《The Key of Destiny》Chapter 12.4 - An arrow crossing the stars


After passing through Glaedr, their next goal was to bring peace of mind to their fellow dragon. Perhaps they could not communicate with her clan, let alone know where they would even be themselves by Leith's theories about it. After all, Calamity and the Eroder created instability that affected everything, and if there was a dragons hunter involved, the complication doubled.

The first thing Finnian learned or made him remember is that not all elthean were good or bad. This was logical, mainly because that world could not be simplified in black or white. Even though specific actions were seen as such, some were chosen such a path, and the same applied to hunters or dragons.

Clans were like they get to organize, sometimes occupying territories permanently, while others moved according to their customs. Leith's was the second case, with dragons of all kinds, powers and appearance. Although the most important thing was not his strength, what they could do with his magic.

"Some consider the dragons to have a wisdom that has been forgotten," admitted Finnian while walking to Upper Galya, "Or that is what the books I read said."

"That's not far from reality," Ead replied.

Like other eltheans, the dragons had their own professions, certain acclaimed qualities they naturally possessed, although that did not make them less powerful rivals. Some created art, while others devoted their lives to magic or were philosophers. In the end, it depended mainly on how they have raised and the circumstances in which they were found.

"My clan is mixed with artists, sorcerers and warriors. We go from zone to zone, sharing knowledge and acquiring them from other dragons, as part of our traditions."

"But are you always travelling?" Aer pointed out.

"Of course not. We also have times of rest, of coming home, unless we have some unpleasant surprise."

The hunter, whose favourite hobby was to hunt other dragons, looked good or bad. Finnian assumed that people had nothing else to dedicate their lives to, however sad it seemed.

Although there were no other dragons in Galya at the time, that did not prevent them from coming into contact. There were messengers by land, sea and air in most populations, each advancing at a different rate according to who you were looking for, so it was difficult to contact certain clans. The constant movement made them difficult to find, for good as for evil. While effective at sending messages, Magic arrows were not foolproof and could be intercepted by anyone with sufficient skill to do so.


"And what about fire?" Finnian said.

"Some use it to communicate," Ead admitted, thoughtful of the possibility. "But that would mean that they had one on, among many other things."

The simplicity of the messengers or arrows was that they track those elthean, in one way or another. Instead, when trying to send magical messages, rather than more physical, the difficulty increased. The ability of those who sent it, the letters, the distance, or the protections between them influenced too. That's why mail worked so well even in times like that because it was easier.

"We can send a message to the northern clan in Issey. We know them from other occasions, and maybe they can give them the news," Leith said.

"But that region is too cold. It would make it more difficult for a messengers arrow to reach them," Rune said.

"Do you have another alternative? Because seen in this way, it is the best thing we can do, isn't it?" Aer said.

"What about the stars?" Finnian intervened.

"Something like that has never been tried with success," Ead said. "It's not effective. They look different depending on where you are."

Like the other elements, these were also affected by all kinds of forces, and it influenced where they were and the climate they had.

"You have taught me that night offers as many possibilities as day," Finnian replied, saying a slight smile. "I'm not talking about sending a message for the stars, but one in them."

He sounded crazy. Maybe he was talking nonsense. The messenger arrows were enchanted with part of that element, using their magic to move until they arrived at the receiver. The problem they had was not knowing where the Leith clan would be. But what could they do if they addressed that differently?

"The link we have has connected us," said Finnian, bending to stand at the same height as her, "but there are also those feelings with those who love us. What if that could serve as a guide?"

"Others have tried, but it's a magic that's advanced even for you, Finnian," Ead said once again.

"It depends on how we approach it and what we use," he said.

His mind was working at another pace, as with their fight against Ailfryd. Perhaps he would not have learned yet to cast spells, let alone create or modify them. He knew that magic needed a series of elements and energy that put them into operation to understand that they had what they needed to achieve what they were looking for. They just needed a couple of changes from someone who could do something like that.


Once they were reunited with the Guardian, the proposal intrigued him to the point that he would consider it for a few minutes and not discard it.

"Then you want to send him a message… using the stars," Ailfryd repeated for the third time.

"We would know where to head for Leith. It is his family, after all. That love does not disappear even in the distance," said Finnian.

It would not send them their location or show them to others, but give them a message: That Leith was healthy and saved and hoped to meet them at some point. The stars they would see would be part of the magic, so they wouldn't have to depend on the weather, except that there was darkness for them to catch them.

"Let's do it," Ailfryd said, without waiting much longer. "The night is approaching, and the sooner we have it ready, the sooner we can carry it out."

Thus, without any more, they were made with a messenger arrow to make some modifications. There were no prominent brands, and instead, they needed Leith to cover it with her essence and the message she would like to send. Just like the paper they used there to write, draw or even create photographs, this time, they would put it on that object. The following was someone connected with the star to make their task easier.

After climbing one of the most significant observatories the Galya possessed, the action lay in Aer for his plan to take shape. After inspiring deep, he nodded with confidence, just as Finnian helped him evolve for the second time. A fleeting light gained importance in the middle of the night, illuminating that place as if it were a lighthouse, showing the majestic angel. He didn't need to fly, as being in the top area, He had plenty of room to send it.

"We only have one attempt," said Aer, in his young adult voice, gently holding the arrow. "Are you sure about this?"

"You've evolved, haven't you? So we're on the right track," Leith said.

Aer's bracelets were part of him, although they were artefacts granted by the essence of Elthea. They could take on the appearance of different weapons, even though they would have seen only one sword and shield, two that they did not need at that moment. Finnian kept his sight, noticing the anxiety that went through every centimetre of Aer and the others. They were doing magic that not everyone would test in an era like that, not to mention what could go wrong.

"We'll make it. Have confidence," Finnian said.

"The power is within you. If you shape it and believe in yourself, it will give you strength."

That voice, the one he heard in his house when it all began. He fleetingly returned to him, as if a whisper brought by the wind was, but too clear for him and his partners to ignore.

Standing up to Aer, he threw a quick look at him to end up nodding after his thumb. Tending his body, both extended his arms, just as if he held an arch. On this occasion, a golden weapon did not emerge from his bracelets but a phantasmal, shedding purpurine as if it were incomplete. However, the power of that gesture allowed the angel to hold that weapon. The arrow flashed, reacting to the magic it now contained, giving off a purple and reddish aura, similar to that of the dragon.

Aer inspired deep, filling his lungs and then releasing it. The arrow abandoned its physical form and became pure energy, impacting the sky they contemplated from the forest. For an instant, nothing happened, almost as if that act had served nothing but to make them waste their time. That's when they saw it.

A fleeting, fast-paced star crossed the night veil. As it appeared, they also lost their sight, leaving them so confused as to whether it had worked or not. However, a note in his heart warmed his spirit, transmitting a sense of familiarity experienced only on very concrete occasions: When he was close to the family.

"Maybe… maybe we're far away," Leith muttered, with her eyes illuminated, filled with emotion. "I know they will receive it. They will find out that I am healthy and saved."

"Your hearts will be your guiding key," said Finnian, raising a hand so that the dragon will high-five him.

Hope comes after despair, and life was a roller coaster ride of both. You only had to appreciate the first one to not let the second one stop them from doing what everyone wanted: living the best way they could. After all, they were in the world only for only a short period. Why waste with non-sense when they could send letters from the stars?

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