《Start Over On Easy Mode (BL)》Chapter 9


The meeting progressed quickly. Zach gave his game pitch and allowed Cain to play a demo.

Despite having his memories of the future as a cheat, he reveled in the praise he was receiving. He wanted this partnership to work out. Cain was innovative and skilled. He only had to explain a concept once for him to understand.

He understood why he could never catch up to him in the future. Cain was a genius. Zach would maintain his lead, but he would be aware of the people who could match him. It would be terrible if he became overconfident.

He was surprised that Tynan stayed out of the conversation for the most part. He volunteered his opinion when they were discussing the structure of the company.

Morris, he learned later, was a lawyer. He worked as a sort of executive secretary for Tynan, but he felt more like a fixer to Zach.

They shared a meal. Everyone seemed to agree to keep the conversation light.

The topics were varied. While Zach didn’t show it, he struggled to keep up at points. A lot of it revolved around a city he hadn’t visited yet.

After the meal, Cain and Morris made themselves scarce.

“I apologize for Rain’s behavior.” Tynan started. Zach agreed to see how their relationship developed, but he noted the change in his behavior. The young man was more skittish and closed off, the flirtiness put on the backburner.

“I am not afraid of Rain.” Zach didn’t want to stay here, but he wasn't familiar with Pe City. He should have explored more when he moved here.

Tynan tipped his head. “Then why the change?”

“I thought you wanted a relationship?” Zach took a sip of his drink. “The flirtiness has its place, but it takes more than that to build anything meaningful.”

“Can’t I get flirty and meaningful?” Tynan said, lightening the mood.

Zach laughed, taking a sip of his drink. “You can have everything. Isn’t that what it means to date.” Zach pointed his finger. “You can’t change your mind when I get manic and don’t shower for a week.”

“It would take more than that for me to change my mind.” Tynan reached out. Holding Zach’s hand that was resting on the table. He lifted it to his lips.

Zach felt the gentle brush of lips against his hand. He thought his heart would stop. Swallowing heavily, he searched for something to say.

Tynan loved the lost look on Zach’s face. His breath was a bit unsteady, and color crept into his cheeks. He wanted to kiss him, but he knew it was too soon. “Let’s get out of here.”


Zach leaned against the wall of his apartment. He could still hear Tynan’s voice even though he was alone.

After they left the restaurant, they went to a park.

They’d strolled around swapping stories of their childhood. Zach got swept away. Standing, sitting, strolling around—neither of them wanted the night to end.

It was a little after one before they called it quits. Tynan had an early morning flight and a full day of work tomorrow.


He giggled his way straight to bed.


Tynan starfished out on his bed. It was easy to get lost in Zach. He was charismatic and eloquent. He got the feeling that he was barely scratching the surface when it came to Zach.

He knew that Zach lived with his mother before he moved, but he couldn’t understand the sadness in his eyes when he spoke about her.

He heard about Zach’s relationship. While things didn’t end amicably, and Zach hinted at taking revenge. It didn’t explain the bitterness and cynicism he saw.

Despite their apparent age difference, it was like he was talking to an equal. In moments, he even felt like he was talking to one of the elders in his family.

Scrubbing a tired hand over his face, he tried to forget the warmth of Zach’s skin against his lips. It didn’t help that he wanted to steal a taste every time Zach smiled. There was something addictive about him. He’d never met anyone quite like Zach Mallory.

When he realized he was too tired to sleep, he reached for his laptop. There was a lot of work to do if he wanted to come back on the weekend.


They were texting back and forth for three weeks. When possible, they called each other. Tynan ended up not being able to visit Pe City again. The weekend he was supposed to come, he had to go on a business trip.

Zach, holding his passport, decided to surprise him by going to Lor City. While he was there, he would look into getting a place of his own.

Stepping out of the airport, he called Tynan. A deep voice answered, and it sent his heart racing. “If I was in Lor City, where is one place I have to visit?”

There was silence on the other end of the line.

“Every visitor is recommended to visit the headquarters of Blackburn Industries. It is a hub of…,”

“Alright,” Zach cut him off laughing. “It won't be a problem if I come and visit you at work.”

“Zach, are you really in Lor City?” Tynan asked.

“Emm.” He couldn’t stop the blush that warmed his cheeks. “I just got off the plane. The drive is taking me to your offices.” Tynan cursed, and it sounded like he knocked something over. “Is everything alright?”

“How long can you stay?” Tynan answered his question with a question.

“I am here without a visa. Like any tourist, I can stay for three months.” He looked out the car window at the city that was different yet very familiar. Zach felt like he was home.

“You could get married and apply for citizenship,” Tynan said, laughing.

Zach heard the joke, but something in Tyana’s voice made him think that the other man was, at least, partly serious. “Who knows what can happen in three months.” He didn’t know what message he wanted to convey when he answered.

There was a pause, “how far are you?”

“It will take at least fifty minutes.” Zach was misfortune enough to be caught in lunchtime traffic.


