《Universe 2.0》Chapter 45 The underground heaven(2/2)


William and the others looked at the voice. The owner of the voice was a tiny blueberry covered in transparent water droplets. She was looking at these aliens with clear eyes.

There was a kind smile on Ranran's face. "That's all right, Blueberry. Say what you like, and we'll do what we can." She smiled.

Still worried, blueberry looked at the others' reactions. After confirming that they were all friendly, she continued, "Even though our base is opening soon, I want to try the blueberry ice cream ahead of time! Unfortunately, our refrigeration cannot work right now..."

Hearing this, the other fruits also discussed in succession. "Yes, Blueberry was right. According to the regulation, our refrigeration equipment cannot be turned on ahead of time. We need to wait for the public to visit and buy, then we can launch the cold drink service." Said the cherimoya helplessly.

"And it's not just me who wants to taste it; it's a lot of little fruits! There is nothing special with me. It's just that a few little fruits are not in good health." Blueberry's voice sounded pathetic.

"Er...... What is to be done?" Photon and Natalie were puzzled.

"Why not let me help her!" Offered Rebecca. All eyes turned on her in surprise. They didn't know what the plane was going to do to help blueberry eat her ice cream.

"Do you have any cream?" Rebecca asked blueberry kindly.

"We do have cream."

"That's good. I can carry a container under my stomach..."

"I know a box would suit you!" Blueberry ran off, searched in a storeroom, and came pulling a silver container. "What do you think of this?" She asked.

Rebecca exclaimed in surprise, "That's wonderful! Now you fill it with blueberries and cream and wait for half an hour. Then you can have delicious blueberry ice cream!"

In the confusion of the party, Rebecca went out, glided to the plain and took off. It turned out to be William's idea. Using the computer, he learned that the temperature of the atmosphere changed in a similar way to that on Earth. Within a few dozen kilometers above the planet's surface, the higher, the colder. That range happened to include Rebecca's ceiling. In addition, William had also read a little story: more than 190 years ago, when all the people on Earth were experiencing World War II, American pilots wanted to eat ice cream, but the conditions did not permit. So one of the pilots came up with the idea of using airplanes. The pilot made a bold attempt, and it worked well. The soldiers' morale was boosted by the good food they enjoyed, so they won many victories. Inspired, William decided to try it on Rebecca. When the others weren't looking, he secretly told Rebecca about his plan.

Rebecca certainly wouldn't give up the extra opportunity. While not forgetting her main task, she did not stop pursuing her dream. She practiced the contents of these two exercises again, and felt more and more skillful. "I must be the champion of this race!" As she maneuvered, she encouraged herself.


Sensing that time was almost up, she slowly landed. Ranran took down the box she carried and opened it. It was a bit of a mess -- thanks to Rebecca's maneuvering -- but the ice cream was done.

"Wow!" Blueberry roared through the air. She was overjoyed and cried, "My wish is granted! I'm going to get the ice cream cone!"

Fruits including cherimoya, pineapple, grape, star fruit and apple helped blueberry distribute the ice cream to the fruits. "How clever you are! Why did you think of such a clever idea?" Asked the cherimoya curiously.

"Well, thanks to it, actually." William patted his computer.

"Oh! It turns out that a small computer has such powerful functions!"

"It's common on my planet." William asked, puzzled, "I think it should be more developed here, but why do you think computers are unbelievable?"

"That's because the camel scientist is still working on some functions." Blueberry said, "Maybe our hardware level is better than yours, because we have mass produced photon chips and quantum chips. But when it comes to systems, applications and software, we're not necessarily as good as you."

William understood why. He remembered that there was a tiny hard disk in the backpack, inside which was a file called Software optimization tips. Out of admiration, he secretly decided to hand it over to the camel scientist, in order to help the inhabitants of this planet better enjoy the life of information.

Blueberry took William and his party to a room. On the beds lay some little fruits. "Look," She said, pointing to the patients, "they're not feeling well. Doctor Banana told me that their illness was caused by depression. We need to get them excited so that they can recover quickly."

Looking at the poor little fruits, William prayed, "Get well soon! The atmosphere at the base will be less lively without your laughter."

"Let's go and give them some blueberry ice cream!" Suggested blueberry. Star fruit found Doctor Banana and asked him to take some ice cream in.

"Wake up, kids! Look at what this is!"

Little fruits, who were resting, woke up to Doctor Banana's voice. "What's that..." Sleepy little apple grabbed a blueberry ice cream. "Wow, why is it so cool?" She cried excitedly. "Taste it." Doctor Banana encouraged her.

