《The Primordial Of Deaths Awakening》The war against heaven begins
As soon as the class was over I stormed back to my room with my servants and retainers in tow. I was so angry my expression and my aura made everyone I came across step aside. As soon as we got back to the room and my soldiers secured it I threw myself down on the sofa as Elizabeth punched one of the walls so hard it caved in. Around us, the soldiers, servants, and shadows guarding us exchanged nervous gazes and the leader of my shadow guard walked towards me. Falling to one knee the old war beast placed his right hand over his heart and bowed his head. “Forgive me, my lord! We didn’t think that you would be unaware of what we assumed was common knowledge! We thought your way of training us in weapon handling was meant to augment our weapon techniques!” Holding my head in my hands I suddenly sat up and brought my fist down on the table in front of me, shattering it. “How was something like that even possible! How come the people of this world excepted that skills are the be all end all!? Does no one on this Order-forsaken world have any desire to surpass their limits??” The man along with all the other biological soldiers averted his eyes. Only Alpha and his kin who had all been created by me from earth and mana continued standing. The rest realizing they had made a mistake knelt and shivered before my glare. None of them dared speak and none of them dared make excuses. They all knew that the only thing I hated more than failure were excuses for why they failed. Letting out a breath I sat back down on the couch. I wasn’t even sure when I had jumped to my feet but I knew I needed to calm down. Speaking with anger clouding my judgment would not be useful and would only result in my follower's morale plummeting. Finally having regained my cool I pinched the bridge of my nose and addressed those who were kneeling, “Stand up. You all made a mistake but it’s not entirely your fault. I should have been more specific when I asked you what kinds of weapon techniques the races of this world use. There won’t be any punishments so stop worrying. This is actually a boon for us, if I start training the soldiers on weapon techniques now they’ll have six to seven years to internalize it.” Elizabeth had also finally calmed down and now made her way towards us. Sitting down next to me she casually wiped the blood from her knuckles with a handkerchief. “I just can’t believe that the mortals are all so reliant on a skill and that the world core actually doesn’t understand what’s wrong with that! This is why I hate these kinds of leveling worlds! Haaaa, I understand that it could be useful to have something else telling you where to swing your sword but it’s just so easy to predict or trick.” The reason me and Elizabeth were so incensed was due to the class we’d just come from, “physical conditioning and basic melee combat” it had been the stupidest class I had ever seen. There was no actual teaching on how to swing a sword or hold a dagger! The instructor just handed us weapons and told us to swing them a thousand times to unlock the sword fighting LVL 1 skill. Then after that, the instructor told us that we would be learning how to read the skill guidelines, which ended up being how anyone in this world learned how to wield a weapon, the higher level of your skill the more lines you could see when holding a weapon. These lines were where we were supposed to move our weapons in order to thrust, block or slash and the soldiers of this world trained to be able to follow these lines instead of actually learning techniques. In combat, those with a higher level in their chosen weapons skill would win simply because the guidelines of the weaker persons couldn’t keep up with theirs. I had been so embarrassed by the class's sword fighting style that I had ended up beating the teacher into the ground without realizing it. He had lowered his stats using dampening equipment in order to match us but without his superior stats, he stood no chance against the sword style I had spent millennia developing. While my memories told me this was my primary sword style I doubted it, it felt far too flamboyant to have been a sword style I used as a primordial. Perhaps it had been from when I’d been a young true godling and wanted to show off to my parents but no way would I have a form that prized looks over function. Not that it mattered, the fact that this was how any soldier learned how to wield any kind of weapon would make conquering this continent that much easier. The soldiers I have been creating over the past several years were trained in actual techniques for whatever their chosen weapons were and any new soldiers who had signed up with my army received gene therapy and very harsh training but now it seemed that any who had prior training would need to undergo memory wiping. There was no way I would have such useless fools in my army! After finally deciding on my orders I sent a message to military high command back in Eden city and headed towards the workout rooms my soldiers had installed overnight, due to my status as a champion my body didn’t require sleep as often as a normal human and I planned to take advantage of the fact to grow as strong as I possibly could before the false heroes arrive. Tomorrow we’re supposed to undergo forced leveling in a dungeon not that far from the city but considering I’m already level 45 after fighting so many of the monsters in my territory I doubt much will