《The Primordial Of Deaths Awakening》Conflict with Destiny


As Death felt the light envelope him, thoughts of revenge began consuming him. Pain radiated throughout his very soul but he did not let it bother him. He had suffered far worse injuries in the past, It was hardly the first time someone had used an artifact from the time of Chaos and Order to kill him. It had never worked before and he wouldn’t let it now! As he opened his spiritual eyes he saw the face of an old lady with a countless number of eyes. Death did not need to look down to know what she was. He had fought with her and those like her many times, and now he stood outside their domain. Meeting her main two eyes, he stood up, his massive body towering over the arachnid women.

“Hello Fate, I had hoped to never see you again”

“And I you Death. But you are dead and I am to guide you to the realm of the fallen, even you cannot escape the inevitable”

“I disagree fate, I have only fallen, I will recover and return stronger than ever”

Fates eyes blinked in rapid succession as she tried to figure out what Death was alluding to. Then her eyes sharpened and a pair of giant scissors formed in her grip.

“Balance must be maintained welp! If you do this we will take action! You will neve-ack!”

Death's hand was now wrapped around her throat, his eyes glowing in wrath, “Or what? What can you do to me? Change my fate? Don’t make me laugh, I stand outside of fate, my thread is impossible to weave and the web of fate impossible to spin on me or those under my protection! Out of all of us primordials you Fate are both the weakest and strongest. Against any whos thread you can weave you have complete dominion but for those few of us who have surpassed you, you are no more powerful than a mortal. So tell me again what exactly will you do?


“We will block your memories! We will curse all around you! Any world you fall to will hunt you for all eternity! The gods of the world will hunt you until you can no longer muster the will to exist! You will learn what it means to anger Fate! You shall never rise again! I will see to that!”

Death only gave a snort before turning around and walking to a small pedestal on which a ball filled with divine energy rested. Then he hesitated, Fate who had already begun weaving her spell looked up at him and she only glanced into his eyes as he gazed over his shoulder at her and immediately she regretted everything. Her life flashed before her eyes and she was slammed into the white liquid that constituted a floor as her legs buckled under her. The fear of Death was engraved into all sentient creatures and they had some immunity to it from years of experiencing its threat but Fate, who had never stood on a battlefield, or been in a situation that endangered her life trembled in abject terror. Even pressed into the ground she hurried to finish her spell, her pride overpowering her sense of self preservation. Slowly Death turned around as he began reading the spell in her hands. As she was about to finish it he was suddenly in front of her, his hand had pierced the runic formation in her hands and had gone through her chest.

The destabilised spell now surrounded Death as Fate glared weakly at him. Her body, normally immune to all attacks, was unable to recover from even a purely physical attack. Fate's spell activated but with the destabilization of its formation its effect was far different then what was intended. Once again Death's vision went Black and as he allowed it to pull him away he could feel locks forming in his mind, an emergency response Death had engraved into his brain in case just a situation arose to protect the psyche of whatever body he would end up inhabiting. But even more locks formed past what was originally intended, the remnants of Fate's spell doing its best to take effect on someone Fate cannot touch. Instead of completely locking his magic pools as she meant to now Death was only temporarily blocked from accessing his vast pools of arcane energy. Even with much of his memory blocked Death would have a way to reclaim his energies, it was only a matter of a few short mortal millenia before he would reclaim his power, a few millennia the guardians of Fate refused to give him. The only problem for them was even if he was a fallen god he still stood outside their domain. They would be unable to track him even if he was born to one of them. They would be woefully unaware until it was far to late, instead they had to wait for discrepancies to appear in the web that was fate. Any who interacted with one that stood outside of Fate could have their entire destiny changed. Once they noticed those changes they would act even if they had to make a Deal with Death's eternal foe.

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