《Universe 2.0》Chapter 48 Breaking the record


So the party thanked the smart computer, walked out of the factory and continued to walk along the path of glowing mushrooms. The path winded its way through another, larger wood, and ended in front of the violets. At this moment, the two mother stars were high above their heads. The weather became a little hot, but the flowers still stood up and grew strong. Whether the sun was hot or the rain was torrential, they smelled the same.

"Let us begin our training," Said Photon, "to test the performance of the battery."

So the two planes took off smoothly and climbed quickly to the right altitude. As Rebecca soared, she stared down at the scene below. From here to the distance, a sea of violets glistened in the light of two mother stars and danced in the gentle breeze. In her previous memory, she had never appreciated the beauty of the planet so closely, for the only task was to train, train, and train. Now it was different. With the hybrid system, she had a better chance of winning than before, so she could relax before training began.

"Speed up!" Photon said.

The two engines roared and the propellers turned. Rebecca's wingtips drew graceful curves. She was still using the turboprop engine, because the hybrid mode had not yet been turned on.

Photon reminded her, "It's time to review the previous contents."

Rebecca was a plane that wanted to win. She dared to do whatever it took to dream. She practiced as hard as she could while Photon cheered. If there were occasional shortfalls, he would point them out, and Rebecca would practice them again and again until Photon was satisfied.

"It's good of you to work so hard. When I first started training you, I was worried about whether you would practice seriously. It seems that there is no limit to the power of dreams." Photon said.

"Ha ha ha, that's because I haven't tasted victory for a long time!" Rebecca laughed.

"Now, add the electric system. See if it helps you save fuel and run faster."

Rebecca activated the hybrid mode and instantly felt pulled along by another powerful force. The power of the motor far exceeded her expectations. "Oh!" She screamed, "This feels so good! This is the fastest speed I have ever experienced!"

Photon also said happily, "You became stronger. The camel scientist made the right choice -- the minitype fusion cell will both help you realize your dreams more easily and help residents live more environmentally friendly lives. Primary batteries will gradually be replaced."

"That makes sense." Replied Rebecca.

"Do what you just did again." Said Photon.


Indeed, with the electric system, Rebecca felt as light as a swallow. Especially when doing vertical maneuvers, she didn't have to worry about losing too much power, thanks to the greater combined power. She even began to think she could be a fighter when she put on plasma cannons.

She told Photon this idea. "It's good and achievable." He said, "Because I asked you like a fighter when you first practiced those maneuvers."

As Rebecca practiced those maneuvers in hybrid mode, Photon followed her. He did this to see if there was a significant increase in the parameters. The results were clear: almost every parameter was a new record.

"This year's champion will only be you." Photon thought happily.

Rebecca was filled with joy. This hybrid system was really a helpful tool. The motor somewhat helped reduce fuel consumption compared with flying with only the turboprop engine, which meant she could refuel even less often. She could now spend more time cruising at high speed to increase her lead. For other planes, it was simply incredible.

It was time to sprint. Rebecca was at rated power, listening to the wind whistling triumphantly past her. The speedometer showed 800 km/h, which was more than Photon's maximum cruising speed, so he struggled to keep up with her. In the previous tests, Rebecca was able to sprint for five minutes, but now she could do it for eight. That would be a huge advantage.

"This is a good thing," Rebecca thought as she sped in the air, "thanks to the people we met earlier who introduced us to the camel scientist. Otherwise, I would not win so easily."

It was nice to bring the electric system. As Rebecca continued to practice, Photon encouraged her. He grew to admire the red, lightning-fast plane, while Rebecca thought she didn't feel tired, because there was no fatigue in front of dreams. She just wanted to enjoy the thrill of high speed for a while. After all, she had not enjoyed it for two years.

"You're really getting better at it." Photon laughed, "I think you can even set a new record!"

"I hope so." Rebecca said, "I'd better win first. As for whether I can set a new record, it's up to luck. Maybe if I'm strong enough, I'll break the record."

