《Tails of life》Chapter 17


As I run at full speed back down the hall I see a small bolt of yellow light hit right where I was standing. As I'm on the stairs I turn around and head back. I yell to Erin when I see him why did you run off like that? "I was not feel good." Oh, I'm sorry to hear that as I look at the black mark on the floor I see a white feather on the floor. "What are you look at" as Erin turns around I was wondering what the black spot is on the floor and the feather. "I don't know as I move forward I feel a small amount of magic behind me as I ready my claws the bell rings. We have to get to our next class as I turn he puts his hand behind his back.

As we make our way to gym class we meet up with Jeffrey and Hoshi once we are in the locker room to change I go into the changing room and take off the necklace I then took my short and shirt off and put on the gym clothes finding that they are a little small and no hole in the pants fir my tail so I took my claws and made one. Once I was done changing I put an illusion of myself and walked out I put my clothes in the locker. When I went around the corner I saw Erin's back had a tattoo it was two white wings and a gold cross but it was not very big. As I looked at it seem to grow as I hear Jeffrey comes up behind me I know you are there what up Jeff "how did you know I was there?"

Simply, you suck at being stealthy "hey Erin when did you get a tattoo" as Erin puts his shirt on "I got it over the summer" really I thought your parents are very religious and wouldn't let you get one? "They said only if was a religious one only" "that's so cool did it hurt?" "I can't remember it I went in and then I was outside with it on my back now can we stop with the stupid question." You don't have to get angry at us we all friends here. As we head outside I meet up with Hoshi hey listen to this as I whisper it her "dose he knows about you and me?" I don't think so but he might think I'm something "well what are we going to do about him" I don't know we talk to him "hell no remember he wants you died" he doesn't it the angel that wants me died "we could jump him." "Are you two done talking I'm trying to teach gym class. As we both look up everyone was looking at us I hear them whispering "they are so cute together" "was he the one who dated Jade before she went into the hospital" " yes I heard he beat her and put her in a coma" I'm getting sick of this rumor and when I find out who started it I'll bite their head off I thought to myself.


"All right today I'm going to push you to limit today" "but it the first day back" "exactly you had all summer to get lazy now start running ten laps" by lap eight I was just Hoshi, Erin, Jeffrey, two other and myself. As we rounded the corner on lap ten it was down to Erin, Hoshi, and myself. As Erin moves toward me he sticks out his leg on instinct I jumped over it as I land Hoshi grabs my shirt and pull both of us down as Erin finishes in first.

I turn to Hoshi and growled at her why did you do that I was winning "I see that you still need training" I still angry growl at her what is that supposed to mean. "You dodge his kick if you landed and won then the angel will know you are not human that is why I grab you." As I start to calm down I sorry for that Hoshi I got too excited "that fine but don't do it again" she put her hand on my chest "remember who you are not what you are." My heart started to beat faster " hey Esmond are you to love birds done we need to hit the shower." As soon a Jeff said that Hoshi perked up "a shower" yes but you shower with the girls I see in my head her ears going down.

Wait if I take a shower I'll smell like a wet dog "just relax I tell you a spell that erases any sent you want" wait why have you not told me this sooner in a low whisper I hear "because I like the smell of you" I just sit there lose in space "Esmond come back to reality" as I'm shaken back by the teacher oh sorry as the teacher walks away Hoshi puts her pointer finger on my forehead. Then words appear in my head and information about how to use it. So is this how we learn magic spells "it only works for kitsune but just because you know how to use it doesn't mean you are good at it" you mean I still have to train "yes and this is one of the easiest kitsune have."


As we get up and head for the locker room I bump into Erin "hey that was a nice jump you did back there." Thank I just wish I landed it "that funny not only did you take yourself one Hoshi too." As we walked into the shower room it's nice to see that you are acting like yourself again. "I just have a lot on my mind so sorry if I zone out" it's all right we all have a lot on our plates these days. As I started to chant the spell I noticed my illusion waver a little as my clawed hand became visible so I quickly lathered my hands with shampoo after the spell was cast the illusion went back to normal but I felt exhausted. Once I shut the water off I started to shake myself off but stopped myself because some people started looking at me.

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