again, strengthen your faith, and never let Rebecca waver. 'The race is about to start,' He said to me, 'and Rebecca has been away for a while. I wonder if she is as confident as she was when she met me. I hope so, but whether the answer is yes or no, you need to make sure they're confident. ' "

"I understand it all now." William said, "James is so kind... He also thought that what he had said to us was not enough, yet actually he needn't have gone to all the trouble. Rebecca was determined to win, but he still sent you to encourage us... I don't know how I can ever thank him enough."

"I suggest you visit him again after the race to show your appreciation."

"That's a very good idea."

The star angel, Melissa, faced Rebecca. "It's an honor to meet you, former champion." Smiling, she said, "The race is about to start. I'm so proud of what you've done, and I look forward to what you do now." She took the shining star off her chest and stuck it to the hood of Rebecca. Rebecca's paint sparkled in its light.


"Wow! Great! Thank you, Melissa!" Rebecca was grateful.

"It doesn't matter. You just need to know what it is that makes you so successful early in your career." Melissa said, "James told me not to underestimate the power of faith. If you don't believe you can do it, even if you do succeed, you will owe it more to luck than to strength. I'm a robot built by James and I've only been in operation for a few days, but I can't agree more with James on this. My understanding is that a person who does not want to believe that he is strong is the most unfortunate person in the universe, because he wastes the time that could be used to make life more valuable. So even though your opponents are tough, the toughest person to beat is nobody else but yourself. I think whether you can win this year's championship, Rebecca, depends on whether you believe you can. If you continue to write your legend, you're going to cherish it for the rest of your life."

Rebecca listened carefully to what Melissa the star angel said. "Of course I will!" She answered firmly.

"Come on, Rebecca!" The encouragement of the others echoed across the wide beach. The sea seemed to be spiritual, using the billowing spray as encouragement. The starfishes and the little crabs danced excitedly.

The star angel stepped out into the shallow water and picked up some water with both hands. Then she drizzled it onto the star still shining on Rebecca's hood. It was brighter.

Then Melissa picked up the star. Rebecca was surprised to see another Rebecca in the star.

"This star is a mind detector." Melissa explained, "It also uses the techniques of the camel scientist. It reads your thoughts and guides you positively."

Rebecca looked curiously at the star. She saw a wave, the black and white checkered flag fluttering in the wind, hundreds of planes racing with each other, and a red plane standing at the top of the podium.

Then another Rebecca appeared in the star, looking at her thoughtfully.

"I know now," Said Rebecca-in-mind to herself, "that I did not invent these visions. They want me to understand that belief is the fundamental and powerful engine of my continued excellence.

"Actually, in previous years when I lost, I did face tough opponents and my performance was not good enough. But the saddest thing is that I didn't want to make myself stronger so that I could continue to enjoy the race. How foolish I was! Why should I lock myself up? I wish I could take back that time so I could have learned that lesson sooner.

"Forget it. The past time is impossible to go back. Now that I understand, it's not too late. As long as I can prove myself with my actions, I won't regret it."

"Wow!" Exclaimed Rebecca, delightedly, "It did read my thoughts! I feel more confident now. Thank you, dear star angel."

"I'll give it to you," Melissa said, "and I sincerely hope that it will help you out in any future difficulties."

Ranran thanked Melissa and put it in the backpack.

The star angel said to everyone, "OK, the race will start the day after tomorrow. I won't delay your journey, although you can use the bridge to get to the start of the race in no time. I hope you can set aside a day or two for the champion plane to relax and give her more confidence. Don't put her under too much pressure -- she'll surely meet strong opponents, but she herself is better."

"We will." Ranran answered firmly.

"Looking forward to your good news!" The star angel started the rocket backpack, slowly rose, and disappeared in the sight of the party.

They watched Melissa away, then ran, like being electric shocked, to the bridge. At their usual speed, it would have taken them ten minutes to cross the bridge, but they reached Moss Island in seven minutes. They didn't know what gave them strength.

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