《The Boy With Rabies》Cleaning


When the parents returned, Theo was still sleeping.

"Hey, baby," Lisa said, "wake up."

She gently shook Theo until his eyes opened. He saw his parents, Dr. Scott, and some nurses who brought a bathing stretcher with them. Dr.Scott undid the medicine part of the IV so they could get Theo's shirt off with ease. He removed the oxygen cannula as well before turning to the nurses to help set everything up. There was a big bowl, a basin of cold water to help break the fever, shampoo, some rags, and a sponge, clothes that Theo's parents bought seven months prior, and finally new bed sheets.

"Alright, bud," Dr.Scott said, "here we go."

Everyone gathered around him, and he was confused until Dr. Scott started counting.

"1,2,3," the doctor said as everyone lifted the small boy onto the shower stretcher. Theo's parents began undressing him.

"W-what, do'ng?" He asked nervously."

"It's okay," his mother said, "we're just giving you a bath, okay?"

Theo nodded. Then his head was placed above the big bowl, and then some of the cold water was poured on his hair. It didn't feel too cold to him due to the fever. Theo's mom worked on his hair, his dad washed his body and Dr. Scott, and the nurses worked on changing Theo's bed sheets. Theo suddenly felt himself being sat up and a hand supporting his head while his back was washed.

He was finally rinsed down with the rest of the water from the basin, his hair dried, and he was lifted into his new, fresh bed. There, his body was dried, and he was dressed in new clothes. Dr. Scott reattached the IV and oxygen. Theo's mom put the old clothes and the beanie in a bag to be taken home and washed. Then they brushed Theo's teeth and flossed them.


"'ank' -ou," Theo said. Dr.Scott smiled and replied,

"You're welcome bud." Everyone exchanged smiles before they left the room.

"Feel a bit better?" Matt asked. Theo nodded. Then Theo held his arms out.

"H-hold 'e." He said. Matt smiled and walked over to his son.

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