change. Even for a high noble being level 45 is incredibly difficult at my age most brats are 15 or 20 at the highest. After both I and Elizabeth calmed down there was a knock on the door and my sister's voice came from the other side. The two Protectors assigned to the doors cracked it open and wedged themselves in the opening, blocking any view into the room so even if it was an assassin they wouldn’t be able to hit me or Elizabeth. As soon as they confirmed it was Cassandra they ushered her inside. Behind her came a small train of maids carrying the boxes of clothes and other useful items my sister had insisted on bringing with her. After the magic fueled construction frenzy that had happened while we’d been in a class I had talked to the principal and she had agreed to my sister staying in the same dorm as me as long as I promised not to bring my hatred of the elves into the school, as well as a written promise not to murder anyone for petty reasons. On top of my sister arriving, barely 20 minutes later there was another knock, and the child I had forced into signing a pact with me, another two boys I didn’t know and three girls came in. My shadows had long since hidden but should any of the newcomers make any poor decisions they were more than ready to relieve them of their heads. Two of the brats were dwarves and one of the girls was an elf but as long as she didn’t do anything stupid there was no need for her to disappear. For now anyway. I had already talked to the kid I’d forced into a contract whose name I realized I hadn’t known until now. Liam was an interesting little mortal, he seemed far older than his years suggested and I have begun thinking he might be an otherworlder who had been reincarnated rather than summoned to the world. However his knowledge of this world was very good and it would be difficult to tell without asking him directly, which was far too much of a risk for there to be any merit. I may dislike those who are to be summoned as hero’s but I have no issues with reincarnated otherworlders as their souls are guided to planets in need by beings even older than I. Hero’s represent a worlds weakness as it means its populace are too weak to resist the challenges placed before them. But whether he’s an otherworld or not he’s one of my retainers now and I intend to make him strong enough to fight alongside me. After smoothing everything over and placating the brat I sent a message to my followers to transport his family to Eden and give them rooms in my castle. I also had to give them a weekly allotment of two gold coins which was annoying but I paid out of my own pocket so it should be fine. I had several homunculi disguised as high ranking adventurers making money that was for my personal use. I made sure to keep that under wraps because Elizabeth might kill me if she found out I had made A to double S rank soldiers for the sole purpose of making me money. After we all finished introducing ourselves I took Liam to work out with me and half my guards while the others got ready for bed. After I was done making everyone’s day horrible and making sure they’d all feel it during the excursion tomorrow I dismissed them and went to a room I shared with my sister who was already fast asleep. One of the maids in the room had been kind enough to prepare a second bed for me as she was aware of Cassandra’s habits of committing murder in her dreams. Before I drifted off to sleep I sent a quick message to the draconian protector, Tiamat who was assigned to keep me safe by the world and updated her on everything that had happened so far. With my report done and my pride still stinging from having to work with a puny world core, I fell asleep, and even in my dream world, I was forced to continue my training with the gods of the negative aspects as they prepared me for what they thought would be my first ascension. With that my time as a regular human child flew by as days become weeks, weeks became months and months became years. 6 years later, Leonidas POV: Graduation from Arcturus academy was only two weeks away and we had been given time to return to our families and territories before the ceremony. I had returned to Eden city last week to find a hellscape awaiting my return, the seventh outer wall had fallen to a group of rebels using the church’s holy symbols and coat of arms. They had carried out purges of all non-human citizens in the area and since my soldiers had been caught completely off guard they were still scrambling to establish a perimeter and secure the rest of the city. Once I had arrived all the smaller rebelling cells in the other walls were killed, captured, or forced to commit suicide. Soon after the main detachments of my army had come running from the fortresses and towns scattered around my city and we began a pincer attack. The church had sent some of their holy knights and paladins to try and take as much of the city as they could but before a concentrated artillery and naval bombardment their foot soldiers were devastated and without the meat shields in their way, my guardians, the soldiers I’d been training to fight like my people, were able to run circles around the slow-moving church soldiers while my assassins picked off any that got separated from their unit with all the many different poisons they had at their disposal. After the rebels were subdued I ordered instant retaliation and the naval battle groups who had been deployed as fire support to crush the rebellion turned their