《Blaze》Chapter 12 - Victory


Serah was forced to pleasure herself that night, alone in her tent. Not that she didn't like it; after that evening, it was very much an awaited release. She considered settling for Georgio, but after Rhett's scolding, the mood would just be off. Also, Georgio messed up and called Serah unclean. She thought she deserved more than that. She admits that she's a little slutty, but this beauty still had standards.

The next day, they were attacked by bandits, and Serah finally got to experience what a fight was really like in this world. The bandits weren’t your average, run-of-the-mill robbers. No, these bandits were leveled high enough that they were comfortable with being bandits.

Georgio’s small group led the charge with a few other experienced adventurers. As for Serah, she stayed behind the front lines and decided to pick off anyone who got through the others.

Serah’s eyes narrow as she spots a bandit squeeze through. She doesn’t hesitate and charges forward, her body glowing purple.

The bandit quickly raises his sword to defend, his eyes wide with surprise. He looks at Serah and smirks. “I’m going to enjoy you later.” He says with a lick of his lips.

“Enjoy my sword! Bitch!” Serah exclaims as she leaps back and sends a purple energy blade at the man’s face.

The man slashes away at the energy blade with his sword, but Serah had approached once again, her sword aimed at the bandit’s side, away from his focus.

The bandit smirks once again and raises a plated knee, blocking the strike, before stabbing down with his sword.

Serah’s eyes widen. Shit! I’m going to get cut! She exclaims in her mind.

“Meeorrw!” Shadow calls out, appearing on the bandits back with a cloud of smoke before biting down onto the bandit’s neck.


“Aarghh!” The bandit calls out, his hand instinctively reaching behind him to grab the cat and throw it off.

Serah doesn’t hesitate; her sword plunges into the bandit's hand, piercing through.

“Arrgh!!” The bandit calls out again.

“Don’t touch my kitty!” Serah yells angrily before stabbing once again, into the bandit’s neck, ending his life.

Serah lets out a ragged breath as the man collapses. She looks at Shadow and smiles. “Thanks kitty.” She says before putting her guard back up.

A few adventurers had fallen and a few bandits, before the bandits decided to retreat. It was usually a hit and miss with these caravan raids for them. Sometimes the guards were filled with chumps and sometimes they were defended by super high-leveled monsters. The strength of this one wasn’t bad and it wouldn’t be worth losing the men to take it over. So they retreated.

The guards cheered and let out mocking jeers as the bandits ran away, excited at their victory.

The caravan leaders decided to make camp and take stock of who they lost and if anything valuable was missing.

Serah, embarrassed by the previous night, stayed in her tent, dreaming of that missed opportunity. Should I find Georgio? She asks herself, when suddenly someone calls out to her from outside.

It was Rhett. Serah smiles and politely invites him in her tent. This trip doesn’t seem like it will be so bad. She thinks with expectation.

It took some work and some skillful temptation, but Serah managed to do it. Before they arrived at Greenspire, she had two helpless men at her beck and call; eager to please her. After she got what she set out to do, she scoffed, like she expected her success. Men. They just can’t say no. She thinks with a smile, satisfied at her victory.

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