《Fantasy and Terror Klepto's Harbinger》Ch 16. Securing Loyalty


"System, open up the Divine Shop I need access to spells." I need to learn enchanting for materials, items, and equipment.

Affirmative, I have located a training manual for enchanting. This manual will work in conjunction with the Hosts tethering magic. The system has upgraded the manual to Arcane tether enchanting. A form of enchanting that allows the host to channel elemental and arcane energy through the tethering spell directly into the cells of the material to create various effects based on the will of the spellcaster. *Requirement, must have the arcane tethering spell unlocked. As a reward, skill cost is negated due to the host creating a new spell in the system. Manual is being uploaded directly into the Host.

When Damien thought about enchanting, he had a flood of information dealing with enchantment. He needed to apply his magic and will to an item to an enchantment. A rune is just a location to direct the magic of the enchanter and help enchanters enchant an item a specific way, but it is not needed. An enchanters mana pool is limited to they have to use magical storage items or a few mages mana pool to help an enchanter with stronger items. This is what makes enchanted items rare. The more mages that assist an enchanter with enchanting an item, the rarer an item becomes. Damien wouldn't need other mages for this purpose he is both the enchanter and the mage. Plus, his mana pool is one of the greatest on the planet and that was when he arrived. He was much stronger now. With this new knowledge, Damien would try enchanting his staff first as a test. The rare jewel made of combined precious stone he had put on the end of his staff would make this a perfect tool, to begin with. Two of the jewels were mythical in quality and Damien hadn't known that at the time. Dorez and Magestone. The Dorez jewel enhances the strength of any enchantment and the mage stone enhances and also, stores large amounts of mana. All stones store mana, but the mage stones storage is the greatest of them all.

He sat down on top of the wall cross legged and with the staff laid across his lap. He first probed the material with his magical tether strings. Looking at the wood on a cellular level, he willed his earth and wind magic into the wood. Strengthening the wood by packing the cells close together while keeping it from getting heavier with his wind magic. Then, turning his attention to the jewel on top of the staff he could feel a tiny trace of mana being absorbed by the rainbow colored stone. Damien now just poured mana into the staff. He kept going until his mana core was nearly depleted after an hour of constant channeling mana into it. He probed deep into the stone and found that he only put a drop of mana into what felt like a pond. If this thing could empty his mana pool completely, then its storage capacity is massive. It looks like I'll have to meditate while I do this to speed mana recovery and channel mana into the stone at the same time. Damien meditated while channeling mana continuously. He did this for hours, only stopping to eat fruit and drink water every 4 hours. He began in the morning and powering the jewel went well into the night. After many hours and quick breaks for sustenance, it finally felt like the stone was at its limit. Damien then, tiredly tied his mana tethers around the stream of power inside of the stone forming a sphere. He was shocked at the end result. His staff had its own mana core. He could literally give any enchantment its own miniature, rechargeable mana core. Except this one has a mana core 16 times the size of Damien's own core. The staff was enchanted to only react to Damien's mana core. It was an artificial bound item that binds to a person's mana signature and not their soul. Anyone with a trace of mana can have an item bound to the. After his experiment with Selene, he learned that everyone in Damascus has a mana pool and just didn't know it. Most likely, due to bathing in the mana radiation from the moon at night, since birth. The beings on this planet had evolved to have mana pools. Yet, why isn't this common knowledge? Everyone should know this. Unless the noble houses of this world had kept this from their general populous. You actually have to learn how to harness your mana pool. My people will be different. I will educate the people and teach them the safety of magic for everyday use. Some will be stronger than others and more specialized in attributes, but people should at least know what is a part of their being. This staff was a major breakthrough and will make spell casting effortless even on a massive scale.


Damien stood, looking out to the forest again Damien pointed the staff at the tall trees. No sense in wasting all of this lumber, Damien thought to himself. He channeled his mana, his eyes glowing purple with power and a purple aura surrounded his body. Damien picked up over 500 paces worth of trees and stones outside of the giant white smooth stone wall and he imagined how homes on earth looked and channeled them above the homes and businesses of the village. Using his map he could see every structure in the village. With his staff, he could feel everything inside of the village down to the particles. He took anyone who happened to be in their home at the time, floated them outside using wind magic and used his creation magic and created everyone 2 story modern homes, fully furnished. He could hear the people of the village screaming from the top of the wall. Damien chuckled to himself. He wished he could have been there to see their faces with the sudden changes in their homes. With more of the wood, he created 200 carriages and trailers for the townsfolk to use for training or any other needs they may have. He was going to start a merchant caravan soon. He turned more of the tree into ballistae ammo, arrows, and bolts for crossbows. He had tons of stacks arrows on and inside of the walls. Damien repaved all of the roads in the town so that the wagons and the people didn't have to walk on dirt roads. Next, as gently as could, Damien raised the elevation of the whole village up 23 feet above the ground level and made wide hills going down from the village. This will increase the natural defense of the village from enemies.

