《The Boy With Rabies》Like An Animal


In the ambulance, an oxygen mask was over Theo's face, and the paramedics had to restrain the boy on the gurney. Foam continued to ooze out of the pale boy's mouth. One of the paramedics shined a small light into Theo's eyes. Something inside of Theo snapped and like an animal he growled and snarled. Foam and drool ran down his chin. Theo's mother cried as she saw how her son was deteriorating. This is all my fault, she thought to herself, I should have never let him go into those woods.

Lisa longed to hold her son's hand; she wanted to move his hair out of his eyes. However, any form of physical contact with her son while he's this ill, will be a death sentence for her.

"You'll be okay, bud," the paramedic said. Theo looked up at him with tears in his eyes. The teenager continued to struggle against the restraints. The boy tried to talk, but his efforts were stopped by the paramedic shushing him. Sweat poured down Theo's head as he moaned as he struggled and whimpered as he fought the straps that held him.

The paramedic held Theo down as he administered as a sedative. Theo cried out in pain as his eyes softened and cleared. He looked up at his mother with tears in his pain-filled eyes and whimpered before his eyes finally shut.

"I'm afraid he's only gonna get worse than is," The paramedic riding in the back said. The man placed a comforting hand on Lisa's shoulder. She looked at him and sighed and nodded. She didn't want to lose the only child she had. She was brought out of her thoughts when Theo suddenly woke and his animal-like behavior took over.

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