《The Boy With Rabies》Awaken


Seven months later

12:49 PM

Lisa was sleeping as she held her son's hand when she suddenly felt a grip. She jerked up and stood up, still holding Theo's hand.

"Matt get over here!" She shouted at her sleeping husband.

"Theo, can you hear me, baby?" She asked desperately. "Squeeze my hand again, baby."

Matt and Lisa watched as Theo slowly squeezed his mom's hand again. Matt ran and got the doctor. Dr.Scott soon rushed in.

"Theo, can you open your eyes for me?" The doctor asked. It took a few seconds, but Theo slowly opened his eyes. His parents smiled and cried.

"Hi, baby." Lisa smiled.

Theo moaned around the tube. "Lemme get that out for ya," Dr.Scott said.

He counted before slowly pulling the tube out. He grabbed the cannula and put it around the boy's face and in his nose. "Do you know you who we are?" Matt asked.

Theo swallowed before speaking.

"M..m-an' a..d-dy." The couple sobbed and hugged each other.

"Yes, baby, mama and daddy are here." Lisa cried. Using her gloves hand, she rubbed Theo's cheek. He weakly smiled and leaned into her touch.

"I hate to interrupt," Dr.Scott said. "but I wanna get a blood test done to make sure the disease is gone." The parents nodded. It was time to see if the demon sickness was gone.

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