《The God King APEX》Rise of The Champions
An Iron sword plunges into a kobold[Wolf-like Humaniod Monster] and pulls out as the kobold falls to the ground dead.
A human man with fair skin and red hair stands over the kobold his sword dripping in its red blood.
His chest heaving as he catches his breath, he looks around the cavern at his fellow humans all standing over recently slain kobolds, panting and covered in sweat.
A drop of sweat runs down his chin about to drop when he wipes it off with his arm, before trudging forward, his allies shortly following behind him.
They walk to the end of the cavern tunnel the light nearly blinding them as thier eyes adjust to the light of the Life Stream above.
They look around at the huge crater letting in stream light, its huge inner walls surrounding them as they walk further into it.
After hearing his ally swear and unsheathe his blade, the red haired man's head snaps forward seeing four great hound of condensed fire walking around a golden spear burning with an orange fiery glow, as if staring into a fiery inferno.
The rest of his allies have also taken notice unsheathing thier blades as they ready for combat.
Thier raven haired female mage Laura speaks up, the red haired man Aiden lending his ear.
Laura, "We've come to far to give up, I'm not letting 2 weeks in these caverns going to waste. We're going back with that spear."
Aiden, "Even if we did try to go back his majesty the king would just lop our heads off for treason."
The warrior priest a black guy with a shaved head and a medium beard gives his thoughts.
Demitri, "Heh sounds like something he'd do. The Order wouldn't be happy either, if anything they'd encourage are swift execution, damn bastards."
Aiden, "Don't let that get to you we need to be prepared for when the elementals attack. Luara I want you behind Jack, William, Ron, Zachary, and Demitri, with Kim okay.
I want frost arrows ready to go don't forget to warn us before firing.
Demitri I want you and Donatello on defense casting blessings and aoe healing when you can.
Jake, David, Johny your with me at the vangaurd, Elijah make sure to stay out of sight and to keep firing them with enchanted water arrows.
Everyone else you know what to do, and remember stay sharp, here they come!!!"
The star hounds were already running at them, before they knew it Jake, Johny and Donatello were dead and they were quickly being overtaken.
Aiden sees the hounds going for the rest fo his allies, and makes a mad dash for the closest hound, in a last ditch attempt to delay them so his allies can escape.
He mangaes to grapple onto the starhound his flesh burning as he atempts to hold it down.
Aiden orders, "Fire everything you have, everyone retreat!!!"
Silence follows his orders.
He looks back to see all his allies sprawled about dead, many of them still burning in flames.
Aiden despairs he has nothing left to protect.
He lays there in despair his arms and legs burnt beyond use.
The star hound slowly gets off of him begininging to circle him, as the others follow suit.
The star hounds begin running around him howling as they transform into a stream of star matter, before rising up over him, spinning as they funnel into his chest.
His body begins radiating fiery shining light, his eyes flaming like stars, as his hair shines a brilliant white light.
He slowly rises floating to his feet as the star energy continues swirl around him fusing with his body.
Star fire and light begin to coaless from The Star Spear, forming into a star elemental in the shape of a woman, tendrils of star fire for hair flowing from her head, burning blue fire for eyes like two blue dwarf stars.
Her nose simple yet beautiful, her lips almost invisible, only showing them selves as she spoke her star fire dress swaying back and forth like a sun flare, laying waist to all in its wake.
Female Star Elemental, "You have passed the first test. As a reward I shall use my power to raise you friends."
She stretched forth her hand starfire and star light flowing into the corpses of his dead friends,healing their wounds, and imbueing them each with power from a star.
They open thier eyes that now give off a soft white glow of star light, thier hair a softly glowing orange.
The few in the shadow of the crater's walls giving off a warm glow from thier skin.
They rise to thier feet without confusion fully aware of the power they have been granted and how they were raised back from the dead.
They Star Elemental floats toward Aiden.
Female Star Elemental, "I am the will of The Great Star Spear crafted by The Godking APEX himself and it is time for the final test should you pass you will become Master of The Star Spear a gift from The Godking APEX.
However should you fail, you will die and your friends will serve me for eternity."
She presses her lips of star fire against his mouth, pouring herself into him invading his every memory, intention, and desire.
"You Are Worthy."
These words could be heard be all within the crater and the forest around it, as the birds scattered out from the trees, flying into the sky.
Every man woman and child within the forest turn their head towards the direction of the crater.
The Star Elemental, Will of The Star Spear pours her self into her new master through his mouth as she continues to kiss him until every last wisp of her enters his mouth.
Slowlay Inhaling and Exhaling a small flame of star fire escapes his mouth, before he stretches forth his arm to The Star Spear its will now his own.
