《The Boy With Rabies》Theo


17 year old, Theo sat in his bedroom, staring out his window, looking at the woods in his backyard. He'd seen several deer running in and out of the woods. Theo always loved to explore the forests as a child with his father, but his mom would get nervous when he did.

"Don't go too far!" She would always say. He didn't know why she was nervous when he went into those woods. It was just the woods; he would always think to himself, it's not like lions lived in them.

He was too lost in his gaze; he didn't notice his mother coming home from the grocery store.

"Theo!" His mother called, setting the groceries down on the kitchen counter. "I'm home!" His mother walked into his room and saw him staring out into the woods. She smiled seeing her son's eyes filling with the desire for adventure. She walked over and ran her fingers through his hair, gaining his attention.

"Mom, please can I go in the woods?" Her son asked. Theo's mother never liked those woods because she felt that they had a bad atmosphere to them despite the fantastic animals that often ventured into their yard.

"Did you finish your homework?" She asked. Theo nodded anxiously in reply. She sighed as he turned to her giving her puppy dog eyes. "Please mama." He said. His mother sighed. "Alright," she said, "but be careful!" Theo shot up with excitement and ran out of the house and into the woods unaware of what was about to happen.

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