firepower on our aggressors as they began firing mana enhanced ICBM’s at the holy kingdom of Vida where the church had its main temples. Every time the mana in the air shook from their firing I could only cry at the amount of money I was throwing at the church, both metaphorically and literally as each of those missiles was costly and even with the dwarves production capabilities, our combined factories could only build so many of them per year. Looking at the reports sitting on my desk now I let out a sigh at the ammunition report, Overall out of the 274 I have kept in reserve over the past several years 53 were fired. The causality list was even longer than the report on property damage. To understand the list I had to comb through my memories and go over every population report I had received over the past decade or so. Over the years I had spent every available drop of mana I could to create as many soldiers as possible. We had found several dungeons in my territory and I had even created one under Eden city in the military district for my soldiers to train and gain skills and levels. But they were mostly farmed for the mana cores we needed for fuel and for me to create more of my mostly sentient soldiers. This had resulted in my military being equal in size and quality to that of some of the larger human kingdoms nearing almost four and a half million soldiers. I had also created many less intelligent golems and some homunculi that were only in the level of a civilian in combat strength but their duties were to work the factories and farms. They numbered about two million, and With this many soldiers who had a fanatic loyalty to me you’d think it would be impossible for a rebellion to happen at all, but the church had capitalized on my system of merit before blood and race and used the fact that I had given far more promotions and political power to the non-humans to sway many of my human citizens to their side. The result had been catastrophic and the 7th outer wall had been overwhelmed from behind before the 10,000 guardsmen in charge of defending the first wall from outside invaders even realized what was happening. The casualties from the 21st guardsmen regiment were almost total with only 1500 managing to make it to the 6th defensive wall. Luckily the 412th armored brigade and the 12th protector regiment were assigned to the north gate and with the artillery emplacements along the ramparts, they were able to lay down enough covering fire that the rebels broke and fled further back into the commoner's section of the 7th wall. After that, the 60,000 inhabitants of the 7th wall who hadn’t participated in the humans were dragged from their homes and despite the many snipers on the walls killing as many of the rebels as they could the honor-less curs went on a spree of raping, murdering, and torturing innocent civilians. My soldiers could only watch from the walls as the innocent men were slaughtered, women and children were violated and killed and they could only cry as the people they swore to protect begged them for help. As I read the report the quill in my hand snapped in half and the ground caved in around me as my aura washed over the entire city, standing next to me the seven elders, my head shadow walker, my generals, department heads, government officials and Elizabeth weren’t in much better shape. The heroes were to be summoned in one week and 7 days and we would end them before they could even get their feet wet on the battlefield. Returning my attention to the report I continued reading. The soldiers waiting on the 6th wall couldn’t even move out as the 40,000 humans outnumbered them nearly 2 to 1. They had also captured a number of artillery pieces and guns from the soldiers they had killed and the commanding officer couldn’t risk the safety of the residents of the 6th wall to attempt a rescue of those in the seventh. When reinforcements finally arrived I came back with them and I personally led the charge to liberate the wall from the invaders who had dared to harm my people. I have no mercy, no quarter. Elizabeth, Alpha, Liam, and I had jumped from the helicopter transporting us back to Eden, as soon as we landed I saw a man pushing himself down on a little girl as he forcibly pushed her thighs apart. The girl couldn’t have been any older than seven maybe 8 and the man had a grin on his face that reminded me of my younger years before I became a primordial and I had been captured by humans when I had run away after a fight with my father. They had tried to sell me into slavery. The fact that the girl had a similar look to one of my sisters didn’t help and I had completely lost myself in rage. I had accelerated so quickly the others were knocked around by the winds of my passing, before the man could defile the innocent child I had smashed into the ground behind him and my hand had punctured his chest his heart resting in my palm. Throwing the man to the side at a church knight who had just run his sword through the girl's father's chest the rune I had inscribed into his body glowed before his body turned into an inferno of flames. Both he and the church knight screamed as the flames of death began consuming their bodies, it would be an hour before either of them were allowed the sweet release of death. Not that it had mattered to me as before their bodies had even hit the floor I had rushed over to the girl and cast healing magic on her. Alpha had been the next to land and of the four rebels who had charged us