《Universe 2.0》Chapter 50 The grand event


Morning came again. The two mother stars cast warm, bright light on the purple planet. In a flash, everything woke up. The lavender and violets on the ground began to dance with joy, and the birds in the woods welcomed the two mother stars with their beautiful song. The butterfly robots were resting after flying all night last night, but feeling the light of two mother stars, they flapped their wings, flew out of the rooms and landed on the street. That butterfly flew softly to the party and called,

"Get up! Get up!"

"Wow, that was a good sleep. It's a magical castle." Ranran woke up smiling.

"Do you remember our sightseeing of the castle while sleeping last night?" William asked her.

"Sure! It's amazing that we can enjoy the view and rest at the same time."

"Let's get out quickly." Interrupted the butterfly, "There is a grand event this morning."

"Oh? What event?" Photon, Natalie and Rebecca asked, puzzled.

The butterfly just smiled and did not answer them. It signaled the others to follow.

So they went downstairs, across the long corridor, and reached the street. They felt the sweet breeze blowing on their faces and listened to the clear sound of the fountain. It wasn't long before the butterfly robots spotted the guests. They flew over and formed a heart-shaped pattern around them. Giving out lavender light, they complemented the bright light from the two mother stars, forming an indescribably beautiful picture.

"It's our way of expressing our welcome to our guests." Said the butterfly that accompanied them, "It's been a long time since anyone else has been here, so we are all very excited to see you -- oh, wait, look!"

As the party gasped, a robot butterfly dropped to the ground and waved its antennas several times. Then, out of a door came a pretty girl. She had eyes as clear as the emerald, and long blond hair scattered over her shoulders. Her white skin reflected the light from the robots, and her red lips were like a burning flame. They were even more bright-colored than Ranran's. Her white gauze skirt fluttered gently in the breeze. Thousands of purple stars twinkled where the hem had swept.

The girl was now walking slowly toward the party with a sweet smile on her face. She looked at William, who was stunned, and said in a friendly, heavenly voice,

"Hello, friends!"

The sound echoed through the air like a ringing wind chime. It was a moment before William came to his senses and saluted.

"Don't bother." The girl smiled and said, "It's our honor to meet you." With that she made a gesture. The rest of the butterfly robots all adjusted their postures and bowed to them.

"It's our way of welcoming our guests." Explained the girl, "We haven't had a guest here for a long time."


"Why?" Ranran asked curiously.

"Ah," Said the girl with a sigh, "our location is too remote. You can look around. Where is the main road that runs through here? However, surely you have some special mission to fulfill, since you have found this place, right?"

"What makes you think so?" William said. The girl turned and smiled at Rebecca, and then he understood. "So you have so many fans!" Joked Photon. Everyone burst into laughter.

"I had no idea I was so famous!" Rebecca laughed, "I just knew I had plenty of fans, but I didn't realize I had this plenty!"

"I heard your story," The girl said kindly, "and I'm sorry that you were so depressed and lost the drive to pursue your dreams. But I'm also happy to see you chasing your dreams again, because a person who goes for a dream is the greatest person in the universe."

The butterfly robots began to dance. "It's the equivalent of clapping hands that you're familiar with." Explained the butterfly who had accompanied them.

Rebecca looked at the beautiful girl with firm eyes. "I will live up to what any fan expects of me! I'll be the champion!"

"Good!" The shouts of the party rang through the air.

"Now, come with me." Said the girl, turning back and heading for the lake where the robots had been yesterday. The others followed.

Soon, the wide surface of the lake appeared. By this time the two mother stars had climbed high and were emitting a dazzling white light. A gentle breeze rippled the surface of the lake, breaking the light of the two mother stars into small pieces. From a distance, those broken light seemed to be millions of bright diamonds. Violets and sunflowers were in full bloom on the grassland near the lake, and from time to time birds were singing over them. The tulips, as if they were spiritual, bent down to greet them.

"We come here frequently." The pretty girl said, "This lake is magical. Hidden beneath the surface of the lake are jets that shoot water at high speeds and form spectacular fountains. In addition, this one I have here is a projector. When you input the picture into it and make it output, you can play a movie on the fountain!"

William looked at the small, square object, no bigger than a fist, and gasped in admiration. So he asked, "Can we have a look, please?"