With a clang and a crack of stone against metal The Star Spear breaks free from the mount of stone, pulled by will alone it flys staight into the hand of Aiden Champion of The Star Spear.
APEX, "Hmm, well I might have over did it when I designed the testing system for the spear. I didn't think it would develop an ego on its own, at least not so quickly.
Let alone that it would use such a brutal way of testing, it could have just kissed him from the begining couldn't it.
Hmm, it might of developed an ego, and a rather sadistic, sexual one with the flare for dramatics.
Mm, very likely especially since it manifested as something with gender, let alone a body.
I should take a look at the other ones before procceding.
This might get a bit out of hand if they continue this way.
All the more reason to check up on the other artifacts and thier respective masters.
Oh. Oh my."
An Army of monsters, beasts, and elementals march through a burnt plain in the middle of a vast forest littered with grey rock mountain ranges with sharp cliffs and drops.
In the middle of the army of monster, beasts, and elementals a single highly decorated throne on a platform covered by a small roof like structure, on it a single woman with grey skin, white flowing hair and glowing yellow irises, dressed in black leather clothing that exposed his legs shoulders and ample cleavage.
In front of them stood a single goblin child who was strangely not ugly like most goblin children.
He stared daggers at the monsters approaching his village cuasing the adults of his village to shake and huddle in fear.
If no one would stand up to these brutes, then he would.
APEX looked closer at the woman noticing The All Whip wrapped around her right thight the handle clinging to her hip.
She was without a doubt The Will of The All Whip.
She raise her palm the horde stopped.
A massive earth elemental a little over a yard in front of the goblin child.
The goblin child unwilling to back down stared unrelelenting at the massive being of earth and orck towering over him, its shadow engulfing him.
He stared at the being anger, hatred, and an unrelenting stubborn will in his eyes, his fists balled, his body unflicnhing without fear.
The Will of The All Whip speaks, "Kill him."
The Great Towering being of earth and rock swinging down his massive fist far larger than the boy, down towards the child.
"Stop!" Ordered The Woman.
The Earth Elemental's fist hovering directly over the child.
The Air from the force of the swing rushing down through the child's hair, blowing a ring of dust around the child into the air.
The Child completely unfazed, casually staring right back the fist that could have easily killed him.
His will unrelenting, his eyes calmyet bruning with the passion to protect what is his, the anger at those that would hurt someone who has done no wrong, and his rebellious stubborn will only become stronger with each push attempting to force him down.
The Woman, "Oh a like you." She licks her lips in anticipation of who this boy will become once he grows.
She gets off her thrown the ground rising up to meet her as steps, she walks toward the boy.
"Do you want power boy?"
The Goblin Child, "I need nothing from you."
She grabs his cheeks by his chin with her left hand.
"Oh I definetly like you, but the question is Are You Worthy?"
The boy stares back at her his defiant will burning even stronger and brighter in his eyes, as he attempt to pull his chin from her grip using his neck alone.
The woman kisses the boy's cheek assessing his every memory, intent, and desire, before those same words of the star elemental sound thought out the area.
As she became a grey mist she entered though his mouth until nothing was left, her will fusing with his own.
The goblin boy "Zaelar" as the locals called him, looked down at The All Whip in his hand, as she he tried to shake it from his hand, the whip seemingly stuck to his hand.
Zaelar The First Champion of The All Whip, a mere boy of 10 years age.
APEX, "Ok this is definetly not good.
How much did thier egos develop, and to what extreme.
I mean compared to The All Whip, The Star Spear looks mellow, all things considered.
I do not see this going anywhere good, they already have egos so how far are they willing to take this.
I hope they gon't to war, what am I saying of course they are going to go to war, just look at them.
Okay I need more information, which means more observation.
A massive lake sat next a mountain fed by a river flowing from it's snowy peak.
Carved from the mountain a massive fortified city of Dwarves.
Surround by a massive wall the city's structure was exposed on the upper levels where nobility lived.
Lush green gardens, hanging off the half walls, massive pillars supporting the inner labyrinth of residences, markets, mines, fungus farms, meat farms, armories, and other important rooms.
Massive sqaure holes below the exposed upper levels venting the smokes and smells creating hash pash of smoke, roasting food, and various ores.
At the bottom of the adjacent lake surrounded by forest, and backed by the steep rocky mountain range, underneath the lakes waters The Dragons Hammer sat in amount of stone in a massive crater.
A Serpent-like dragon with massive leathery wings swims around it in circles.
Slowly an old dwarf five feet tall, with a massive bulky frame, bursting with muscles harder than iron, and a long thick white beard, sauntering up in a simple shirt and pants, approaches the lake.
The Dragon stirs, the edges of its back rippling through the water.
The Dwarf has fought many battle, and can sense the change in atmosphere.