two had gotten mana enhanced bolter rounds to the skull and the other two had their skulls crushed under his boots. As soon as the soldiers on the wall saw the dust cloud, as well as Alphas helm they had opened the gates, and the heavy infantry and armor sallied forth. The army that had double-timed it from my fortresses and begun staging outside the 7th wall also began rushing the walls. The casualties on our side after the charge were nearly 10,000 more soldiers mostly guardsmen but 623 protectors and four guardians were KIA. There were another 25,000 wounded and 674 MIA. The military district in the 7th wall had held with only minor casualties but the civilian death toll was nearly 35,000 of the 60,000 inhabitants who hadn't taken part in the rebellion. Of the rebels, there were nearly 40,000 who had betrayed me and 39,783 were now laying in pools of their own blood, the rest had been captured and were being tortured for information. Then there were the church knights and paladins who had infiltrated my city and riled up my citizens to the point of rebellion. They were shown no mercy. Their limbs were cut off and the stumps burned, they were castrated so no more of their abominable blood could spread, and they were being tortured day and night. They were brought to the very cusp of death then healed by one of my mages. Their public trials were set for three days later where they would be sentenced to a thousand years of torture afterward their corpses were to be fed to the monsters of the Dead forest where undead soul eaters would make sure none of their souls were ever able to reincarnate. The hospitals and entombment facilities of the city were overwhelmed by the amount of wounded and dead and martial law was still in effect. Of my four and a half million soldiers two million were now stationed in the city, My airforce was put on high alert and the navy was already deploying. While it had come early I knew this attack was simply because I had stood against the church and its goals rather than them finding out about my plans to kill the hero as soon as he, she, or they were summoned. Every time their high priest wanted a slave or a pretty commoner girl I would send my spies to buy them, protect them or otherwise just be a general nuisance to the church officials. My plans were still in effect and now that the church had made such an open strike against us I added them to my list of people to kill when we attacked at the summoning. I would make sure I personally butchered the high priest before I killed the hero or heroes. Everyone in the room had become like family to me over the past several years I didn’t know if that was because this mortal body had such intense emotions or If I was simply sentimental but after I read the reports we didn’t even need to say anything else we all knew what we had to do. My generals went to train the soldiers harder than ever before, the department heads and other government officials were moving us over to a war economy the elders were heading to demon territory to coordinate with them and to train the demon lords when they were summoned at the same time as the heroes. one week 7 days later Leonidas POV: The time has come the mortal portion of the war starts and ends today. I will harden my heart and kill any who comes through that portal even if it is a forced summoning. I can not allow the gods to gain any more power. The royalty of every human kingdom will be there and the church has even gone so far as to invite the royalty of several of the more powerful demi and subhuman races as a show of superiority. It would all happen in the main cathedral of the Holy Kingdom of Vidas capital. When I heard that I had laughed for hours, the main cathedral had been a very prominent target for our missiles and I looked forward to seeing all the damage I had caused. My mother was going to be there with my father. For now, she wasn't going to join us in the assassinations just in case something went wrong and we needed a spy on the inside. However, Elizebeth was and she had several years of anger saved up. Unlike me, she didn't have many good experiences with her new family and much of what she told me about their secrets made me want to kill them then and there. Unfortunately, I had promised Elizabeth she could kill them when the time came. As I looked out of the windows of the bridge of my flagship, "Deaths Herald" I could see the rest of the war fleet arrayed around us even through the heavy fog that surrounded all the ships. I was very proud of My flagship "Deaths Herald" as it is a Dreadnought class warship, its secondary armament consisted of 16 CIWS point defense cannons, 8 belt-fed enchanted ballistae, six 5 inch guns, ten 4 inch guns, and 18 2inch guns. Its main batteries were the twenty-four 27 inch guns spread out on eight triple mounted turrets, four n the bow and 4 on the stern, lastly were the five torpedo tubes that sat below the waterline and the six vertical launch tubes for missiles. At 1,500 feet long it was the largest ship in my fleet and the largest in the world. Around it was arrayed nearly my entire fleet, 12 Devastator class battleships, 6 Infinity class carriers, 14 Redemptor class heavy cruisers, 14 Shield class escort carriers, 21 Sword class light cruisers, 32 Seeker class destroyers, 54 Escort class corvettes, 122 Blitz class torpedo boats as well as several dozen troop transports and supply ships. All these ships were mine built with the help of industrial-grade magic and