《Tails of life》Chapter 13


As I felt cold I seem to be in a dark area with a pool of liquid around me I called out just to be answered by my echo. As I look at myself as I see I'm human again them I hear a growl that sent a shiver up my spine. "SO THIS IS WHAT WEAK SELF LOOKS LIKE." Who's there "YES WHO INDEED WE HAVE NOT BEEN ACQUAINTED YOU COULD CALL ME YOUR INSTINCT. My instincts I don't understand "IM THE ONE WHO AS BEEN HELPING YOU. Help me how "I WAS THE ONE WHO HELPED YOUR FATHER IM THE ONE HELPED YOU DODGE THE TREE BUT NOW LOOK AT US JUST BECAUSE YOU GOT COCKY AND DID NOT LISEN." I sorry I was not thinking "THAT IS THE PROBLEM YOU NEED TO FEEL NOT THINK." Wait a minute was that dream of me standing in my dad's room you are the one that got into Hoshi's room." YES, YOUR FATHER COULD BE A THREAT BUT WAS NOT SO AND THE FEMALE COULD OUR MATE. I MUST GO JUST REMEMBER TO FEEL NOT THINK I DO NOT WANT TO DO THIS AGAIN."

Do what again hello he was gone then I felt light as air. As I wake up I'm sitting on a couch next to Hoshi in her fox form look at my mom "oh your awake that's good you have been out for two hours now." As I look over at her I bark what happened "well it a long story and I think we should tell her about you and me" she growls back to me. As she tells me what happened I get a cold shiver as she pets me.

"Are you two hungry as we look at my mom she's holding some snacks we both nod and she drops the food on the table as I shift into my were form a look of surprise was on my mom's face "I did not know you can do that" I grab a bag of chips so your a witch that's interesting. "Yes, I'm a witch with a husband and a son I'm very thankful that she got me off the hook." "Ok, now that he is awake we can begin." That's right you have something to tell me." I do and if it's alright with him we will tell our story." I look at her do you think I should do this "its better than having her attack us again."


I let out a sigh well I guess I'll rip the band-aid off I'm Esmond Morrow your son. The room went silent "hahaha do you think I would believe that then you are....." she stopped mid-sentence as I put up an illusion of myself then took it down because I did not have a lot of magic power right now. Then I looked at her she looked pissed "how dire you use that image you are not my son."

"Well, actually it's true" as Hoshi tells the story my mom starts to cry she then looked at me "I still can't believe this tell me something only my son knows," I thought for a moment do you remember how you use to take me to store you all was got me a favorite candy bar. As she gets up she comes over to me and hugs me "I'm sorry I'm so sorry this happened to you I even killed you I'm a terrible person and a mother can you ever forgive me?" As I hug her back she felt so small as she pulls away from me "now we just have to tell your father."

As a man comes in and tells us we are free to go as we head to the locker room I grab my necklace and put it on as the illusion comes on Hoshi and I left the training ground as we meet my mom outside. "Well you look just like your old self" it's still me mom "I know it's just going to take some time to get used to this" I know I'm still getting used to it but can you do me a favor "anything just name it sweetie" can you not kill Hoshi I still don't know why you hate Hoshi. As we walked back home she tells me why witches hate kitsune. I look a Hoshi is this true?

"I don't know it happened before I was born." I turn back to mom so you are going to kill every kitsune for something that happened so long ago. "Looks it's not my idea I'm just following orders." I know I still love you mom "me to now how are we going to keep you alive for the whole year?" What do you meet by that 'we all will discuss this at home after we tell you, father."


Once we got home mom called dad to the dinner table once everyone was there "so what is it honey" "our son has something to show you" "oh did mom teach you a spell son" no as I took off my necklace he jumped up from the table "what the hell." It's me, dad, I'm the werefox "so you save me from the werewolf why did you not say anything in at the MIB when I ran into you?" I did not know what to say I'm mean come on what did you want me to say hey dad look it's me your son, that sounds crazy no one would believe that. "I see so does that mean you are that kitsune" as he turns to Hoshi "yes" as she shows her tails and ears there's still a bitter look on mom's face.

"This is going to take some time to get us to but your mother and I will help you get through this." So mom what was that earlier about getting through the year? "Well, you see the gods put a challenge out to kill before the year is up, and if you do die the one who kills you gets a wish from the gods." What the hell so that's why you killed me. "Wait you killed him, honey."

Yes, I did but as you can see he can back to us and I don't know how." "Haha" everyone looked a Hoshi as she laughs "that because in the challenge he is given a month to train so if he is killed within the training period he gets revived." "But what was that shadow form of his?" "I don't know," I think I may be able to answer that as they look at me.

As I tell them about the thing inside me "I have never heard about that in a kitsune before but it might be something that werewolf have but I don't know about them." Well, I think we should have dinner and sleep on the events of today and decided what to do later. As dinner was served this meal was even more of a pain to eat then the burgers. I found that eating spaghetti and meatball was a challenge as noodles were hanging out of my muzzle as I try to stuff them as far back in my mouth.

I finally ended up turning into my fox form just to eat it but it was a messy way to eat but drinking out of a glasses was easier after dinner was done I licked my muzzle clean my face then dad ask "how was dinner" I growl and bark at him "oh my God you lose your ability to speak in that form well at least you can't talk back haha" I just looked at him with an annoyed look on my face as I shift back that's not funny dad.

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