《Tails of life》Chapter 15


Like I care just let them go I'm the one you want right. As Hoshi opened her eyes weakly "don't run" as he slams her into the dirt "silence heretic it true I would be overjoyed to end your existence but I can wait but these two are free to die today so feel blessed." As he created a golden bolt of energy I run toward them as he throws it at me. I feel it enter my stomach as I cough up blood.

"Does it hurt good because you beast only understand pain and as for banished kitsune you no longer have protection from your God." As I'm laying on the ground he makes another bolt but before he hits her a root warps around him as he drops Hoshi "I expect nothing less from the second in command of The World Tree coven but you are still weak to the power of the one true God." As the root disappears in a flash of light. As he creates two more bolts of light he stops moving as a look of exhaustion starts to show the light fades "you beasts are luck God shall not smite you today but I will return to finish this one day." With that, he disappears in a beam of light.

Once he's gone the beam of light in my stomach vanishes as more blood comes out my mouth I slowly crawl to mom and Hoshi. As I get closer my wound start to heal I see a white feather as I start to stand I was a little woozy as I walk forward I tripped and fell into the small crater as I roll down in I land next to Hoshi I see she I breathing slowly at least she breathing I thought it myself I see mom come over she holding her arm are you ok "I think my arm is broken and I'm out of magic I think I'm ok you?" I'm a bit dizzy and it's hard to breathe but I think I can walk. "Good we need to get her some help." Won't those people come like last time? "No, they only show up if someone is killed."

As I pick up Hoshi I find her so small in my arms and as there's a feeling of hatred building in my heart for the one who did this to her. As we leave I have mom grab the feather because it would be good to learn his scent for next time. "So I think we should take her to a vet." A vet why well she in her small fox state so she out of magic and can pass as a fox pup." I see what you mean but what about your arm? "I'm fine I regenerate magic from the earth I have just enough to mend it but it will be sore for a few days.

After we retrieve our stuff from the locker room we made our way to a veterinary office. As we entered I see a couple of people with animals as we made our way to the counter the response looks up "oh my God what happened" as she stands up we found it on the street she then called the vet and lead us to a room. When the doctor came in her look at the "it looks like it was hit by a truck it has two broken legs and two fractured ribs and internal bleeding I think we should put it down to end its suffering." I look over at mom as I see the thought cross her mind. She looks at me "why are you looking at me I was not going to do it." I turn back to the bet can you do anything, please. "This is not a normal animal is?" What are talking about of course it is "nice try I can tell this is a kitsune and you two are not human either." How can you tell? "It simple I'm not human too I'm a member of Angitia clan so I'll heal her for you but she needs rest" thank you so much and we won't tell anyone about you.


As we thanked him again I'm carrying Hoshi I look down at my necklace the tooth is almost white. I can only hold an illusion for one hour but with my magic in low as I tell my mom "oh that's not good we are about two hours from home." As I think for a moment I have an idea but its humiliating. "Well if it helps us get home" I'm going to shift into my fox form and make a collar and leash you'll have to carry Hoshi and hold the leash and walk me like a dog home. As we walk we kept getting weird looks from everyone we pass a kid even came up to me a patted me and called me a nice doggy so o lick his face because his parents were looking. As we finally make it home we head inside as I shift into my werefox form "that was nice of you being friendly to that kid" I just looked at her he tasted salty and dirty it was still nice."

As dad comes around the corner "what was nice what the hell happened to you guy" it's a long painful story. "Well, I'm glad you are dead" hey dad do you know of any angel monster in town? "Well I know there are but I can't say for sure the church has its own monster registry or holy registry." They have their own monsters "well yes and no they only take the biblical one, not like us where we take all that is why there is a separation between church and state." So that's why but do you know anything about them "let's talk in the dining room but first you should wash up and put Hoshi to bed." Ok as I take the unconscious Hoshi to the bathroom I take a shower with her and dry her off I take her to her room.

