《Murderous Loves》Chapter 15


It feels amazing to be touched by the person

Who understands your mind

The person who acknowledges

Your flaws and loves

Your soul

Lindseys P.O.V.

The bonfire crackled and shone in the warm night. We all sat around it some of us talking others sitting still, Zeke. He sat there staring into the heart of the fire, not blinking not moving a muscle. His face was highlighted by the fire his green eyes shone with emotions i couldnt described he looked focused but still off in a distance world. His eyes were like a dark maze, i could lost in them at any moment his hand lifted up and he ran his fingers through his dark hair as he broke his concentration and looked at me, now it was me who froze his light pink lips tightened into a smile as he stood up and walked onto the R.V. My eyes followed him there eventually ending back up at the fire in front of me.

“Well look who is here” a voice said behind us. We all looked at Ryan as him and his other Summit friends walked up.

“Hmm thought you're too rich to be out here in the woods” Daisy said standing up.

“Haha very funny” Ryan said walking up to us.

“What do you want” Alex said.

“We just thought we'd give you a little gift.” He said smirking. Right then his friends and him through a bunch of firecrackers and smoke balls into our fore making fireworks fly out of it and colorful smoke come up to. We all ran away from the fire jemma getting it by a small piece of wood that flew from the fire. They laughed and started running back to their campsite.

“That's it come on” Alex said pissed off.


“Dude calm down” Daizy said

“Why don't we just get them back” Amber said.

“I got an idea” Ashton said evilly.

We snuck into their campsite later that night when they were all sleeping. We saw a girl on a blow up mattress and walked over to her. Ashton, Alex, Zeke and Brandi all grabbed a corner and slowly walked the sleeping girl over to the lake. Her quiet snoring slowly quieted down as we pushed off into the lake. Zeke came running up to me on the shore and high fived me smiling.

“Let's go” i whispered and we all ran back to camp. Once we got back to the camp and told everyone it was done we heard a high pitch scream on the lake. We laughed and all high fived.

“Ok well im heading to bed” jemma said. brandi aniston and Amber all agreed with her and went to their tents and R.V. To go to bed.

“Hey daisy, do you have any pills i can take to get rid of this migran” i said rubbing my head.

“Yeah hold up” she said and went into the R.V. She came out holding to blue rectangular pills.

“Here” she said handing them to me. I took a drink of water swallowing the pills.

“Thanks i said and headed towards my tent.

“Night darling” zeke said winking and laughing.

“Night ass hat” i said smiling unziping my tent and sliding inside. I slip into my sleeping bag and close my eyes quickly falling asleep

But what lindsey did not know was that the pills she took weren't for her headache they were sleeping pills and that Ryan and his friends were all ready getting ready for revenge.

Ryan's P.O.V.

Jason my best friend and i snuck into Lindsey's campsite we split up, since Jason's dad was a police officer Jason took two pairs of his handcuffs and gave me one. I found lindsey's tent. She was soundly asleep and i didn't think she would wake up any time soon. I slowly unzipped her sleeping back and slid my hand under her knees and behind her back picking her up i carried her out of her tent and to a tent across the way it was red with yellow lines all over it i unzipped iT and set her inside next to the covered up person. I couldn't see there face but their hand was uncovered i grabbed her hand and set it next to lindsey's wrapping the coffs around them tightening them. I slowly slipped out of the tent zipping it up. Jason was waiting outside.


“Let's go” he said and we ran back to our campsite

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