《My Friend Lukka》Journal Entry 3


Dear reader,

Welcome back, some time has passed since our last correspondence. These letters have really helped with my memory, I am recalling things, things that I did not know I had forgotten. Most are fairly mild, nothing of particular note.

Anyway, I have news on Lukka. Oh right, Lukka is what I decided to call the little blue octopus. She is quite a troublemaker that one. I went fishing a few days ago, had my cane pole with a worm speared on the bone hook.

So, I go out onto my rock, submerge my feet in the water as always and Lukka comes around again. Not surprising, this has become the routine like I mentioned last time. I swear, I think she was watching me the whole time, she waited, real patient as I caught a nice sized fish.

Well, she was waiting for her moment to strike. The fish must have been like twice her size, the little glutton darted over and latched onto my catch. If that was not enough, she looked me in the eye and proceeded to continue eating.

Then, as if she did nothing wrong took her usual spot. I swear, if she could smile, she would be, and she would make sure that you knew it too.

She thought that I would do nothing, and she was correct. I simply could not get mad; she was just too cute. Although her antics forced me to spend more of the day sitting there it was not all bad, I did catch another fish. What was different was that Lukka seemed to have eaten her fill, and even better she felt safe enough to curl up onto my foot and take a nap.

I think Lukka and I are quickly becoming friends. Everyday this week after our morning fishing play that day, Lukka always comes out to greet me.


It is as if she knows exactly where I am as soon as my foot touches the water. Eventually she will always appear, it is very strange how she manages to find me every time.

I have noticed she has been eating a lot more, before one small fish was enough. Now it takes two, or a medium sized fish. If she keeps eating like this, I might have to take the glutton out to the reef when I go out fishing next time. That is for when she gets a slightly larger, for now I do not wish to deliver a quick snack to the larger fish out there.

Yes, the reef would be good for her. That reminds me of a garden, a place full of red flowers. It was someplace important, I think… I remember two little boys. Were those my sons running through the… hedges, I think. Was that what they were called?

What are these places I am remembering? I asked the other villagers about my family the other day. Told them that I was having trouble remembering their faces. I wanted to know what they looked like, their hair, eyes, who were they?

Nobody could tell me… they did not know what I was talking about. Sometimes I wonder if my memories are my own. I cannot remember how I got here, only that I have been here for as long as I can recall.

None of the villagers even knew about the red flowers. Close to the end of the week, a few days ago there was someone who could. A traveling merchant, his ship stopped by to resupply, he comes by a bit, bringing news from the outside.

Just between you and me, I think he is a damn cheater. I mean how else can you explain him always winning at dice… it is unnatural.

Anyway, the merchant said something about roses, and that the nobles had mazes of shrubs full of them. Strange, why do I remember these things? Who am I?

Oh well, I can figure it out later. For now, it is feeding time for Lukka. I Need to try catching a bigger fish for her, to see how much she can eat now…

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