The sweet feeling exploded in an instant. "Wow! Blueberry ice cream! This is the best cold drink in the whole universe!" The other small fruits also swarmed to clear off any remaining blueberry ice cream.

The other small fruits were immersed in the delicious, and only the little grape noticed something wrong. "The refrigeration cannot be turned on, can it?" She asked, "Is the public experience going to get worse?"

"It's not made with refrigeration equipment." Doctor Banana laughed.


"Eek?" The little fruits were all surprised and asked, "Then how was that done?"

"Sure enough, they were well enough to get out of bed." Doctor Banana said, "Look at this enabler."

William was worried and asked, "Doctor Banana, can they really get out of bed now? Is a blueberry ice cream so powerful?"

"Ha ha ha, actually it's not true that they were sick because they were hurt. They're just a little depressed, down in the dumps, not very happy all the time. It has been a long time since they ate the blueberry ice cream, so they were very excited when they heard it was coming. The organization of fruit is simple, unlike other complex creatures. One such excitement is enough."

The little fruits went out of the room and saw Rebecca. "Wow! What a beautiful big plane!" Cried one of the little strawberries.

"Oh, thank you!" Rebecca smiled.

"We were worried when we heard you were ill." Said Ranran, "Blueberry asked us for blueberry ice cream, then the big plane went up in the air and managed to make a lot."

"Oh! You're awesome, big plane!" All the little fruits looked up to Rebecca.

Cherimoya told them, "We are so happy that you are well. And thank you very much to our alien friends for your help!" Then there was a loud applause.

"You're aliens?" Said Strawberry, looking at William, Ranran, Photon and Natalie. William nodded.

"Good heavens! Fancy the aliens being so friendly! When I grow up, I also want to take a spaceship to other planets and have a look! I want to make a lot of alien friends and make the inhabitants of the universe more friendly!"

William looked at this lovely little fruit and smiled heartily.

"It would be nice if this planet could actually become Earth of the future." He thought, "The environment here is beautiful, the technology is advanced, and most of all, the heart is pure and good. There are no intrigues like those on earth. Some countries, especially those with developed economies, not only ignore the problems facing human development, but also try every means to obstruct the development of backward areas. When will those who are running in opposite directions realize the importance of cooperation and development?"

"Don't worry, William." Ranran comforted him, "I believe you have seen that the children on Earth have very much understood the principle of common development. The current situation should not last very long."

"I hope so. I hope it's over in the next second." William hugged her and said.

Photon and Natalie said to the owner of the base, Cherimoya, "Mr Cherimoya, thank you for showing us around this wonderful base! We are sure that when the three bases open together in the next few days, the public will appreciate it very much! You will surely be able to attract more and more residents' attention with your first-class products and make everyone's life better!"

"Thank you for the compliment." The cherimoya bowed his thanks. The party tried to hide their drowsiness, but they couldn't escape the cherimoya's keen eyes. "Ah, these alien friends are getting a little tired. Try this -- a sleep capsule!"

"What?" Ranran asked in surprise.

"Let me introduce." Said pineapple, taking the cherimoya's words, "This is the camel scientist's secret, his new technology that he has tested to make sure it's stable! The capsule contains a drug that regulates the nervous system and helps the body get the same level of rest as normal sleep, so it can relieve fatigue. And this drug is very effective and very biologically friendly. It doesn't do too much damage to the body because of an immune response or lack of real rest. This is a great way to stay excited for a long time. I think you may need more capsules in the future, so I am sending you the ingredients as well."

"Well, thank you so much!" William replied politely, yet he laughed secretly in his mind, "Another piece of technology. Worth it! Worth it!"

They ate the capsules and were all in good spirits. Ranran later recalled that she felt as if she had slept for eight hours in one second. Then they bid farewell to the fruit growing base and went up to the ground for the camel scientist's residence. "I've already found it. It's faster to go from here." Natalie said, looking at the computer screen.

After a brief discussion, they all agreed with Natalie. Then the party moved quickly across the wide plain. The two mother stars were about to set again. Some of the bright stars, unable to resist themselves, were ready to rise early. In a twinkling of an eye they were at the beginning of the "Purple Zone": in front of them was a wide river. The river was calm, but now and then there was a playful splash of joy. There was a strong bridge over the river, made of white marble. Its surface was so smooth that it could even reflect the bright stars in the night sky. William and his party crossed the bridge, intoxicated by the fragrance of violets. They walked down a path of glowing mushrooms with pressure sensors, letting bright purple lights inside the mushrooms illuminate their path.

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