《Murderous Loves》Chapter 13


Zeke P.O.V

I got off my bike watching Lindsey leave towards the school. I don't know what was wrong i thought she kinda liked being called Princess. I like calling her that, it really does fit her. K walked in the school and to my locker on B hall. On the door was a clipping from the newspaper, the headline for the article was “Murderer let loose in Bend?” I ripped it off and crumpled it up throwing it on the ground. I opened my locker and put some of my books in there as i shut it were two girls a few lockers away from me. They were looking at me and smiling. I smiled back and turned around walking away. On my way to history class I saw Mia walking a few feet ahead of me.

“Hey Mia!” I yell running up to her.

“Hey Zeke what's up?”

“So i kinda pissed Lindsey off today right before school and I need advice.”

“You pissed Lindsey off, how?”

“She feels that if I call her my nicknames for her people will get the wrong idea about is…”

“And what do you think?”

“What do you mean?”

“Are you worried about what people will think if they hear you calling her that?”

“No” i said nonchalantly.

“Hmm well continue this session later” she said smiling.

“Wait what?”

“This is a therapy session” she said laughing and walking away. I hate when people jusT walk away leaving me confused. I walked towards my class and at the next classroom over i saw Lindsey talking to some other guy. He had blonde hair with a Bend high hat on he was leaning against a locker really close to her. I don't know why but i could feel my blood boil at the sight i turned the corner and walked closer to my class trying to forget everything.

“Mr. Guerrero”

“Mr. Guerrero!” My fourth period teacher yelled. I jumped up from eating my head on my hand

“Thank you for finally joining us on planet earth, as i was saying instead of just one photo that shows the beauty in your partner, i decided that we'll make a how slideshow of the beauty in your partner.” He said smiling a lot of the kids groaned some were excited.


“This presentation will be due on 3 months, you will get two days a week in this class the rest is on your own.” He said going over to his desk.

“Get to work!” He barked.

“Hey Zeke are you ok, you were spacing out?” Lindsey asked coming over to me with two cameras.

“Yeah i'm all good.” I said lying.

“You're lying to me” she said suddenly.

“Come on princess would i ever lie to you” i said smirking

“I don't know would you?”

“Would i be lying if i said you look very very sexy today” i said trying to hold back a laugh.

“Yes you would” she said her cheeks were slightly redder.

“Come on, let's get to work.” She said and left the classroom I jumped off the desk and followed her out. We walked out and sat on the grass out behind the school.

“Do you have a map? Because i get lost in your eyes” i said as we sat down.

“What?” She laughed

“Wait i got another on, I must be a snowflake because i've fallen for you.” I said smiling.

“That was the stupidest pick up line ever.” She said smiling.

“Ahh but it made you laugh.” I layed my head down in the grass closing my eyes.

“Lindsey, did it hurt when you fell from heaven”

“No but i scrapped my knee climbing out of hell”

“Ooh feisty” i said laughing.

“Shut up you perv”

“Are you a parking ticket cuz you got fine written all over you” i said still with my eyes closed.

“I'm so close to slapping you” she said. I opened my eyes and she was laying next to me with her eyes closed too.

“Hey lindsey?”

“If your gonna do another pick up line i'm warning you, i will slap your pretty boy face.”

“Oh so you think i'm pretty”

“You wish” she said

“I wasn't going to but now that you bringing it up, kiss me if i'm wrong but dinosaurs still exist right?” I said she started laughing.

“You are wrong but i'm” she started saying before i put half of my body over her resting my elbows on each side of her. I put my face close to her staring into her eyes. My lips were only inches away from hers. He breathing slowed down intently as she switched between looking at my lips and eyes.


“Ze.. Zeke what are you doing?” She asked quietly. I moved closer to her lips but moving to the side going to her ear.

“Don't worry princess I'll never kiss you” i said and sat up smirking. She sat up also blushing like crazy her breathing went back to normal.

“Your an ass Zeke” she said after a minute of silence.

“Well darling if you wanted to see mine all you have to do is ask” i said laughing.

“Oh my fucking god” she said and stood up walking back to the school.

“Lindsey i'm joking” i said laughing following her.

“Lindsey come back” i said running up to her. She turned the corner into the classroom and as i was about to do the same two girls walked out blocking the doorway.

“Hey Zeke”

“Hi Jessie hi Lilly, i really need to”

“Hows school going for you?”

“Just great”

“You know it would be better if you stopped hanging out with those losers, maybe you should come hang out with us sometime” she said twirling her hair around her finger.

“No thanks” i said turning around.

“Oh come on Zeke you'll be missing out” she said walking next to me.

“Like i said no thanks” i said and left the school going outside, i still had to grab my stuff so i went back the long way and got into the class just as the bell rang.

“Hey are you coming to bleachers today?” Brandi asked as Lindsey and i walked with her.

“Of course” i said looking at them we walked to the cafeteria and all got out lunch but. Then headed out to the bleachers, on our way we saw the guy lindsey was talking to earlier.

“That's Tyler, he asked her out for this friday” Brandi said

“That's cool” i said coldly.

“Are you jealous?”

“No not at all”

“Lair” she said laughing. Lindsey walked off to go talk to him while Brandi and I kept walking to the bleachers.

“Babe come here” Alex said holding out his phone. Brandi walked over to him and sat next to him looking at his phone.

“My bitch come here I need foooood!” Chelsi said laughing I laughed and walked over to her handing her a few tater tots.

“Hows your arm Ashton?” I asked looking at him.

“Eh still kinda hurts but i think i look pretty damn cool” he said laughing

“yes Ashton very cool” Brooklyn said.

“Hey you guys it's gonna be like 90 degrees this weekend, why don't we go to a lake for the weekend.” Daizy said.

“That would be great” Chelsi said texting her boyfriend Nate.

“I'm up for it.” Jemma said.

“I have work” brooklyn said sadly.

“Ok well how about for those who can go, lets meet up somewhere early saturday morning.” Daisy said

“How about the Walmart parking lot in the back, it's pretty empty there and close to the Highway” mia said

“Ok let's meet there” Daizy said smiling

“Wait what lake?”

“How about Wickiup Lake, it's only an hour away” Chelsi said.

“That would be fun” Jemma said smiling and jumping on her spot on the bleachers.

“Hey gus” Lindsey said walking up the bleachers, Tyler following her.

“Hey lindsey were going to the lake this weekend want to come?”

“Yes!” She said laughing.

“Can Tyler come?”

“Yeah if he wants” Daizy said smiling.

“Guys im thinking of dying my hair again” Amber said playing with her lavender colored hair.

“Oo what color?” Jemma asked.

“I don't know yet, maybe black”

“That would look cool, i need to dye my hair again. My brown roots are showing again.” Ashton said running his fingers through his snow white hair.

“Noo!!!!” Mia suddenly yelled. We all quickly looked at her.

“What's wrong?” Brooklyn asked.

“They freaking killed Will, like why would they do that!” She said slamming her book against her leg. We all laughed as she continued reading. I looked around and my eyes stopped at Lindsey and Tyler. She was quietly laughing at something he said i looked away quickly.

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