《My Friend Lukka》Journal Entry 2


Dear reader,

I was told I should add this sentence to the start, I anticipate that if you are reading this then I am not around. It is understandable to think that these chronicles may one day represent the man who was once called Abdosir, who can know the will of the spirits. Like all the others before me, my fate is set, hopefully these scrolls might allow my essence to carry forward with you and others like you dear reader.

Well enough with the disappointing outlook on life, I yet live and the morning sun is still as bright as it was yesterday. The azure of the sea is still as brilliant as ever, and the vibrant forests yet provide an ample bounty for these weary old bones.

Exciting news my friends, this has been a wonderful week since last we spoke… figuratively of course. You could be reading these years from now, but we will leave it at that.

At the start of the week, I went out for my morning stroll upon the beach. Sometimes I like to take a dip in the refreshing waters, maybe sit around and allow the sand to massage these wrinkly old buttocks.

Now you may be judging me but go ahead and give it a try. Early morning sand is quite nice, course but just the right temperature before the sun really begins to beat down upon it. Either way, that is besides the point. So, like every morning I enjoy watching the fishes dart around my feet, going about their business.

Yet what do I discover… but it is none other than that miniscule palm sized octopus from last week? Or was it a few days ago? Who knows these things, my mind is not what it used to be… Well as I was sitting there, she rides up onto my foot.


It was enjoyable time, she just sat there on her little tentacles punching out at the occasional fish. Now I say she, because the little girl let me hold her and all her tentacles were covered in suckers. We fishermen must know these things, so here is some advice, it is not good to hunt all the females.

Sounds like common knowledge sure, but a long time ago, back when I was still a strapping lad overhunting to meet the taxes levied removed many creatures from the area, octopi being one. A important lesson we continue to tell, the sea provides its bounty, but we should not allow greed to overwhelm us lest our children end up starving.

Anyhow, I digress. She clearly had the idea that I would protect her, she was right. Anytime a bigger fish swam by that could threaten her I was there to force them away. Clever girl managed to nab quite a lunch for herself, once she had her fill she was gone, back to whatever hole she made a home in.

This whole week that has been our routine, she will sometime let me massage her head, but that is rare. Mostly she just keeps to my feet, always appearing like an apparition, zipping along and taking her place.

Clearly, she has been eating well, by the end of the week she was larger than when we first met. Before I might have thought that I was seeing things, but I went back and looked at the last entry. She fit in the palm of my hand then, now she is the size of my palm. Baby steps for sure, but steps, nonetheless.

I decided that it was not right to just keep referring to her as I currently was. Somehow, I managed to recall an old memory, one that I thought lost to time.


I do not think it was the island, it was a different place, less sea, more mountains. There was a woman, I cannot be sure if that was my wife, the face was a blur.

All I could remember were the sounds, the crying, and screams. So much sadness, it reminded me of a name I forgot long ago. Lukka, the name of my daughter, or what would have been my daughter…

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