As I head to the dining room there were sandwiches on the table "by the way I got you some clothes that will fit you and your part-time job called and ask if you can come in next Tuesday."

I completely forgot about the job with everything that has happened to me I don't know if I should work looking like this. "I know it will be hard but you should do it to look like a normal human its a good camouflage" " I agree with your father." As I took a bit of a sandwich alright but what's with the clothes? "I got them so you can wear the under the illusion" but there itchy with my fur "I understand but let say someone pats you on the back do you want them to feel fur or clothing?"

Ok I see what you mean I growled a little "don't you growl at me I'm trying to help." I know I'm sorry I'm just tired so can you tell me about the Angel's now. "Ok ok I only know a little about them the Angel's are not born they are created." They're created but how "well the department does not know that's all we got before our spy disappeared "well if there created then that proved what we heard" as we looked mom "do you know how honey?" "It was just a rumor in the witches community that at the coming of age the church followers are tested to see if they're compatible with an angel and if they are it possesses the host and over a period of time the host ceases to exist and all that left is a pure angel."


Wait so you're saying if the angel is not pushed out of the human host the host disappears "in an easier way of saying yes" but how do they get possesses in the first place "well that we still don't know it could be like other possessed through an object, places, phase we just know much about the church." After the talk we all went to bed as I past Hoshi's room I looked in on her I see she is in her fox form bit larger which is good. I head to my room I sit on my bed and smell the white feather I seem to remember it from somewhere but can't remember where. As I give up I shifted and went to sleep.

"I'M PROUD OF YOU" not you again can't I have one night you don't show up "HAHA I'M APART OF YOU I COME AND GO AS I PLEASE" ok I get it I'm sorry now what do you want I have school tomorrow "I'M PROUD YOU DID NOT USE ME BUT THAT ANGEL NEED TO DIE FOR HURTING MY MATE" she is not my mate "TELL YOURSELF THAT BUT YOU WANT HER TOO" I don't now goodbye and with that, he is gone. I wake up to the smell of bacon. I sleepy walk down the stairs as I enter the dining room and jump on to a chair "morning son" I looked up and growl lightly at him as my stomach growled at me "I think your still asleep for the one you have bed fur and you can't talk but I don't mind the second part Haha" I looked down at myself I see my fur is a mess and I'm a fox form I get off the chair and I shift "that was both cool and unsettling at the same time." Sorry is Hoshi up as I ask that she walks in "morning everyone."

As mom comes out with pancakes and bacon we dig in I must say mom for years I always wondered how you make all this food and keep it all hot but now I know. "It just a simple spell now it's time to get ready for school." As I head to my room I look at the clothes dad got me I put a green shirt and a pair of shorts on as I slipped the shorts on I find there is a hole for my tails. I feel so itch right now but I have to wear this stuff I thought to myself as I grad my band and head downstairs.

I look in on Hoshi are you ready to go "almost but the way you need to go to the restrooms every once and a while." What are you talking about "this whole week you haven't use the restrooms I thought you would ask me by now but it seems you have not noticed." It none of your business if I go to the bathroom besides I don't have to go. "Then when was the last time" for your information it was..... I can't remember. "Exactly because you are part spirit you use all the food and liquid you ingest and that is why you don't need to use the bathroom but you should act as you do in public." Wait I'm part spirit "yes did I not tell you?" No, I don't think you did "I would think you would research it." As we discuss this mom tells us "hey its almost time for the bus" ok I yell back turning back to Hoshi we have to go let's talk about this later.

As we head downstairs mom has our backpacks ready "I put some money in here for lunch for the two of you be safe and if you need there's an MB in the basement of the school." Thank mom love you as I hug her I head for the door I put my necklace on and the illusion of my human self appears we head to the bus stop. As we stand there waiting for the bus my two friends Jeffery James and Erin Cross came to wait with us hey guys how was your summer I ask Jeffery looked at me weirdly "dude what's up with your voice?" I don't know it was just deeper one day. "Looks like your balls dropped finely hahaha." Dude can you not see the girl here be nice.

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