the thousands of dwarves their king had sent me. Despite the fact that these ships were made with my technology the dwarves were far better at building mana-tech so the dwarven fleet was even larger than mine. Luckily for the humans, the dwarves had no intention of joining this war for now. They would continue supplying me with manpower and money but they would not send soldiers to fight for either side. It was disappointing but expected, and I could only hope the dragon-kin would follow suit, I had no doubt I could win against them with the help of the demon but their involvement could drag the war on for many more years. Stepping back from the window I dropped the invisibility spell I'd been using to keep from distracting the bridge crew, as soon as one of them noticed he brought a closed fist over his heart and dropped to one knee as he shouted, "General on deck!" Immediately every sailor and guard mimicked the first mate's pose. Unfortunately, that included the helmsmen and I hurriedly gestured for them to stand up, "At ease soldiers I need you manning your posts. Communications officer get me a secure link to Carrier Arcturian. Signalmen set condition black throughout the fleet, all hands to general quarters. Navigator, what's our ETA to the Holy city of Vida?" As soon as I started speaking there was a flurry of activity as sailors rushed to fulfill my orders the signalmen began using coded messages to convey the highest level of alert a fleet could be put on. Below me, I could hear the tramp of boots as thousands of sailors and soldiers rushed to get to Battlestations, behind me the navigator flipped through a book on his station then at the mana projection in front of him before giving me a 10-minute signal. out through the viewports, I saw the lights of the other ships go out one by one as the chief engineer and helmsmen looked to me for instructions. Nodding to them as a mana projection appeared in front of me I gave them final orders as the grand-admiral of the navy was making hurried preparations to receive me, "Take us to full dark, sonar and radar coordinate with the helm to avoid any collisions, helm ahead flank speed, hard to port 90 degrees. Security raise blast doors for the con. Helm is now steering blind all radar and sonar reports to the Con HUD!" As soon as I gave my final orders and the blast doors had been raised to shield the con tower crew from any explosive shards of glass that would happen should the conning tower take a hit. The mana projection to the admiral formed and I was face to face with what would seem to be a larger than average penguin to any who were uninformed of this worlds races but in reality, he was from the war beast race, and despite his looks, he was a formidable opponent in naval combat. No words were exchanged between us, he already knew what his orders were but for one minute we held each other's gazes before I smiled and relented. Turning around I nodded to a young lady standing behind me and after her short chant, space warped around me, and I was in a white room surrounded by heavily armored protectors and guardians. All of them wore purple capes and armor dyed jet black. These were my royal guards and the room we were in was the teleportation room onboard the Arcturian. Behind me, the white walls opened and a maid bowed to us before turning around and leading us towards several Osprey class VTOL troop transports and a smaller VTOL craft for my personal use. As soon as I climbed into the sleek little craft I plopped down on the monster leather chair and let out a deep breath, this operation might seem incredibly small compared to the scale I'm used to as a primordial but it could very well mean the difference between the six constants of the dimensions continuing to exist. Should I die on this world before I've managed to attain more divinity I may very well die without any chance to return to my place as a primordial. As I slouched on the chair there was a low thrum as the pilots brought the systems online and an even smaller jolt as the aircraft lifted off. The fleet would remain camouflaged in the artificial fog bank until the heroes were summoned. Four minutes after that the entire fleet would open fire on the city and its defenses to clear the path for the ground troops as much as possible. As we flew over the city I looked down and I could see craters where the missiles had hit, most of the craters were in the noble and military districts but it appeared some of them had gone off course and impacted in the slums and commoner areas. I felt no pity they had attacked me first, nearly 35,000 men, women, and children would never see the light of day again as they began their journey to my domain. I'd probably only killed seven to eight thousand so they had no right to complain. After we passed over the commoners and entered the noble district there were far more craters and I knew I had a malicious smile on my face as I saw many people in front of the craters crying, they deserved it, let them feel a fraction of the pain my people had felt. At one of the houses, I saw a little girl holding her sobbing mother's hand before she turned her head to look up at us. I could see her mouth moving but I couldn't hear her. Despite that, I knew what she was saying, "Murderer!" It was evident from how she was glaring in my direction and I couldn't have cared less. Despite the distance, I locked eyes with her and I knew she could see me so I gave her a full faced smile. I laughed as she