《Murderous Loves》Chapter 11


“Ok no why would I do that Alex!” someone yelling woke me up, I rolled over and when the yelling continued I got up and stumbled over to the stairs walking down them at the bottom of the stairs and by the living room where Brandi and Alex. Brandis eyes were bloodshot as tears slowly trailed down her cheeks and Alex stood their frustrated I can tell he was holding back from crying.

“Then what the hell was this guy talking about because there's sure as hell not another Brandi in our whole entire fucking school!” he yelled. I stood there not able to move watching the fight in front of me.

“I don't know Alex that's what I’m telling you!”

“Well this guy apparently knows!” he yelled louder.

“Alex I didn’t sleep……” she stopped yelling and quieted down when she saw me.

“SOrry to wake you Zeke” she said quickly wiping her eyes.

“Zeke, hey” Alex said rubbing the back of his neck, he looked at Brandi coldly.

“I think you should go Brandi”

“Alex please..”

“Ill talk to you later” he said and pushed past me running up the stairs.

“Brandi what's going on” I ask walking towards her.

The minute my hand touched her arm she fell into me and started crying.

“He thinks i cheated on him which I didn't this guy was saying a bunch of things about how we had sex last night but I swear we didn't I was at home with Amber.” She cried.

“Why didn't you call amber and have her tell him.”

“I did she wont answer me.”

“Here I'll go talk to him, why don't you go hang out with the other girls ok?” all she did was nod and left the house. I walked slowly up the stairs and to Alex's door.


“Alex” I said knocking on the door.

“Hey bro open up” i said again, there was no answer.”

“Alex I’m coming in.” I said and tried opening the door but it was locked. I started to shake as the thought of when I walked in and saw my mother dead flashed through my mind, I quickly grabbed a pair of scissors and bent down sliding the scissors in the doors hole unlocking it.

“Alex” I said walking in his room, he was nowhere to be found. I looked around and his window was open, his skateboard was gone too.

Shit i thought to myself as I grabbed my phone and called Brandi.


“Hey sorry to call but did you perhaps see Alex when you were leaving??”

“No sorry, is everything ok”

“Yeah everything good, I got to go” I said and hung up. I ran through the house and down the stairs out the door calling Alex. after the first few times it went to voicemail.

“God damn it Alex answer your phone.” I said after the beep and walked out to our street looking in the two directions he could have gone. I turn around and walk back inside sitting in the dining room chairs. I try and call Alex again but no answer. I wait for hours for Alex to come back and call almost every hour. I did homework, cleaned the house, watched tv but my mind wouldn't get off Alex he'd never leave this long ver, it was becoming 7 p.m. when the door flew open. Alex walked in his face and body was beat up.

“Dude what the fuck happened to you.” blood dripped from his lip down his chest and he had a cut on the side of his face.


“Nothing” he said coldly, trying to walk past me before I stopped him.

“Tell me now dude.”

“You're not my fucking mom so back off!” he yelled pushing me I grabbed his jacket and lift him up then slammed him to the floor but not to hard.

“Let go of me” he growld

“Alex stop ok, calm your ass down I'm trying to help you.” I said as he fought against me holding him down.

“Tell me what happened.” i said calmly

“I left the house and went to the skatepark to cool off, Ryan and his buddies from summit were there and, beat me up.” he said after he stopped fighting.

“I’m gonna let you up, you either stay and talk to me or you run to your room away from your problems.” I said and stood up. He got up and sat in the dining room table chairs, i sit down and look at him.

“I'm not gonna talk about Brandi if that's what you think” he said looking at me.

“Alex she's in love with you, why would she cheat on you”

“I don't know Zeke why don't you tell me that because I don't know anymore!” he ran his hands through his hair roughly.

“Do you remember Emily from Middle school, how she bragged about this amazing guy she met. Then everyone figure out she made him up to sound cool.’”

“So what about her”

“Who did you hear that Brandi cheated on you from”

“A guy who would make that story up just to be cool” he sighed

“You need to talk to brandi” I said standing up helping Alex up.

“Dude I don't know if I can” I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and dialed Brandis number, it started ringing and I handed it to Alex.

“Wait dude no” he said as she picked up

“Hello, Zeke?”

“Hey Brandi…. Its Alex”

“Alex, hey”

“Brandi I need to talk to you” he said

“Talk away”

“No, I mean in person”

“I’m free now..” she said

“Where can I meet you.”

“I’m at my house, I'll see you soon,” she said then hung up.

“Dude why did you do that,” he said hitting my arm

“Because you weren't gonna do it” I walked over to him and put my hand on his shoulder.

“I can see how much Bandi makes you happy and I’m not gonna let some loser ruin you guys,” I said and walked towards the stairs and up to my room as Alex leaves.

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