《Blaze》Chapter 25 - Unknown Dangers


“My dear Serah, welcome to the college!” Jahir says with his arms spread and a smile on his face.

Serah grins, and goes with it, moving in to hug the old man. “How have you been, Jahir? Well, I hope.” She says politely.

“Well, well. Of course, I've been well. When you reach the height of my ability you stop worrying about whether you'll be well or not.” Jahir says as he lets go of Serah and takes a step back.

“Oh?” Serah says with a raised brow. “Then what does one worry about up there?” She asks, amused and curious.

The old man lets out a chuckle. “Why, that’s simple my dear. We worry about our next meal; how we’ll get it and how it will taste.” He says, playing along.

Serah lets out a chuckle. “And how is that any different from the common folk?” She asks, curious what the old man’s answer would be.

“The difference, my dear Serah.” The old man says with a raised finger. “The difference is that I don’t worry about whether or not I will fail to eat. I will manage to eat either way. But as for whether the meal is suitable to my palate, that’s for the heavens to decide.” He says before waving a hand. “Enough of that. Introduce me to your young friend.” He says with a gesture to Nickie.

“Hi.” Nickie says somewhat shyly. The old man had walked in with such confidence and grandeur, and the sight was rather uncommon to Nickie. She wasn’t used to people acting like that. Most people she came across always seemed to have some sort of worry on their faces. Well, except… Nickie thinks as she gazes towards Serah’s smiling face. A blush forms on Nickie’s face as she ponders the idea. I think my love of her sort of blinded me from it… She thinks before shaking her head. It doesn’t matter! She’s mine and I won’t let her go! Nickie thinks with determination.


“My, the way she looks at you. I smell spring and flowers blooming. Oh, to be young!” The old man comments from the side.

Serah, noticing Nickie’s gaze, lets out a blush. “Jahir, this is my good friend, Nickie. She’s also interested in joining the college. As a healer.” She says, letting the old man ponder the implications.

The old man’s eyes widen. “As a healer.” He repeats as he takes a good look at Nickie. “I assume you’ve confirmed her talent. If it’s as you say, she’ll have no issue with entering the college, even without my help.” He says, somewhat impressed. “Well, let me give you a tour while I’m free. I could use a good stroll.” He says before leading the way into the college.

“You came at a good time. We’re starting a new semester at the beginning of the next month. Students, of both noble and common birth, and from all over the kingdom, are beginning to make the journey here.” The older lady says from behind the desk. “Well here are your badges, and these are the keys to your dorm. Mr. Jahir requested that you two share a dorm together.” She says as she hands over the items to Serah and Nickie.

“From all over the kingdom?” Serah says, pondering over the words. “Actually, we came over here on a caravan with a bunch of kids. Unfortunately some of them didn’t make it.” She says, trying to suppress the bitterness of the matter.

The older lady lets out a sigh. “Yes, that happens every year. Kids with dreams and hopes of becoming mighty and wise mages, come from all over the kingdom. For the commoners, they seem to think that it’s the easiest way to riches and honor. They’ll risk the dangers of traveling just for a chance! Unfortunately, the journey is always fraught with unknown dangers. Even for the kids who make it to the college and get accepted, year by year, day by day, there is constantly an effort to filter them out, until only the elites are left. This place, what can I say? It’s a refiner’s fire.” The older lady says before letting out a laugh.


Serah lets out a smile. “I guess I’ll have to be careful. Thank you. Have a pleasant day.” She says before leaving with Nickie.

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