let go of her mom's hand and ran screaming after our Arial convoy. I knew she would never be able to catch up to us but I hoped she would be at the summoning, I wouldn't kill her but I wanted to see what she would do seeing me. It would be interesting, turning away from the window I swirled a glass of wine in my hands and enjoyed the aroma. These were made in the wineries of Eden and then aged with time magic making it incredibly expensive. However, since it was in my city I received several barrels per year as my rightful tithe. It had a good body to it and it had a nice balance of fruity sweetness and acidity. Since I had built the city I always had a glass before I went to any war or battle. It was also A very sought after reward by my soldiers, any units that performed exceptionally well just might get a glass or two per person. As the plane touched down Alpha who had been enjoying a glass with me raised his glass to me before downing the remainder and putting his helmet back on. As soon as my guards confirmed it was safe I stepped out. As soon as I walked out the courtyard became silent instantly many of the maids, young noble ladies and even some of the male nobles seemed to forget to breathe as I began looking around. It stood to reason considering I'd never shown anyone except my family what I truly looked like. I usually used my mana-based nano-bot exoskeleton to change my appearance every time but that was actually because there was so much mana in my body that my appearance continued to shift until just a couple of weeks ago. My body had finally settled on an appearance and apparently, the people of this world approved. I had dark black hair on my right side with lighter brown hair on my left, my scan was bronze from almost constant outdoor excursions. I had a few scars on my arms and three claw marks on my right cheek from when a mana beast had managed to land a blow on me. My eyes were odd, and I had used some plastic circles implanted in my eyes to cover them up, without them one eye was completely pitch black while the other was a bright almost divine white around the iris which was a light brown. Both of my eyes had a draconian look to them with my normal irises being vertical slits. With the plastic circles in my eyes, they looked like normal human eyes with one green and the other blue. After I had finished soaking up the attention(or as I heard Alpha say to one of the other guards "my preening") we started walking towards the cathedral entrance. Once we arrived one of my guards reached into his armor, pulled out the invitation, and practically threw it in the clergy member's face. After a brief alteration where the clergy member tried to tell me I couldn't bring all sixty-three of my guards inside but the bolter in Alphas's hands disagreed and the man gave up. As soon as I walked in all eyes turned towards me and my contingent of guards. A fat man layered in jewelry and with several beautiful women wrapped around him seemed to take offense to my entry and stood up in protest but before he could even get a word out I had unholstered a mana gun and pointed it right at him, "Hello High priest did you sleep well last week? Explosions can be so terribly annoying when you're trying to return home or get a decent night's sleep, wouldn't you agree? I hope you don't mind my guard contingent but considering the shit, you've pulled I believe I'm justified in believing I need more protection than normal. So how about you sit back down and we won't need to find a new high priest before the ceremony?" The fat man stumbled back and fell into his chair his face whiter than any sun-bleached skeleton I'd ever seen. Before I could threaten the pitiful excuse of a high priest anymore the locating circle began spinning and a massive amount of mana laced with highly impure divinity began forming runic patterns that slowly began interlocking and spinning faster and faster before a blinding flash of light forced us all to look away. When the light started fading but there was still enough that both the summons and the other attendees were still blinded I scanned them looking for my target. There were about 42 teenagers stumbling around in shock, slowly I scanned them but none of them seemed like a threat or set off my instincts until my eyes settled on a boy who seemed to be using his body to shield several girls from whatever they thought was happening, my instincts screamed at me that he would be the biggest threat out of all of the group. While the nobles were still blinded I took off at a run heading straight for the high priest, as soon as I was in striking distance I unsheathed one of the two swords from my waist and slashed. Now, these weren't ordinary enchanted swords they were swords overcharged with enchantments and mana their sheaths were designed to absorb the mana and negate the massive outpouring of mana that resulted from overcharging a sword or any weapon. While these weapons were incredibly powerful they were overcharged and out of the sheath, they would only last 2-3 seconds before shattering. Back in the fight, the sword ripped through the priest's mana barrier and magic items like they were nothing, throwing that sword at the nearest temple paladin it exploded taking him and several other nearby nobles to the afterlife. Behind me, I heard a roar and the clash of metal on metal as my guards begin killing every human in the hall. The bark of bolter shots and the screams indicated the enemy hadn't managed to recover