"No, I'm talking about the record in many aspects, not just the race. You have to believe that you have enough strength. I think after this year's race, everyone on the planet will know 'record-breaking Rebecca'! They will shout 'Amazing legend'!"

Rebecca had not expected the alien coach to be so considerate. She had thought his job would only be to help her with her training, but she had no idea he would be able to help her in this way. In fact, she knew this kind of help was more important. "The training of confidence is ten thousand times better than that of skill." This was what Photon concluded.


So he thought that now Rebecca had both the strength and the confidence to break the record. Until the start of the race, he only needed to do two things: complete the training and continue to encourage.

Over here, Rebecca was still enjoying the high speed. In an airplane, where mass and power were haggled over, carrying such a perfect battery would be extremely ideal. Now it was there, and the effect couldn't be more obvious. "The perfect solution!" Thought Rebecca.

Photon was not idle at all either. He thought that one more training session would be enough, but the mentality building couldn't stop there. He still worried that Rebecca was a "glass-heart airplane", prone to depression and low self-esteem, even though she hadn't been like that since they had met.

"I can't stop encouraging her." He thought, "When faith breaks, all the work is almost lost."

Suddenly he thought of his master. Now William was standing on the ground a few thousand meters below, looking up at the two speeding shadows. But after the dangers he had experienced on the last planet, he wondered if he would ever be able to go home. Photon had seen that William was pretending to be calm, but in his heart he was extremely afraid of You-Know-Who. Photon thought that his master began not to believe himself, despite his repeated words "I can! I can go home!". "I need a chance to encourage him," He thought as he flew.

"Mr Photon, what are you thinking about?" Asked Rebecca, seeing his thoughtfulness.

"Oh, nothing, let's end the training. You did a good job. It's a really good battery."

So they landed smoothly and stopped in front of the others. Ranran hugged Rebecca and cheered, "Great! I saw you hurtling through the air and thought of what you were going to look like on the field. That feels good!"

"Well, thanks! I was blown away. I can't believe that a small battery can burst so much power." Rebecca laughed.

Photon told William that he thought Rebecca was bound to break the record. "The record in every aspect," He said, "including the race and the belief." William thought so, too.

Photon took the opportunity to say to his master, "I think you should learn from Rebecca, Master. Compared to two years ago, her performance has already set a new record. On top of that, she has set a new record for her confidence -- think about what she was like when we met her, and what she is like now. I know you're afraid of the You-Know-Who who doesn't want you to come home. I was aware of this on the last planet. But nobody can replace you, Master. We can't go back until you have faith and overcome your fear."

William sighed. He did begin to wonder if he was too scared. "I will surely go back." He said firmly. Photon smiled.

Natalie walked up to Rebecca, cocked her front wheel, and said, "Your name matches yourself. You are a real lightning on the field, and nobody can beat you! Just like my name Hurricane."

"Ha ha, I'm nowhere near as fast as lightning, but I enjoy the thrill of speed. I think even if I do win the champion, I will not be happy about it. What makes me happy is the sweat, the race, and most importantly, that I beat myself."

"You're right!" William came up and said, "First place is just a result, a title, but it doesn't bring all the happiness. Now, you have set a record in mind, Rebecca." The laughter of the party echoed through a sea of violets.

"In fact, I think every person's life is a process of constantly setting new records." Ranran told William, "If you want to do something, fight hard and take the bull by the horns. When you finally succeed, your joy is proof that you've done something you've never done before. That's a record."

William hugged the smiling Ranran, kissed her on the forehead and said, "Yes. And a person's greatest joy is to beat themselves, which is the most difficult record. Often the person who stops you from succeeding is not anyone else but yourself. As I think you've seen, on the last planet we received a lot of mysterious notes, heard a lot of mysterious voices, and even encountered various dangers. My fear had completely overcome my hope, but what was left of my sanity allowed me to regain my faith. I can't be afraid anymore because fear will only get in the way of me. I don't know who the You-Know-Who is, but I'm pretty sure that You-Know-Who doesn't want me back in our universe. However, if we make it, it will not only break the record of earthmen never going to another universe, but also break my own record of defeating my most powerful enemy: William."

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