《Universe 2.0》Chapter 46 The camel scientist


Not far ahead, a huge laboratory attracted all attention. "Look, there is a camel sign. Let's get in quickly." Natalie said.

So they went to the door. The door lock beside the door showed,

Are you here to see the camel scientist?

William pressed "yes" and their picture was sent to the camel scientist's computer. He was a big, round-eyed Bactrian camel with a kind smile. His hair was so thick and shiny that it even glistened in the light of two mother stars. He had the characteristics of a camel: he could go for a long time without food or water, so although he lived in the rest area of the lab, there was no refrigerator and the induction cooker was not often used.

Now, he was using the computer. When he saw the picture of the door lock, he unlocked it. The door opened slowly and the party entered the hall. The floor felt their pressure and sent a signal to the lights. All of a sudden, it was very bright. William saw the camel scientist coming toward them.

"Hello, my alien friends!" He said warmly, hugging William tightly. "Nice to meet you, Mr Camel." William replied.

The camel scientist said, "I have been looking forward to your visit for a long time."

"Why?" Ranran asked, puzzled, "How do you know us? Is this also what our little robots have done?"

"That's right! I admire your little robots very much. Though a sparrow is small, it has all organs; their sizes are not big, but the functions are very diverse. It's nice! And I also know that this former champion will be racing again, and that you will be there to help her fulfill her dream. The little robots told me all this."

When William was on the last planet, the little robots were very silent. They just stayed in the backpack and didn't come out. But here they were hyperactive, and William couldn't understand why.

Rebecca was surprised to learn that even the camel scientist knew about endurance racing. She remembered him as a person who loved developing new technology, had only heard of the race but didn't watch it. "So won't watching the race take away your time from developing new technologies?" She asked curiously.

"Surely it will, yet it's just that the tasks I'm doing while I'm watching are not that important. And sometimes I get a little bored, so I just turn on the computer and watch. I remember how many times you won in a row. I'm happy for you." The camel scientist smiled kindly and said, "You are very tired standing here. Why don't I take you to the rest area?"

So the party went to the rest area. William and Ranran sat on a soft sofa. "Wow, it also massages!" Ranran said. "Of course, this is my improved smart sofa. Pressure sensors are hidden under the cushion and when it detects someone, it triggers the massage program." Replied the camel scientist.


"I hear you've developed a lot of new technologies." Said William, "The mushroom pianist, Hans the engineer, Bush the owner of the bookstore and many others know about your technologies. It seems that you are really first-class and famous!"

"Ha ha ha, you flatter me. I develop these new technologies only for the sake of making the residents live a better life, not for my own benefit. I don't think that's as practical as the good life. A man who studies science should seek truth from facts and not indulge in illusions."

William was filled with admiration. He had never heard of such a scientist. "There aren't a lot of Earth scientists who really do research for the sake of the development of science." He later recalled, "And there are a lot of people who can easily get carried away."

The camel scientist said, "I had the impression that the other techniques were not difficult because my thinking was clear and the operation was not that difficult. But there are three of the most difficult technologies -- robotic hands, conducting polymers and miniaturization of fusion cells. I had never tried to combine living and mechanical things before, so I spent a lot of effort trying to find material that was safe enough and writing a system for it that could read nerve impulses. The process was boring and slow, but I didn't think of giving up. This is not only because of my friendship with the mushroom pianist, but also because I want to promote this technology, apply it to people who are unfortunate enough to have disabilities and help them live normal lives.

"When it comes to conducting polymers, not everything was difficult. Not long ago I found the right polymer, so how to match it with right additives became a challenge. I've tried a lot of materials, and while others are perfectly usable, I always wanted to find a better one. Now Hans the engineer's wind turbines use a conductive polymer with the best additives. The next step is to apply it to electric appliances, where the new material completely will replace conductors that contain metal elements. This is very helpful to save resources and energy.