With Damien's magical breakthrough he made with his staff he was going to revolutionize magic in his village, maybe the world. Damien wanted to show the people that magic is a way of life and not a thing that they should fear. He was going to power the town the same way that he powered the staff. Everything was going to be run with the new stone he created. He was going to make a much smaller one to power the village. The one he currently had could power the continent or more. Damien wasn't actually sure it had a limit at this point. If he was honest with himself, the new stone scared him a bit. He had a nuke in stick in his hands with his magic, essentially and it was completely by accident. He just rebuilt hundreds of homes in seconds and he wasn't finished.

Damien had done all of this by willing his will and mana through the staff. He felt like he could do just about anything. Damien willed his wind magic to pick him up and carry him to the edge of the village. Before he walked into the village, Damien willed 6 large fenced off farms into place. The farms each had barns, homes, stacks of hay, and from his inventory he willed to life 10 giant 3 eyed boars, 20 deer creatures from Damascus, 50 pigs and cows from the earth. He fenced in each separately, but the boar had thick stone fences due to their sizes. Damien needed more men for the defense of the village and to train the men who want to join his army in the future. Damien reviewed his tab with new units with his remaining 21,670 DP he began to summon troops and specialists. "System, I want these troops summoned." Damien thought.


Specialist Professions 2 Merchants- 1,000 DP

3 Wood cutters- 600 DP

1 Blacksmith- 200 DP

1 Tailor-200 DP

1 Carpenter- 200 DP

2 Stable masters- 400 DP

1 Novice Life Mage- 200 DP

1 Medical Staff- 2,000 DP ( 3 doctors 7 nurses)

Combat Units:

60 Archers- 6,000 DP

15 Advanced Bowmen (For ballistae)- 3,000 DP

60 fighters(to be trained up as knights)- 3,000 DP

5 Paladin-1,000 DP

1 Master mage-1,000 DP Affirmative each of the units will be summoned based on the Host's previous template. Now that the Host's hero level is higher. The Solder will arrive armored with weapons and the specialist be summoned clothed with the tools for their jobs. Remaining 2,870 DP.

That was perfect now Damien just had to house everyone and get people working. No biggie right? Damien was mentally exhausted by this point. I was late into the night by this point and he just wanted to sleep. The town was powered by mana stones now. "Well, that helped me cut corners greatly with the armor." Damien thought. There was a faint glow in the large field outside of the village and a small army appeared out of thin air. He had the specialist stand to the left and the troops to stand to the right. The specialist acted like normal people and conserved among each other. Damien sent a mental command for all his troops to meet him at the south side of the village. He also asked them to bring the adviser Allen that had worked with the former village chief to him. After about 30 minutes, all of the troops, Selene, and Allen were standing in front of him. Damien first turned to his ranged commander, "Dulan you now have 71 total archers under your command. I need you to have 30 men on the wall and the advanced archers training all of the other archers on the ballista, and the rest patrolling and training in the yard, at all times. Sleep should be included in this rotation. They have the hunters trained up enough for them to be able to teach civilians hunting techniques. Once I'm enhancing the troop and unlocking their skills." Yes Lord Sorlan. Damien raised his glowing multicolored staff and with glowing eyes cast 'Arcane Enhancement Spell' and 'Divine Skill Imbue' with his dual casting ability at the same time. All of the men gasped at the same time being enhanced with power. Damien let the men deal with their skills. The ranged commander began barking orders to all of his troops under his command and all of the men disappeared faster than a normal human eye could see. Allen, all of the new troops and the specialist were all standing in shock. I actually think Allen wet himself a bit.

Turning to commander Bartus "I want you to have you men training daily and patrolling the inner and outer wall and the streets of the village. The 5 paladins I will keep as my personal guard." Yes Lord Sorlen. Damien cast his two spells on the rest of his troops, including all of the specialists. Damien already knew he could trust his summoned troops and whenever the village grows, he would not have to worry about any of his troops not being easy to hurt or kill. He asked mages to stand in front of him. "Master mage, I need you to be the instructor of magical studies. With your advanced spells, you will be the commander of the magical corps. First I need to increase your power and you will also take my Arcane tethering spell and Arcane tethering enchanting. The mage, like other troops, had been summoned with the skills for their position, but he was shocked to receive a newly created spell. The grey robed, brown haired, brown eyed, tall mage instantly recognized the archmage as his magical superior and he bowed his head in recognition to Damien. To the life mage, he informed would be the healer at the school and would assist the medical corps during a battle, unless directed otherwise. He forged mana cores for both of the new mages and told them to meet him in the morning and to sleep at the inn after giving them a few gold coins.

After speaking with them, he sent the rest of the specialist to the inn and would task them with work in the morning. Damien forgot to build the power source for the village. Seeing as how the main road was in complete darkness. Damien, Sent a large flare into the night sky to light his way. Turning to Selene Damien let her know she will begin her mage training tomorrow with the new master mage along with Attis. She nodded and stood there for a second longer as if she were waiting for anything else. "Lord Sorlen, I-I just wanted to thank you! You have saved me and also my...I mean, your village and we have an unpayable debt to you forever. I will forever be by your side if you ever would need me." She said blushing and teary eye. She leaned in and kissed Damiens cheek and before he could respond she used her amazing speed and disappeared in a blink of an eye. Damien was stunned at the sudden show of emotion and heard someone clear their throat behind him and jumped at the sound.

