《Fantasy and Terror Klepto's Harbinger》Ch. 27 Archmages escape


...Damien's POV

High above the battle, Damien descended. He didn't know what this mage could do so he was quite a distance away. Damien withdrew his summons back to the wall. Damien created the narrow entrances so that the Algarian army could control the flow of the enemy entering through the cracks he left. Plus with the summons they should be able to manage with the 4 mages dead. The next major threat is this mage.

The mage killed another beast with ice lance's and fire balls. He turned to Damien with a sneer and spoke using mana to project his voice.

"My underlings where are they!"

Damien knew an angry enemy can become an illogical one and can make mistakes so why not goad the man into one. Damien needed to end this quick.

"Who are we talking about again? I've killed a bunch underlings. If I'm not going to remember the name of their boss's corpse, why would I remember some lackey's name? Sounds kinda silly don't ya' think? Plus, the most recent lackeys I killed even lasted a few seconds until I crushed their weak bones into dust with my gravity magic. Now, let's get this over with. I have things to do."


"Well I definitely managed to piss him off if nothing else"

The mage charged from where he was. The man disappeared from his spot. The last thing Damien saw was a burst of flames. To Damien's shock. He appeared to Damiens right and slashed at his ribs and hit Damiens shield with a massive impact that created sound waves in the air as Damien flew towards the ground. He was unable to right himself in time and impacted the earth. Damien definitely felt that impact and it HURT! Damien tried to roll and stand but unfortunately unlike fictional situations in anime and novel and wouldn't fall for such elementary tactics. The archmage was clearly a highly intelligent opponent, he had already predicted Damiens trajectory and appeared behind him finishing his chant and a fire mixed with an ice attack spell that impacted Damiens shield caused a right purple glow. It sent him speeding forward into a large hill that exploded with fire and ice burning and freezing the land and unfortunate Hellion soldiers who couldn't get away in time.


"Get back now!"

Then in an instant, the man disappeared from his previous spot and reappeared right above Damien with both of his hands.

"Crimson Hell Fire!"

A large towering inferno burned brighter and brighter and got hotter by the second. Damien was stunned from the previous attack before being impacted from all sides from a towering cylinder inferno that reached into space. The man disappeared in a flash of light and a massive explosion that wiped out thousands of nearby soldiers, maybe tens of thousands. When the dust cleared nothing remained.

The Archmage took a loud sigh and dropped to one knee. Thanking the heavens his spell worked.

...Keilar the Archmage

Something about this mage unsettled him. It wasn't just his strange and terrifying armor. It was his calm. Like his men weren't dying all around him. He wasn't even fazed. He floated down but the man was wise. He still stayed a respectable distance away. Keilar was shocked by this. It was as though he didn't realize how powerful he was. Just his beast taming ability alone can bring down kingdoms. He summoned a massive wall even higher than the previous one with powerful earth magic, and halted millions of advancing troops. The strength of the wall is a powerful stone that even our strongest beast cannot penetrate. It would take a joined effort of mages just to begin to penetrate it.

This mage is on another level and the Supreme Emperor must know about this man. He is a danger to the entire kingdom. Keilar War Speaker had long since perished at the talons of a griffin. Right now he needed to get word back as soon as possible. That is his mission now, getting back no matter what, but how? This monster will not just let him go. I hadn't even felt his magical presence when he arrived. That alone makes me know that I am not a match for him. Yet, does he know that? Why is he hesitant? Why had he spawns so far?

Kelier just asked a random question. So that he could find an opening. He didn't want to just recklessly attack without thought. Yet, the man gave him one after he asked about his underlings. Keilar didn't care about them because he already knew about their deaths. He had long since calmed himself but why not use this opportunity.


Pretending to be goaded into this mages attacked. Keilar got the first strike like he wanted. Keilar went full power right from the start. He channeled mana through his body and used his flame manipulation to fly at top speed toward him. He appeared in the man's blind spot much to Keilars relief and swung his fire blade he conjured and infused the tip with mana increasing the impact damage. His power exploded off of a purple mana shield. Keilar went wide eyed at witnessing the purple glow, he had never seen a purple mana shield before. Now wasn't the time to worry about that. Something inside of him told him that he couldn't stop pressing his advantage. He was releasing all raw elemental magic power.

Keilar even accidentally dual casted his ice and fire at the same time. He had never been pressed to this extent. This….desperation. He hit the enemy mage with everything he had sending him into a mountain. The devastation caused by his dual casting but it left his mana pool depleted quite a bit. Keilar had long ago learned how to meditate while on the move to replenish mana. It took absolute concentration while battling. After the dual casted attack, Keilar used up the amount of ice high level ice magic. It drained his mana pool much faster than fire. He disappeared and reappeared above Damien. Finishing his chant from his family bloodline special ability. It incorporated slight traces of all of the elements to be able to cause severe damage or death to any opponent.

Keilar only used this move once and that was when he was practicing and awakened the ability. He didn't have a lot of control of the spell so a time like this in a mostly open area. He didn't want to hit his own troops with the backlash of the spell but taking this man down or delaying him took precedent.

Keilar cast his most powerful spell he had. He had to contain the power so he got the energy from the spell to be released upward or it would go out of control. Condensing the spell as much as possible the second half of this spell is containing the blast. This took everything inside of the Archmage. If he didn't he would be killed by his own spell. Keilar held off for 30 long seconds as the spell burned even the ashes of its prey. As the spell faded and Keliar felt the pressure of the spell lessen and the finally ending completely. Keilar dropped out of the sky onto the ground and fell to his knee to catch his breath. Nothing could be seen for 20 meter around the center of the spell.

He was utterly exhausted and was looking at the dust storm in front of him. He had to escape back to the beaches so that he could send the command. When he washed enough mana for flight he was about to take off when a loud noise burst behind him toward the wall. On top of the wall was a bright golden light that encompassed every soldier on the Algarian army. Keilar had seen enough. He didn't need to know what that light was. He needed to get to the beach. Keilar took off towards the air in the direction of the village, but he didnt stop and kept flying as fast as his depleted mana would allow.

….Damien's POV

Meanwhile, something was happening much to the dismay of the Hellion soldiers.

Damien was back at the frontline standing on top of the wall. Jamming his staff into the wall he closed his eyes to focus on exactly what he wanted to create and unleashed his powerful defensive magic. These Algarian soldier will have their revenge this day and the Hellions will be wiped off of the continent. Damines staff glowed a bright light that shone brightly over the army as each soldier let out a large gap. What happened next for each soldier was beyond their wildest dreams.

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