enough to even form some kind of defensive line, but with all the noise the temple guards began rushing en mass to kill my soldiers but I had faith my personal guard would be able to handle themselves long enough for the fleet to begin its attack. Even with all these thoughts whizzing through my head I had never stopped moving and only a second had passed since I had butchered the high priest and I was already in front of the hero, unsheathing my second and last overloaded blade I brought it up to the right side of my head with the guard pointing away from me, slamming my left foot into the ground I overloaded the sword, even more, using buffs and instant enchants to make sure this killed him, instant death, purgatory strike, instant counter, poisoned blade, god slaying strike and strike of the viper were only a small number of the hundreds if not thousands of skills I loaded into my already cracking blade. I didn't say anything to him, I didn't want to he was too young to die and I knew it but my life was far more important than his if I didn't kill him and he killed me he would doom this world and every other world in the dimensions to a death that was not death. An eternal pain that was not living and not dead, forever slaves to the Elderazi hivemind, frozen in stagnancy. My sword was now only inches from his heart and time seemed to move ever slower, Closing my eyes as to erase his death from my memory I waited for the feeling of my sword piercing flesh. I knew by now they had all recovered their eyesight only to see a massacre going on around them, by now the fleet had also begun its assault and I could feel the ground shake as the massive gun of the fleet bombard the shore. Then the feeling came and my sword pierced through barrier and flesh alike. Suddenly something felt very wrong there is no way newly summoned heroes could even know what mana or ki was much less manipulate it to form a barrier. Opening my eyes my brain overloaded trying to process what I was seeing. In front of me was my father, my heart in his hands and my sword piercing his heart. My heart didn't concern me and in my shock, I'd even grabbed it and placed it back into my chest where it instantly healed, instead, my brain couldn't seem to comprehend that I'd just killed my father. He wasn't dead yet but I knew he would be soon even a minor god wouldn't survive a strike with that many enchantments behind it, already blood flowed from every orifice and his skin was decaying before me as the poisons of an elder poison dragon flowed through his veins helped along with every beat of his heart. Pulling my sword out father collapsed and I heard a scream from behind me, turning around I saw Cassandra standing in the doorway her hands over her mouth her eyes moving between me fathers blood still coating the blade which had begun glowing, and father who managed to give her one last smile before my sword came around again to give him mercy from all the poison coursing through his veins. Her scream after that was filled with power and she dashed towards me. I still was in shock and I was unresponsive, I hadn't even deployed any of my barriers to protect my self but before she could destroy my body Elizebeth jumped in front of me with her halberd, and with a pommel strike to the chin my sister's neck was snapped upwards hard enough to make her lose consciousness. Turning back to me Elizabeth noticed my shaking, blood-stained hands and realized something was wrong. Her eyes widened and she called for Alpha who ran over and picked me up, carrying me outside to the waiting VTOLs he jumped in my personal jet after smashing in the heads of anyone who tried stopping us. Elizabeth climbed in as well and the other royal guards got into their Ospreys and we headed back to the fleet. 30 minutes later I was feeling slightly better but I didn't want to appear before my soldiers in such a depressed state so instead, I contacted the bridge of my flagship through a communication crystal and gave a single order to the gunners, "Destroy it all." I knew I was being irrational and I was just trying to hide my guilt by erasing an entire city but my soldiers believed in me too much and before the fleet retreated to port the city was turned into a pile of Ash. Unfortunately, the heroes managed to make it out alive and I trashed my entire office when I found that out but I was happy to know that my mother and sister were physically ok. My sister had mental scars which was to be expected and she also hated me now. Swearing that she would join the heroes and their parties and bring me to justice. I couldn't blame her, to be honest, I knew it was her right to despise me and I knew she wouldn't believe me but father wasn't supposed to die, he was supposed to be paralyzed by one of my assassins but instead he had been killed by father when he tried to sneak up on him. Everything else had gone to plan until then I had grabbed all of my younger siblings from the maids taking care of them at the family mansion without any harm and I was planning on forcing open the old world portal and sending them to school there for their own safety. Father wasn't supposed to die, he was supposed to be poisoned and paralyzed then transported to Eden where he'd wait out the war as a prisoner. Once the war was over I planned on showing him how wrong he had been about the gods and revealing my true identity to him but that would never happen now. Now I prepare for the long haul and get ready for a protracted war.
