《Tails of life》Chapter 9


"Hello and congratulations on passing your MID band test now it is time for you to get your bands please place a hand on the object in front of you and focus your magic into it please." As I put a hand on the ball I fell it a small vibration through the pad on my clawed hand. As I close my eyes I focus my magic into it as it starts warm-up. When I open my eyes I look down where the ball was black fox Incisor on a leather cord. As I lift it you to look at I place in my padded palm it's about the size of a human pinkie finger. I look over at Hoshi as she holds up a black flower petal hair clip.

She looks at me "Esmond look I got a black cherry blossom hair clip and is your black fox Incisor that's so cool I didn't think humans had this type of magic." "Ok, everyone." Looking back to the woman. "If you look at your bonds you will see that it is the color of your magic aura. The color will change as the power gets lower in it. The band power will last up to twelve-hour after it runs out it takes five hours to recharge so be sure to be in a safe place till it powers comes back the only way to change it is by taking it off and letting it fill with natural world energy." Why can I not change it well I wear it? "That is an excellent question think of it like this your charging your phone at one percent but still using it the power will not go above one percent because you are using the same amount of energy going into it. Hoshi turns to me "Esmond what is a fone?" I'll tell you later ok.

"As for those how can hold an illusion think if this as magic storage for those who can not it will hold an illusion for twelve-hour. Now as for safe places in every public area there things called monster bunker or MB for short it will only open for you if you have a band. Once the doors open it sends a signal to us and we sent a team to collect you to bring you here. It takes our rescue team takes about three hours to get to you."

"Now there are laws that you must follow to the letter these laws are all monsters are to be registered and an ID band is to be visible at all times.No monster is to reveal its self unless threatened.No family member is to reveal they are a monster to their children till they are 18 or the children is a monster themselves. No monster is to harm a human unless in self-defense. Breaking any of these laws will result in a fine and a court hearing to determine whether or not the party is guilty. If you are found guilty you will be fined and imprisonment."


"Now I'm not saying that you will be arrested for every mistake you make because we know all monsters have to show off their powers but try not to cause too many problems and you will be fine. If you need any help or have any questions you can come back anytime. Now that for more pressing matters please do not put your band on till you leave this building. Now for the ones who can't hold an illusion all you have to is project an image of your human self in your mind then focus it on the band and it will appear over you but it is not solid. When I say it's not solid I mean it will be as close to your skin, fur, and scales whatever you want to call it if someone touches you they I'll pass through it so be extra careful. Now you are done and I wish you luck out in the human world make friends get a job and have fun but be safe."

As a double door appears behind the lady we leave the room the vanishes behind us and we are back in the hallway as the other monsters leave a smell appears in the hallway looking at the end of it I see my father. I look over at Hoshi that my father as I walked down the hallway he sees me "well it's a small world is it" I just stand there looking at him say to myself why is he here how does he know about monster? "I see you are not a talker are you" as he looks a Hoshi "and what is your name?" "You can call me a kitsune and that's all you get human." "A kitsune and a spunky one too well I hope you enjoy our town."

As we leave the building I put on the necklace and focus as I see human hands appear I look into a nearby window to see my face and clothes. I look just like I did before all this happened to me. As I showed Hoshi around the town it started to get late turning to look at Hoshi do you have a place to stay? Shaking her head "no don't" I guess you can stay at my house as I look at my necklace the tooth was half white.

Once we get home I was dark no one was home as I open the door I see the dog and I slam the door. "Why did you do that?" The dog I sent know you but I'm scared of it and I don't know why. "Oh that's because of the kitsune is we have a natural fear of dogs but if you show him who's boss the fear will go away." So how do I do it? Let's go in as we head inside I put the hoodie but the door and toss the credit card on the table. So what as I shack well I look at dog ok now shift into your fox form. As I get down on all four I then look at Hoshi "ok now all you have to do is show your dominance by pushing him to the ground and holding him down. As I walk over to him Hoshi shifted into her fox form "Esmond you can do this if you want to stay here you must fight him."


As I charge at it I head butt it as it slides back then jumped at me I twist my body and it hit the dog in the side with my tail as it lands on the floor with a thud I run over and hold it down with a growl when I roll over on it back Hoshi comes over and holds it down and growls. Now that's over I shift to my were form and put the necklace back on as the illusion activates I turn to Hoshi as she shifts if you are gonna stay here we have to set some ground rules.

"Ground rules I don't know why the ground has to do with it but what are your terms." First, now magic in the house or in front of my dad, no revealing you or I are monsters, and please be nice to him and stop calling everyone humans use their names. Do you agree "yes I can but if he or anyone pushes me I'll push back but I can agree to this." My dad came home a little before supper "I'm home oh we have a guest" yes dad this is Hoshi Kimi she is a foreign exchange student who is going to be coming to my school this year and I offered her the guest room if that's ok.

"That's fine but I would like to know a little a heads up next time please." Ok, I'm sorry. "That alright now what do you guys want for dinner?" As soon as he said dinner Hoshi jumps up "can we have meat?" "What kind of meat like burgers, stacks, or hotdogs?" Let have burgers dad I think Hoshi will like them I don't think she has ever had one before. "All right burgers it is" as dad heads to the kitchen Esmond "what's a burger?" It's something that you will love trust me. As we sat there waiting for the food the smell that was coming from the kitchen was making my mouth water so bad I was drooling. I looked at my bond it was almost white I need to get to my room soon.

As the food came out we all sat down to eat as I look over a Hoshi she just staring at the food. I lean over and help her build her burger I then tell her to just pick it up it eat it. As I lift my burger to my mouth as I take a bite the flavor of the meat was the most amazing thing I have ever tasted it sweet and juicy but as I bring it away from my mouth I see the bite was that of a dog mouth so quickly took another bite before setting it down as I go to take a drink of soda I tip my glass to my mouth and I come out the side of my muzzle and all down the front of me "what do you have a hole on the side of your mouth hahaha" I laugh too as I pat myself.

"So where did you start wearing a necklace son?" It was a gift from Jade I just never got around to wearing it. "Oh ok, it looks good on you." Thank you I think I'll go to bed it been a long day. "Well have a good night I'll see you in the morning and it was nice to meet you Hoshi." After that, I head upstairs and into my room with Hoshi as I close and lock the door.

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