《Tails of life》Chapter 18


The rest of the day went by fast except for my last class history with my homeroom teacher the entire time I was there it felt like a beast was circulating my just waiting to take a bite. I looked over a Hoshi and she barley even moved even Erin was stiff as aboard. When the bell rang it was a blessing as we headed to the bus stop. I saw Erin head off to alleyway as I signal Hoshi as we follow him.

As we rounded the corner I hear wings flapping I sense that no humans around so take off my necklace and Hoshi shifted as well we rounded the corner "know if you smell me you would come running" I don't want to fight you "well I do but I'm not stupid I won't fight you now but I still need to settle the score with your little girlfriend" as he readies another yellow bolt I yell out she is not my girlfriend "it does not matter what she is this holy bolt will end.....wait...what no stop it now" as we stand there the bolt vanishes as he talks to himself. He falls to the ground with his back to us "I don't know who or what you are please kill me .....no shut up you fucking idiot I must kill them.....no you killed so many I can't take it anymore....you are just a weak host if I must I'll kill you too..... if I die you do to......I will control you like a puppet till my energy runs out now shut up...... please help me make it stop."

As he reaches out to use the angel take over again "looks like I have to go but next time you both will die hahahahaha" with that he flys away. As we stand there wondering what to do I turn around and Jeffrey was there looking at us. He was just standing with his mouth open when he started to scream I ran over and put my clawed hand over the mouth and neck what do we do now "we need to kill him you know the rules" we can't kill him and you know why "mmmmmm" as he starts to thrashing about "well what do you think we should do with him" Jeffrey stopped moving as I looked at him I think he passed out. "Good now we can leave him here and he'll think it was a dream" that sounds good but we don't know what he saw. "It can't hurt to try" fine we'll try it as I lay him down I put my necklace back on and Hoshi transformed into the human shape.


I walk over to Jeff and shake him Jeff wake up man as he opens his eyes "wait where em I" your in an alleyway near the school "how did I get here" we saw you walk down here and the found you laying here " I don't know why but thank you for coming to get me" no problem man as we get him up we head back to the bus stop. Once on the bus, I ask so do you remember anything "I don't know I think I saw two no three people there but I can't remember." That ok don't force yourself the rest of the trip was quite. At our stop, we get off and say goodbye to Jeff and Hoshi and I head home.

As we got in mom was making dinner I took off the necklace and walked down the hall "Esmond is that you and Hoshi?" Yes, we're home as she looks around the corner "how was.......school" are you ok mom "yes just still getting used to the way you look." Oh, I know it's still unsettling to look at myself in the mirror. "So did you have fun today?" Well, we did learn Erin is the angel "what Erin an angel how" I don't know also Jeffrey has seen us too.

"What did you do" we followed Erin into a back alley and it seemed he was fighting with himself then flew away and when I turned around he was there "and what did you do to him" nothing he passed out and when he came to he did not remember anything. " let's hope so just keep an eye on him he could become a problem or become a target." We need to help him "what you need to do is relax you don't have the power to go out right now" as I look at my necklace it was almost white and my magic is low too. Fine but I'm going out after dark to check on him. "If you must just keep to the shadows."


After dinner, I waited for the sun to set I open the back door "wait" I turn around to see mom what's up "here take this" as she hands me a black cloak what is this "it's an old witch cloak it helps anyone wearing it to hide in the shadows." Well, that's helpful where was this two weeks ago "it was in the closet." Real why did I not think of to look there for something to wear I hear Hoshi yell out "maybe because you ran from the dog your first morning" as I growl a little I took the cloak and put it on I leave. As I jumped on the roof and jumped to the next as I head for Jeffrey's house. I landed in the backyard I stayed in the shadows and looked in through the windows.

I see Jeff is sitting in his room I sat there for what felt like hours when he looked out the window we locked eyes as he stands up and runs next thing I know he's in the back yard "I know you're here so come out now." I just sat there looking at him so he picked up a baseball and throw it at me so I caught it "I knew you were there it was you in the alleyway too right" I sat looking at him "why do I see monsters on the TV but no one noticing them I think I'm going crazy." I made my voice as deep I could you are not crazy I growled: "so you can talk so why are you out here spying on me you are not going to eat me right."

No, I'm not you might be in danger from other creatures. "So I might still be eaten after all" I'm wondering when did you start seeing monster "after you grabbed me you scratched me a little" as he turns to show me a scratch on the back of his neck "Jeff who are you talking to out there" "no one" I was back on the house next doors rooftop looking at him as he turns around to where I was then he looked around and we looked at each other then I left.

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