"Miniaturization of fusion cells is the problem I just solved today. Carly should have introduced you a few days ago, and at that time I was trying to figure out how to do it. The problem has now been solved -- the size of the device can be reduced greatly by using a highly integrated magnetic field to confine protium, deuterium as well as tritium particles. Part of the reaction chamber is coated with a neutron-absorbing layer, which completely avoids the damage caused by neutron leakage. The absorbent layer will last for at least five years, which means it only needs to be replaced about twice before the battery dies. And the batteries are made from environmentally friendly polymers, meaning they can be easily recycled. I'm working hard to see how it can be used in smaller devices and have high hopes for replacing primary chemical batteries."


William and his party listened carefully to the camel scientist's description of the difficult techniques, and their admiration grew stronger. Natalie wondered when there would ever be such a scientist on Earth who would have equal stress on both integrity and ability. "I really want to brainwash those people," She thought, "so that they don't study only for their own benefit. I don't even think they understand the tenets and principles of science."

William's mind was racing, and suddenly a brilliant idea flashed across his mind. "Yay, that's a good idea." So he asked the camel scientist, "Mr Camel, how long do you guess it will take to put these three difficult technologies into use?"

"The application is not difficult. The difficulties are mainly in the development process. I'd say a week at the most."

"Then I have a treasure. Please have a look." William handed the camel scientist the hard disk containing the document "Software optimization tips". "It points to the fact that you can use the application to predict the results ahead of time and implement some improvements accordingly to save time."

The camel scientist used conductive polymers to test. He was surprised to see how quickly the computer showed that it was feasible and how well the indicators were in line with reality. "See? This program can save you valuable time and greatly advance the progress of the entire technology. This tip also provides a lot of programs that you can use."

"Oh dear! We're really not good enough at software. Thank you for giving me this tip. I will read it carefully!" The camel scientist stood up and bowed. "You're welcome. We admire how much you have done for the inhabitants of this planet and will do our best to meet your needs." Ranran replied.

"This app is so good, and I didn't even hear of such a convenient app before. It looks like I'm going to have to work with it when I develop new technologies." The camel scientist joked.

It was actually just William's first idea. He had one even better than that.

"Mr Camel, you just said that you occasionally watch the endurance race, so do you know something about the rules of the race?"

"I know something. What do you plan to do?"

"I have a brilliant idea that we can add an electric system to Rebecca. The motor, powered by a small fusion cell, drives the propeller. Considering that the mass of the electric system is mainly concentrated in the battery part, the use of this kind of battery will effectively avoid the disadvantages caused by excessive weight gain and can also increase the overall power of the system, so this is very beneficial to Rebecca who wants to win the champion. I just don't know if the rules allow it."

The camel scientist thought for a moment and said, "I think it's a good idea, but I don't know much about the relative rules. Let me check for you." Then he began to search on his computer. After a few minutes he exclaimed excitedly, "That's wonderful! Your suggestion can come true!"

The screen read,

Requirements for hybrid power

Competitors can choose the hybrid category, but the rated power of the later installed electric systems shall not exceed 500 horsepower, while the rated power of the original electric systems shall not exceed 300 horsepower. Otherwise, competitors will be disqualified from the race. The total weight of all electric systems must not exceed 100kg, or 10 minutes of race time will be reduced.

William said, "That's great, Rebecca! But does that mean we have to go back to Woodford's?"

"I think so..."

"No." The camel scientist interrupted Rebecca, "I know a place that can do this kind of upgrade. This is a factory where I store some fusion cells, but there are not minitype ones yet. I can send you the manufacturing method. When you arrive at the factory, copy the program onto the factory computer and run it. The production line will work automatically. I've already put the ingredients away, which you don't have to worry about. I guess you can get your battery in as little as an hour. In addition, this factory is also able to assemble the electric system for Rebecca."

"Wow, really?" Everyone cried in surprise, "Thank you, Mr Camel!"

"Rebecca's race will soon begin, Mr Camel. We need to continue our journey and help her with her training, so we can't rest here." William said.

"All right, but aren't you tired?" Asked the camel scientist, puzzled.

"No, we have this. We don't need to sleep extremely frequently." William took out the sleep capsules the fruits had given them. "This is a gift we just received at the secret fruit growing base. We ate, so we still feel full of beans. We don't need to rest any time soon." Natalie said.

The camel scientist suddenly realized, "Oh! They are really enthusiastic to let you experience my technology, hee-hee. All right then, hurry on! Wish Rebecca success!"

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