Will of The Dragon Hammer, "Drioc IronWarden, Level 250, Arcane Monk. This will be interesting."
Drioc, stares into the waters depth, his eyes rounding in shock.
Drioc, "It has energies within it I do not know."
The Dragon, "Hmmm."
The water churn before exploding upwards like a massive fountain, water raining down onto Drioc IronWarden, revealing a massive black dragon with a red glowing tint, its wings spread out and it's tail dropped down below it hover over the lakes water, it's massive ridged head stairing down at the dwarf.
The very air seemed to burn as it pressed down on him almost forcing Drioc to his knees as the ground cracks giving a bit under his feet.
Drioc stomps his foot stepping one foot forward to steady himself as he almost fell.
His back arched his gaze down, he raises his chin looking straight in the dragons eyes.
'Hmmm.' Thought the dragon.
The Dragon, "Kneel."
The ground suddenly cracks pressing down further on itself, as the air seems to hum emebers visible as its pressure increases further, further, further, further, further, further, adn further yet.
The dwarfs back foot shifts widening his stance to steady himself, as sweat drips down his forhead.
Still he stares into the dragons eyes, his will and body unyielding.
Yet it takes all his strength just to keep standing, he can't walk let alone fight, but still he stares his gaze unwavering.
The dragon exhales flames embers and spoke leaving its nostrils.
The Dragon speaks, "You do not kneel?"
The pressure increases Drioc almost stumbling as he flinches from the pressure, but his eyes still mantiain eye contact with the dragon, and he still stands.
The Dragon, "Very well."
The Dragon starts inhaling through it's mouth a massive fireball forming between it's open jaws, it exhales.
Fire rolling forth as the flames engulf the dwarf swiling around him like funnel, the voices of his ancestors, whispers of women, and deep guteral growls of beast surrounding him.
All telling him one thing.
Smoke departing from the fires and taking many forms, from the beautiful seductive form of naked women, to the disaproving family members imposing presences, to the old friends of past, all the way to terrifying angry beasts.
Finally after who knows how long of enduring the vioces and forms of those telling him to kneel.
The Dwarf Shouts, "Enough!!!!!"
His vioce sending a shockwave of force scattering the spinning fires and relentless illusions.
His knee falters almost touching the ground, he rises anger burning in his eyes as he takes a step forward.
The Dragon, "I Kneel."
The dragon already on the ground bows his head a press his forehead against the ground.
The Dwarf shocked and puzzled.
The dragons being turning to smoke and entering Drioc's agape mouth.
The dragon completely gone in front of him, now fused with his will.
The Will of The Dragon Hammer's Master, "Drioc IronWarden."
A deep rumbling vioce sounds out through the area well past the mountain city of dwarves.
The hammer pulses with a red glow rises out of the lake, floating and rotating in the air, it flys into Drioc's outstetched hand.
APEX, "Huahh, well at least it will make a good legend. Next."
The highest mountain in a small mountain range swirls with chaotic arcane magics of every element and variation, purple mists like intense winds swirling around the mountain and into the arcane mana saturated forest below, leaving behind a purple fog.
Crystal and ores in large cluster fill the forest with high trees a a vast assortment of magical plants and creatures, as arcane nymphs dances, sing and prance about before melding into the fog like mirages.
A single lone mage draped in a dark purple cloak covering high grade enchanted light armor exits the forest as he climbs the mountain, his spear like magic scepter in hand as he uses it like a walking stick.
As he reaches the top he sees a voluptous woman draped in blue robes her hood down reveal her shining brilliant blue hair her beautiful delicate yet sharp facial features accompanied by glowing blue eyes the white of her eyes a lighter blue glowing just a brightly.
A long glowing blue hairless tail gripping the mystic scepter it tip mounted in the mountain's peak.
The mage lowers his hood revealing his young face with a dark complexion, short black dread locks and purple irises, his facing showing first awe then curiosity.
The Youth, "A Fae. But I've never seen one with such pure mana?"
The Will of The Spear/The Fae, "You have discovered that the true way to command magic is through intent, as well as mastered not only magic but honing your scepter through martial arts to its peak, and have scaled this mountain through The Arcane Forest below while enduring the arcane winds.
All at such a young age, I have decided.
The Fae The Will of The Mystic Scepter, disappears into a mist of blue Archaic Mana before rushing forth and merging into the young Archmagus, as The Mystic Scepter breaks from the stone rushing forth into the youths hand.
The Youth looks at the scepter in his hand pondering, "I ArchMagus Reyes Rayad Van'Runic have become the first master of The Mystic Scepter. How... Wonderful"
APEX, "Phew, huh that actually went pretty well, smoothly, huh. Well next up the orcs I guess."
A lush vibrant jungle filled with extrememly fertile life surrounding a large lake filled with masive amounts of fish and aquatic life.
