《Tails of life》POV Esmond father


POV Esmond father

My name is Chuck Morrow I'm a fortify year old man with dark brown hair and green eyes and is happily married with a great son. I work for the United States government in the monster incorporation department. This department is so high in the government that even the president couldn't even get the name of the street is on. The job of this department is to find and help the monster live amongst humans and be a productive part of society. They even have special places for monsters to go if they need to isolate themselves from the human called monster bunkers in every public place such as malls, parks, and grocery stores for the protection of both parties.

The laws that govern this department that all monsters have to follow are All monsters are to be registered and an ID band is to be visible at all times.No monster is to reveal its self unless threatened. No family member is to reveal they are a monster to their children till they are 18 or if the children are a monster themselves. No monster is to harm a human unless in self-defense. Breaking any of these laws will result in a fine and a court hearing to determine whether or not the party is guilty. If found guilty the monster is confined to a monster prison for the duration of their sentence. When I first started this job they have you say these laws over and over again till it was second nature.

On my very first mission, I was sent out to the desert to investigate a coven of witches that were unregistered. As I walked up to the door I was greeted by a woman dressed in black with long curly hair and blue eyes it was love at first sight. I was so infatuated by her I did not even hear her asking me what I wanted. Pick I jaw off the floor the first said was will you marry me. Her face turns beat red and say "maybe now can I help you."


Fast forward twenty years at the beginning of the summer my phone started to ring looking down at it read Iris Morrow answering it "hi honey how are you oh so you'll be gone for the whole summer, no that's alright he'll understand yes love you too bye." The summer went by with no major events except for Esmond got a girlfriend. Then one night Esmond came home and the look on his face was void of all emotions he could guess what happened. When asked I felt like a jerk for asking how did you date go then he got up and left the table without eating much and went upstairs. Hours later I was standing outside his son's door but discided not to go in and went to bed himself.

It was early morning around six when I hear the dog barking at something I turned over thinking it was a raccoon or something I then heard a yelp louder than a small dog. Getting up I turn on the lights in my room on and look out the window in my room to see a werewolf-like creature moving toward the fence and hopping over it and then was gone. Heading down the hall I see my son's room, seeing that the door was open I figured he went out early with a friend because his phone was gone too.

After looking around the yard for any sign of the monster I find large paw prints about six inches wide and seven inches long with four clawed toes. Not find anything else I head back inside after some food I clean up and took the dog out for a walk to the park about noon I headed for home saying to myself "what a nice day I hope Esmond is all right after last night." Opening the door to my house I let the dog off the lease as I see that the back door is open and the dog would not go around the corner. Heading to the corner of the hallway that leads to the dining room a clawed hand grabs my shirt and pinning me to the wall.


Looking at the clawed hand holding me I look into the yellow eyes of a werewolf. In a growly voice, it says "where is my daughter" looking at it I replying I don't know what you a talking about.

"She was last with your son if you won't tell me then he will." You can he's not home and you are breaking the law right now if you don't stop I will report you to MID. "I don't care I just want to know where she is and I what to know now" slamming me into the wall again I blacked out. When I woke up I saw a creature that looks like the one from this morning and a hole in the wall with the werewolf unconscious at the foot of the stairs.

Looking up at the creature to your a new one thank you for the help. As it leans down to help me up it then jumps out the window as it shifts into a fox then jumps over the fence out of sight. Look in at the werewolf I head downstairs and grabs the monster collar in my work coat pocket putting it on the werewolf I read his MID brand his name is John Parker the same last name as Esmond's ex-girlfriend. Once the collar locks around his neck he shifts back to human form as he wakes up looks around the room very confused. I sit him down in a chair looking him over well I think you will make a full recovery.

Now, how about you tell me why you attacked me and I'll think about not reporting you Mr. Parker. "I'm sorry I was scared for my daughter and I did not mean for it to get out of hand like this. I got a text from her yesterday afternoon." Show his phone to me I read it I tell him you did the right thing for her but the thing about my son is a little concerning and I will look into it later now back to your story. "So I went to the mall around two I head to the MB and it was empty the was claw marks all on the inside and dented front door the scent I got from it was old about an hour since anyone was in here. I asked around but no one has seen her I have been following her scent all night long then I remembered your son was the last one to see her so I came here and waited and I guess my anger got the better of me."

Reaching over to undo the collar I would do the same for my son if he went missing too. Let's head to my work maybe she was taken there. Going over to the back door taking one last look at the fence the creature jumped over. Turning back to Mr. Parker he asks "what did you hit me with to knock me out?" I did not hit you it was some creature I have never seen before it jumped through the window and smashed your heard into the wall which you are going to pay for after that they left the house.


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