Damien turned around and remembered Allen. The village was lit by flare so Damien could see. Damien put the massive table and benches back inside of the ground that was in the center of the village road. He used some of the wood from his inventory and summoned a large book for Allen dropped the large book and a large pen with ink into Allen's hands and began walking. With a grunt, Allen held on to the book, terrified to drop it. "Allen you will be my adviser. Your duty will be to collect data on every member of the town and bring me a report by the end of the day tomorrow. I need to know what the people of the village skills were before Eulan Alto took over. I need everyone housed and what businesses need to be opened and reopened. I farmers to live an operate all farms full time and a list of needs. I need to know how much food we will need for the troops from the commanders and the rations and I need to know. I also need to know how much food we would need for the villagers. Take 2 of my paladins and bring every book to me that is in the village." During this time, Damien walked to the town center and stopped in front of it. Allen was scribbling everything he had heard furiously and looked up when Damien stopped. "Allen, I need your unyielding loyalty. I don't need someone to serve me out of fear, but out of duty. Not loyalty to me, but the people to the people of Sorlen. I need this village to grow as fast as it can and as you can see that can be almost overnight."

With that last statement, Damien turned around and focused on his staff towards the town center. He pointed towards and with the systems helped he bought a mage academy blueprints and uploaded it into his mind and built a 10 story high 60 foot mage tower where the town center stood with a compass at the top pointing to the cardinal directions. When the glowing faded there was a massive tower in front of the party of men. The tower was black with a green tiled, triangular shaped roof, that had 4 large marble life like statues with jewels in their eyes at the top. The 15 foot statue facing towards the Northside of the town was a white roaring Dragon, to the East was a Phoenix with expanded, to the South was a Griffin, and to the West was a Werewolf howling at the moon. Little did anyone know was that these statues would come to life if the village was attacked when Damien was finished with the tower. He turned to Allen and said, "Follow me," he told the paladins to wait at the door. Damien went inside of the currently dark tower and walked into a hall with a staircase leading up to different floors 10 stories up. The only light came from the rainbow colors in his staff. Damien walked to the center of the main hall and stood on top of his created werewolf house symbol and tapped his staff on it twice. A medal door silently opened up with a winding staircase leading down into the tower. The adviser was very nervous and he followed quickly behind Damien. After walking down the long winding staircase for 15 minutes they had finally made it to a large room arriving at the bottom of the room. In the center of the room sat a large empty pedestal. In this room, Damien took out a large bluestone. The adviser gasped and under his breath, Damien heard him mumble "...by the gods, I have never heard of a mage stone being so large! Who is this mage that can create godly structures of this magnitude out of thin air?!" Damien heard the man say in awe and the man continued to mumble more words, but Damien ignored him. And focused on the mage stone. Damien made the stone into a large sphere the size of a basketball. He then placed the stone onto the pedestal. When he did he channeled in mana from his staff. This time it took him a fraction of the time and he tied off the inner power with a self-regenerating mana stone. " ...no that isn't possible.." Damien heard the man say. Allen was literally floored by what he was witnessing.

When Damien finished he wrote runes onto the side of the pedestal. He made engraved a lightning bolt symbol with a circle through it and will power from his staff into it. When he did power in the large room had turned on with a large diamond chandelier at the top of the large room creating beautiful multicolored lights all over the room, lighting the entire place. This lets Damien know that the entire village had power. "Allen, you have seen my power first hand, will you stand by me in my quest to grow in power to protect the people? If all that you have seen is not enough, then you have my blessing to leave this city unharmed. If you so choose to stay then I need your Oath that you will stand by my side. I need your answer now." The man in his late 40s with greying blond hair, and pointed a hooked nose stood stunned for a second. Allen had seen more than enough in this world through his travels around the world. He had come to this town to get away from the evils of the Algerian empire. He had never witnessed such feats from anything on this planet. He was not looking at a mage. He was looking at a man with the powers of a god. There was no other way to explain it. All semblance of fear was gone and man's face turned serious. The man knelt down, pulled a sheet of paper from his massive ledger and bit his thumb to make it bleed. He placed his thumb on the paper and said, "I Allen Funchess, swear my undying allegiance to Lord Donte Sorlen in everything that he will of this servant down to my last breath in front of the world and in front of the gods." When the man was done the blood mark glowed bright red, then faded away. Damien was shocked at what he witnessed. He learned two things from his advisor. Blood oaths on this planet were the real deal and also, that he had a way for his people to show loyalty. He couldn't have anyone from the town leaving until the swore a blood oath to him and the town. He had to protect himself and he could not allow traitors to his cause. He turned his attention back to the man and took a set back. The advisor was staring at Damien with an intensity he had never witnessed. The man wasn't looking like he saw a mage. He looked like he saw a god

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