The girl readily agreed. "Actually, I'm going to show it even if you don't ask me." William couldn't understand why she said that.

The pretty girl patted several butterfly robots. They soared into the air and plunged into the lake. Moments later, several huge jets of water shot out of the lake. They separated the light of the two mother stars, and a bright rainbow appeared in front of the party.


"Wow! It's beautiful!" Ranran shouted excitedly.

"Start playing!" The pretty girl said.

The projector in her hand lit up and a white rectangle appeared on the columns of water. A moment later, some words emerged:

The power of dreams is endless.

Soon, the writing disappeared and a red plane appeared. Like a flash of lightning, she surpassed thousands of opponents and sped through the air. Trophy after trophy stood in front of her, while the smile on her face grew bigger and bigger.

But the picture changed, and she looked sad and helpless, locking herself up in the hangar all day. Her body was already covered with dust, and the paint was no longer bright. It had been a long time since that powerful heart had roared, but she wanted to keep it that way. In a moment, all the former glory was lost.

What's the use of that? Wouldn't mourning only waste your time and make your dreams remain dreams?

Cheer up!

The next picture was this: a few people appeared in front of the plane. They talked seriously, and the plane's face gradually brightened. Then they walked out of the hangar, went to a refitting factory, and practiced hard. She was gaining her confidence and her maneuvers were becoming more adept.

Come on! You can do it!

The projector was turned off. Rebecca marveled at all pictures just now. "Did you really make this yourself?" She asked. The pretty girl nodded.

"That's what your little robots told us." Said the girl, "We have always been your big fans, so we are very sorry to hear what happened to you. In keeping with our fine tradition of being friendly to our guests, I decided to make this short film to help encourage you."

Rebecca thanked her. "You're welcome." Laughed the girl.

"I'm very sorry, but we're leaving soon." William said politely, "We can't stay here too long. Rebecca has to practice and the race is about to start, so we need to get to the start as soon as possible."

"All right, then. But I have a gift for you." The girl said. She walked up to William, closed her clear eyes, and pressed her red lips gently to his cheek. Suddenly, a magical feeling came over him. It seemed to William that he was as light as a swallow, and that the next moment he was going to be a butterfly. The scent of violets enveloped him, and he began to glow lavender. Then she kissed all the others.

"If a guest can get a kiss from our pretty girl, then we really welcome them here. It is the highest courtesy." Explained the butterfly who had accompanied them last night. The party bowed hurriedly in return.

"It is really difficult to be able to visit such a beautiful and magical castle and to meet such friendly butterfly friends." William said, "We are very grateful to you for all the good wishes you have given Rebecca. And I promise you, she's going to win this year."

The girl smiled.

"This, for you guys." She handed William a tiny sign. It was a red heart with a butterfly flying in the middle. It lay in William's hand, glowing lavender.

Then the girl kissed everyone again. They all answered with applause and bows. Butterfly robots also automatically arranged themselves in a heart shape.

"I'll tell you how to get there quickly." Said the girl, looking at William's computer, "Walk about five kilometers east after you leave the castle. You will see a farm. There, a little to the north, is a river valley called Lavender River Valley. When you get there, you can ask people there. Since we don't often travel very far, we are not very clear about the geographical location after that, so we can only help you to get here. If you have any problems and need our help, just click on this heart sign. I will receive the signal immediately and arrange for the robots to come."

"Thanks a lot!" Ranran said.

The pretty girl said to the other butterfly robots, "See off guests!" So they all changed their formation to form a circle. Other robots formed the words "Farewell" and were lined up in the center of the circle. The castle still towered high into the sky, and the flags on its tops fluttered in the wind. The path of glowing mushrooms flickered, and the flower lights were all lit up. The walls sparkled with coloured paint. William took out small fireworks, Natalie lit them, and the party watched them explode in the air, drawing beautiful patterns.

"See you soon!" Cried William, "We'll miss you!"

The pretty girl watched their figures fade away, then turned around and walked in the door. In the light of two mother stars, the wings of butterflies became colorful. Lavender stars twinkled around them. They flew to the tops of the towers and looked wistfully in the direction of the party. Then, they kept circling around the high towers to show their love for these aliens. Moments later, they all flew up to the towers and went on with their lives. The castle was restored to its normal form. No one would know that the castle had been visited by aliens.

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