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The Mech Touch
The Age of Mechs has arrived! Unfortunately, Ves Larkinson lacked the genetic aptitude to become a famed mech pilot. Fighting against his fate, he studied mech design in order to express his love for mechs in a different way and make his father proud.When Ves graduated from college, he returned to a new but empty boutique. His dad had disappeared. Left with a small, newly founded mech workshop…
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After being infected with a deadly virus, Avren lost all hope to live. But... At death bed, the unimaginable happened!
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UMA ESTÓRIA DANATUÁ (ficção - português)
Um demônio, uma demiana, um dahr e uma nefelin. Em comum entre todos eles apenas o fato de serem guerreiros formidáveis que, provavelmente, não deveriam ter se encontrado. Apesar das esperanças de que tudo ocorresse bem, para a grande maioria não havia como não se matarem no processo. A cada encontro um confronto terrível, e o que os coloca sob uma perspectiva mais dramática é a guerra em que eles estão imersos, uma guerra tão vasta e terrível que tem o poder para causar o fim de uma era. Mas, no sorriso tranquilo de alguns poucos, a visão de destino e a face sorridente de um deus. O que poderia dar errado? [...] - Não tenho contratos com vocês – rilhou Mercator. – Nem com qualquer outro ser, anjo, demônio ou deus, por miserável que seja. Escuridão examinava Mercator, os olhos frios e calculistas. - Nos batemos naquelas cavernas, e perdemos tudo e... - Se perderam tudo é porque seu inimigo te superou. Que diferença eu poderia ter feito? [...]
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1 am » poetry
when you still have this tiny, tiny bit of hope inside of you that they will learn how to love you again,even if there's this bigger part that knows: they never will.© sushitae-「 highest ranking: #19 in poetry 」
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The Cat's Sin of Sorrow (King X Reader) [Discontinued]
(Y/N) split up from the Sins years ago, after they were blamed for the Holy Knights murder. Since then, she heard about Diane's Gideon being featured in a fight and decided she's retrieve it for her old friend. She just didn't think she'd get a chance to fight for the realms again... or see King.---Just so you know, this story follows the anime (so far)
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yandere! souichi tsujji x reader | exxus
「 " 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙨𝙚𝙩 𝙢𝙮 𝙨𝙤𝙪𝙡 𝙖𝙡𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩! "」Ah. What a peculiar boy.-This story depicts an unhealthy relationship between the reader and a fictional male created by none other than Junji Ito. Junji Ito is a talented mangka artist, whose main art genre is alternative horror and gorey thriller. If you are uncomfortable with males - including, this specific male, who happens to be outwarding possesive, obsessive behavoirs such as kidnapping, stalking, and other physical/mental harm, please do not read this. well.Anyways, back to the warning. This story also contains graphic descriptions of violence, kidnapping, torture, Stalking and nonsensual kissing. This is your first and final warning.If you do not like the story, remove from your library and unfavorite it in silence please. If you feel safe and stable... read on! I guess.
8 248