《Universe 2.0》Chapter 38 Crazy for speed


William and his party woke up. They were awakened by the piano of the mushroom. Just a few minutes ago, the mushroom gently opened the door and entered the big room. Seeing that everyone was sound asleep, he tiptoed over to the piano and began to play a role as an alarm clock. Sure enough, it worked.

Having had enough rest, the party was as fresh as a Daisy. "Thank you, Mr Mushroom, for letting us rest in such a big room." Said William politely.

"You're welcome. This is my homemade 'satiety capsule'. Each of you only need to take one, and you can directly have lunch. Since you are in a hurry, I won't see you off. See you soon!"

"See you soon!" They took the "satiety capsules" and continued on their way. They passed checkpoint 14 and 15, getting 1.5% and 2% of their energy, respectively. Now, their energy core was 30.5% full.

William pointed to a spot on the map marked by a star and looked around. Then he pointed to a gray object and said, "Look! That's it!"

The others followed his finger. Sure enough, there was a gray object located about a kilometer away. Ranran asked, "What is that place?"

"It's a good place to train." William replied confidently, "We can let Rebecca take off from there and have Photon as a coach. He's a fighter and he should be very familiar with some of the maneuvers."

"Yes, I am the best coach in the universe!" Said Photon as he rotated the propeller. The party laughed. "Very good! Then you'll be Rebecca's pre-race coach!" Said William excitedly as he went over and hugged him.

"Well, by the way, I have an idea too." Rebecca went over to William and said, "Before, I didn't know what I was going to do after this race, while now I've decided. I think your adventures are going to be very exciting and very rare, and I've never taken any. So, I've decided to join your team! And I want to call you Master! OK?" She looked at William expectantly.

He gave a satisfied smile. "You bet! Now you can call me Master!"

"We welcome you on board!" Natalie said enthusiastically.

"Yeah! Great!" Rebecca rotated her propeller excitedly.


They made their way to the position quickly. William was right: it was a wide plain, covered with low grass. This kind of terrain was most suitable for airplanes to take off and land.

"Come on, Rebecca. We will have four training sessions altogether, and today is the first lesson! The task of this lesson is to be crazy for speed!" Cried Photon. Rebecca jumped up with excitement.

"Crazy for speed... What a perfect name!" She laughed.

"Yes, this lesson can mainly let you get familiar with the high speed and let you have fun at the same time! You haven't flown for two years, after all."

"That's great, let's start now!"

The two planes glided into position. "The wind is not strong so we can take off. Request instructions!" Said Photon to his master, William. "Take off!" William replied. The engines roared, and both planes soared into the sky at full power.

"Good job, Rebecca! I could tell by looking at you that you had a solid foundation." Photon encouraged, seeing Rebecca closely following beside him.

"Thanks! How was my climb?"

"Perfect! I also advise you to climb as fast as you can, because high altitudes are better for high speeds. If your altitude is too low and you are going too fast, you will need extremely fast reaction time to maneuver. Given that the race is ranked according to miles, a long, high-speed cruise is in your favor."

"Oh, I see! That's what I did at the tryouts. Thank you for your advice! Let's be quick!" Cried Rebecca excitedly. They were hurtling over the others' heads at 600 km/h. "Oh!" They two could hear William cheering from the ground.

"You've learned to fly straight and fast -- oh no, it is not correct to say that way -- you've recalled it. Now, let's review turning!" Photon said, pulling the ailerons to the left until the fuselage was about 60 degrees from the horizon. Then he pulled the elevator and allowed himself to draw a beautiful curve in the air. Rebecca did the same.

Photon added, "Wonderful! Normally, you don't use a rudder much in the air, unless you want to change course with extreme precision. Now, try it out yourself with the angle you just made. No rudder the first time, rudder the second time."


The results were clear: Rebecca's second climb was lower than the first, and the target heading was more accurate.

"See what the rudder does?" Photon laughed, "Using the rudder is helpful in combat, but it doesn't have to be full all the time."

"Taught!" Replied Rebecca. She made a few more horizontal turns by herself.

"The next step is the vertical maneuver. This movement helps you get up and down quickly without losing too much energy." Photon pulled the elevator so that he looked directly at the sky. As a result, he gradually slowed down. He kept an eye on his speedometer and leveled off when it read 400 km/h. Rebecca followed him closely.

"I've tried this many times before." Photon said as he flew, "I feel this speed is critical. I don't know your critical speed yet, so I recommend that you try not to slow down below 400km/h while using this maneuver. Otherwise, accelerating again will be more energy-consuming, which is not good for your cruise. You know, using as little fuel as possible can go a long way in improving your mileage, even more so than a long, high-speed cruise!"

"Wow! Exactly! No problem, I'm ready!" Rebecca practiced diving by herself. Photon was full of praise. He said,

"The last item: sprint! This action is suitable for about 3 minutes before the end of the race. This is most physical and fuel intensive, so don't use it lightly. Now, try the effect."

Rebecca couldn't wait to push the gas to the full. As the wind whistled around her, she watched her speed climb to 750 km/h. But to her surprise, she managed to maintain this speed for five minutes and was not as tired as she had expected. It only used 20% more fuel!

Rebecca and Photon lowered their altitude for landing. She told him what had just happened. "Do you know why that is?" He asked her deliberately.

"No, I don't."

"Because Woodford's refit was a success. He replaced you with a stronger, more fuel-efficient engine, so you didn't get more tired. But you must be tired."

"Certainly. I just lasted five minutes and slowed down because I was too tired."

Photon said, "Actually, I guess that your original engine can only last you for three minutes. So that's why I just told you that this is a good action for about three minutes before the end of the race."

"You really are a seasoned master! I would have fancied you had ever taken part in a race." Rebecca laughed.

"I'm flattered. Show them your results later." "OK!"

The two planes landed smoothly. Photon glided up to William and told him that Rebecca was about to start showing the review results. "Everybody," William announced loudly, "let's look forward to the performance of the first lesson from the future champion Rebecca!"

Rebecca was excited to rise into the sky again. She effortlessly completed the maneuvers that Photon had just helped her review, with a huge smile on her face. The party watched her speeding over their heads and listened to the roar of her powerful engine. They had visions of her far ahead in the race.

Rebecca amazed William by drawing a square track using vertical maneuvers. He could only express his excitement by shouting. Then he saw her draw a donut using horizontal maneuvers.

Rebecca landed again. William and Ranran rushed over and threw themselves on her wings. "You're our pride!" Ranran cried excitedly, "I can't believe you reviewed so well and so quickly!"

"Yeah," Natalie cried too, "and today is all about speed, and you did a great job!" Led by William, thunderous applause rang through the sky.

"Thanks for the compliment." Rebecca said shyly, "I am actually quite surprised about myself. I can't believe that after two years I am still so familiar with the maneuvers and the feeling. Maybe this is the power of faith! If I had practiced in doubt a few minutes earlier, it might not have worked so well."

"You're right." William said, "One may not believe in the power of faith at first, but if he uses it, he will be amazed."

Applause and cheers broke out again. William smiled and thought about going home again. He said to himself, "William, you can go back. Whoever that You-Know-Who is, or whether he tries to stop me or not, I always believe in my strength. This plane will succeed, and so will I."

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