Large villages and towns dotting The Forest of Life and The Life Spring Lake.
A single Orc fisherman rows his small one man fishing boat toward the center of the lake, before coming to the center pulling out his fishing rod and dropping the hook into the water.
After pulling large bull shark aboad and killing it with a blow to the head with his hatchet, he once again drops his hook into the water below.
This time it snags on something.
The Orc having dealt with having to pull out rocks, plants and other debris of his hook sometimes even having to untangle his line many times, simple believes this is one of those times.
So he pulls, and pulls then pulls harder, before suddenly a large male orc sitting on a rock to his right dressed in brown robes, ask.
"What are you doing?"
The fisherman replies, "JUst fishing I think I got my line cuaght of a rock or something it's pretty hard pulling it back up."
The Robed Orc, "Ah, I see. Well don't let me stop you go ahead, I wont bother you."
The fisherman asnwers, "The thanks and sorry it's just this takes a lot of energy, uwhahh, ughh, ughh, shit. I'm gonna have to cut my line."
The Robed Orc, "Why so tense about it, its only a fishing pole? I'm sure you can get a new one can't you?"
The Fisherman laughs at himself with a pained look, before his brow furrows into a worried solemn look, "That the things though, I'm not exactly rich, let alone middle class, I used to be able to replace my line whenever I wanted but with merchants charging so much these days, once I lose this line I'll be hard pressed to feed my family, plus my mother in law isn't exactly doing well.
I know she not the mostpleasant person, but my kids can't lose another grandparent, and my wife, huahhhh, I can't exactly imagine what she would go thorugh, but it won't be anything good."
A frown stitched onto his face he stares solemnly at the water worry and regret in his eyes.
The Robed Orc, "What if I went went down there and got you line out, what then."
The fisherman's eyes light up with hopeand gratitude, before clowding in worry, "That would be great!"
The boat shakes after he jumps to a stand facing the the robed orc, before slouching and making eye contact with the robed orc.
"Sadly all I can offer you is a meal of fish with me and my family."
The Robed Orc smiles, "That should be plenty."
The robed orc jumps into the water without disrobing, and return a few moments later with the fisherman line, The Life Shield hanging of its hook.
The Robed Orc The Will of The Life Shield answers the fishermans surprised expression with, "YOU ARE WORTHY."
The Robed Orc becomes yellow glowing mist and flys into the fisherman's chest as The Life Shield unhooks itself and rushes threw the short distance attache itslef to the fisherman's left arm with a "CLANG" and a "DING" sharing its power with it new master.
Advec Lionheart Champion of The Life Shield.
APEX, "That was atcually... A really good chioce. The Life Shield seem to show good judgement high intellegence and wisdom.
Lastly the elves"
A single elf walks along a forest trail-like path, a small babbling brook though the trees to her right, as she enters the forest.
An eagle flying above the sky behind her before catching her in its sights.
The eagle swoops down mist swirling into an illusion of a little girl running across the field behind the elven woman.
The little girls shrieks and scream for help a the eagle chases her slightly increasing it's size and presence.
The elven woman turns her head around seeing the scared little girl being chases by an oversized eagle.
The woman inhales drawing her bow aimming at the eagle, before exhaling as she releases her arrow at the eagle, only for it to sharply dodge. and continue chasing the little girl.
The elven woman darts into the field after the girl as she draws her bow about to release another arrow at the eagle.
Before the eagle suddenly takes a swift turns flying toward the elven woman.
The woman dodges narrowly missing the eagle nose dive leaving a crater in the ground.
The eagle shoot out of the crater before again nose diving this time a the little girl.
The elven woman trips backwards as she quickly tries to get her bearing at the speed of the eagle, after having dodge less then 2 seconds ago.
She once again draws her bow before quickly aiming at the eagle and release her three arrows knocked back which fly through the air toward the eagle.
The first missing the second almost grazing the eagle, before the third one pierces it's non existent heart, cuasing it to plummet to the ground below.
Thunder in the sky crack sounds out the words, "YOU ARE WORTHY." Crack of lightning following it's wakes as the eagle crashto the ground.
The Elven Woman confused says, "Huh?"
THe Eagle hits the ground it's body disperseinto grey cloudy wind, lighting, and small blackbirds before flying into the elven woman's hand, after she dropped her other bow in shock.
She looks toward the little girl stands quite a few meters away down the field, as the little girl fades away like the wind.
Elven Woman, "An Illusion? No a test. But for what? WHat are you bow?"
The Sky Bow replies, "I am your's now Champion Ella Groundsgard, I am The Sky Bow crafted by APEX himself."
APEX, "Well, now that thats over and done with for now. Time to get everything in order, Haven and Throne.
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