《The Stupid God who tries to get better》Chapter 5


I stood up and drew a circle. Well I couldn't because I didn't have anything to draw a circle with.


I was feeling so frustrated right now. Fuck you old geezer! I hope your face gets destroyed!

This body did not have a single penny on it. The only thing I could do now was ‘borrow’.

I walked out of the idiotic smelly street and walked for a while till I found a stationary.

“Aha! Just what I needed.”

Saying this I walked into the store. It was kinda small. A worker walked up to me and asked-

“Ahem, what do you need sir.”

“Oh I need a pen and a paper.”

“Oh yes surely sir, please wait for a while.”

He dare ask a god to wait!! Oh well he is going to give a pen and paper so I don't really mind.

He came back after a few seconds and handed me the pen and paper.

“The counter is that way sir, if you need a different pen don't hesitate to ask.”

“Hmph! This will do, ugh what a low quality pen. But time is of the essence. Human I will remember your contribution. When I get back my powers I will give you the most beautiful pen on Mooyoon!”

The stupid human looked troubled and confused. He seemed to be doubting a god! I will give him only the second best pen in the world now!

“Umm… sir, are you alright? Please head to counter sir.”

Choosing to ignore him I just walked out.

“Sir! Please wait ! You have not yet paid for it.”

“You imbecile! I do not have those idiotic paper things with me! You will get a pen that has superpowers afterwords! Sayonara!”

That was a word i learned from a human when I was still a god. I think it meant goodbye in a cool way.


I ran after that. That fool who doesn't know how to treasure opportunities follows me.

“Haaaaa …. Hwaaaaah”

I got tired after running for some time. I cursed that idiotic womanizer in my mind before running into the crowd nearby. Such a weak body!


The guy who was following me finally got here and searched a little in the surrounding before leaving with a dejected and angry look on his face.

“Robber these days don't even hide while robbing!”

You fucker! You dare call a god a robber! I will only give you the 100th best pen on Mooyoon!

Anyway I have to get back to work now! I went into an alley and drew a circle with a few inscriptions in it.

Hopefully that old hags arrive now. Fingers crossed. Oh, if you're wondering who they are then they are the underworld grannies. Basically they are undead who give people a ride to earn money.

You just have to draw a circle with a few words in it to call them. They arrive if they are free but they aren't most of the time.


A loud noise which sounded like a fart was given off by a car which arrived near me.

Instead of getting disgusted I got half happy and half disgusted.

The door of the car magically opened but it looked like it would fall off after a few more of those magical openings.

I got into the car and sat down.

“Hahahahaaha, welcome aboard on the underworld car! Where to esteemed customer!”

The inside the car smelt wired and there were skeletons hanging here and there.

“To the demigod’s paradise!”


Oh and if I didn't mention it before, I'll mention it now. The underworld car was the one and only in the world and had three old skeletons controlling it. And if that isn't enough, the old skeleton grannies had two eye sockets but only one eye.


Now you might ask- if they are skeletons why do you know they are grannies? Well they wear granny clothes! That's why!

“Hey old hag give me your eye and let me complete my eye set.”

And if you still want more these three grannies keep fighting for each other's eyes all the time.

The car started flying in the air and lifted off toward demigod’s palace.

The granny who was steering tried to grab the other granny’s eye and turned the steering too much.

“Aaaaahh you old hag watch the steering.”

Said hag no 2 while trying to snatch hag no 1’s eye.

This almost caused us to crash!

“You pile of bones watch where you're going!”

Although I want afraid of such small things, my body was very weak right now!

“Hahahahaha” hag no 3 laughed while watching hag no 1 and 2 fight.


While I was shouting like a idiot we finally reached demigod’s palace after five hours.

People under me always used to say that the underworld car was not a good choice while travelling. Now I knew why!

The hags know nothing but trying to snatch each other's eyes.

The first thing I did after getting out was puke.

“Okey dokey young man that will be 78 underworld coins.”

“You pile of weakened bones! After giving this god such a terrible ride you dare ask this great god money?!”

The old hags looked at each other and smiled creepily.

“You? God?”

The pointed their bony fingers at me asked me in a wired tone.

“Haha haha, we are Queens of underworld!”

At this moment I realised that I had fucked up.

“Get him!”

I ran towards the two huge trees which were about a hundred meters afar from me.

That was the entrance. Just a few meters and I would get there.

Those three pile of bones also ran behind me.

Suddenly those trees shook as if they had come to life and whipped their branches on me.

I had fucked up yet again…..

I ran and tried to dodge while facing my impending doom.


As the sound came to me with three other whip sounds I was blasted away.

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