“Where are you staying?”

Zach's breath hitched, and his heart rate picked up. “I haven’t decided yet,” was his breathy reply.

There was a groan on the other end of the line. “Tell your driver to bring you to this address,” he rattled it off. “No need to spend money on expensive hotels.”

Zach told the driver about the change in destination. “I didn’t need an excuse to stay with you.”

“Good.” Tynan disappeared for a moment, and there was talking in the background. “I have to go. My next appointment is here. Someone will be at the house to let you in.”

“Later, Tynan.” He said, hanging up. Pushing a hand through his hair, he wondered what the capital had in store for him.

His phone started ringing. He saw that it was his mother. If he wasn’t afraid of the consequences, he would ignore it. “Mom.”

“Have you seen him yet?”

His mother sounded more excited than him. He rued the day he let it slip that he was interested in someone. “I just landed.”

“Are you staying with him?” she squealed.

“Shouldn’t you be more—I don’t know—awkward about your son going to sleep with a man ten years his senior?” His mother had been very blase when he’d confessed to being involved with a man.

“You're going to sleep with him! Tracy, listen to this…,” She hung up before he could say anything else.

Zach was glad that his mother was having fun in Jell City. Occasionally, it sounded like she was having too much fun. A lot of it at his expense. He never knew which one of her artist friends she was out with.

He knew the day where she started dating was coming, and he wasn’t sure how he would react. In his heart, he would be happy for his mother, but it would take a bit of adjustment.

It wasn’t long before he had to identify himself to a security guard.

Getting out of the car, a sight that set his teeth on edge greeted him. Rain was coming out of Tynan’s house to greet him. Enemies would always meet on a narrow road. He wanted to knock that smug smile right off his face.

“Rain, Tynan didn’t tell me you would be here to welcome me!” Zach was glad he’d packed heavy. Most of it was his computer gear, but he wouldn’t tell Rain that. He loved the way Rain’s lips tightened when he saw the six suitcases.

“You packed a lot.” Rain was a good actor. In the blink of an eye, he was back to being welcoming.

“As his friend, didn’t Tynan tell you I would be moving in?” Zach did his best not to laugh when Rain missed a step.

“He didn’t say that. He hasn’t mentioned you at all.” Rain recovered his balance. “Rosetta, you can put Zach’s bags in the guest room.” He said, acting every bit the master of the mansion.

“I am sorry, Mr. Edwards. Mr. Blackburn has specified that Mr. Mallory is to shown to his rooms.”

Zach didn’t hold back his laugh this time. “Rosetta, is that what I should call you?”

“I prefer Mrs. Brown.” The dower woman answered.

“Alright then. It is a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Brown. Have them send my bags up and show me to the kitchen. I am a bit peckish.” He walked past the red-faced actor. He’d been collecting information about Rain. It was about time he checked what was there.

“Mr. Blackburn said he will be home shortly and wanted to have the evening meal with you.” Mrs. Brown said. She did a half-bow and gestured for him to enter the house.

“Were you trained at the Monarch Butler Institue in D country?” Zach quired. A well-trained butler was indispensable to the functioning of a household. He knew their job description and training were varied and extensive.

“Yes,” she said. There was a flash of surprise in her eyes at his unexpected question but no other reaction. He had to commend her professionalism.

“Exceptional, your training shows. Tynan is lucky to have you.” Zach was jealous. He’d wanted to hire a butler from the institute, but they had a ten-year waiting list. It wasn’t as popular now, but having a butler would be the ‘it’ thing in a few years.

“Thank you, Mr. Mallory.” She did another half bow.

Zach just nodded. “Since I will be waiting on Tynan, if you are too busy to show me around, you can assign someone to do it.”

“I am free to show you around.”

Turning back, he addressed Rain. “Is Tynan expecting you for lunch?”

The actor didn't have much shame. Not getting the hint, he instead climbed the stairs. “I am very familiar with the property. I can show you around.”

Zach didn’t have to answer because a car pulled up. He was relieved to see Tynan. “You’re just in time. Rain was tell…,” His words got cut off. Tynan took the steps two at a time and pulled him into a kiss.

Zach moaned and surrendered his weight to Tynan. He opened his mouth a shiver traveled down his spine as Tynan’s tongue plundered his mouth. He’d dreamed of this. He let out a whimper as Tynan pulled away.

“Fuck. You taste as sweet as I’d imagined.” He knocked their heads together as he tried to catch his breath. Tynan tried to remember why it was he couldn’t move too fast.

Zach tipped his head to the side and kissed Tynan’s chin. He snuggled in closer for a hug.

There was a sense of homecoming as those arms tightened around him. All the reasons why they shouldn’t move too fast wanted to fly out of his head.

Tynan dipped his head and stole another kiss before stepping back. “Welcome to Lor City.”

Zach laughed. “If I knew you were the welcoming committee, I would have come long before this.”

Tynan shook his head. “You’re just in time.”

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