《Tails of life》POV of Lady Boido


POV of Lady Boido

Once the light fades away Boido as a look of dread and concern for Esmond's life. Turning to Hoshi she was furious "YOU WERE TOLD NOT TO SUMMON ANYONE WITHOUT ME PRESENT TO HELP YOU." Hoshi looked down at the floor with tears in her eyes. Boido when to Hoshi and gave her a hug patting her head "it will be alright you just have to learn to listen."

As Hoshi calmed down one of lady Boido servant can in a with a massage. Reading it she was immediately summoned to a room with all manner of creatures looking down at her and she felt like the world has fallen on her. Taking a look around the room she sees a few faces she knows but a lot she doesn't. They are all looking at her with malice except one that was lady inari.

The counsel stated to speak "it has come to our attention the one of your apprentice Hoshi Kimi if I'm not mistake tried to summon a human to our plane as a right of passage to become a nine-tailed fox under you clan is that correct?" Yes, but why have you summoned me here? "We are getting to that not back to the matter at hand. The summoning proved too much for her and inadvertently put to much power into him. Is that correct?" Yes but if you just let me speak I'll tell you what.... "we just want to yes or no from you." Feel the patience slipping yes that is true. "Good that was more like."

After the interrogation part was over the counsel read back the facts. "Your apprentice did an improper summoning which transformed a human into a werefox a creature composed of three beings a kitsune, a werewolf, and a human then as apologies you made it a kitsune fox form then preceded to make is a lesser member of your clan with all the power of nine tails but lesser power is this correct." Yes, everything you said is correct and I'm sorry if it displeases you but what is done is done he is protected by his name and my clan.


"This creature is an abomination and needs to put out of his misery immediately." As counsel was making plans to kill him a sweet voice chimed in " now hold on" everyone looks at inari " this problem is under my clan so it's my problem to solve." Low murmurs spread throughout the chamber "and what you plan to do" a foxy smile appeared on inari's face "what if we turn it into a game I bet you'll are just a bored as I'm with watching humans every century." Another low murmur went through the chamber when someone asks "what the rules to this game you propose?"

"The rules are simple we give him one month to learn how his body and powers work. We may tell any monster on earth about what he looks like. They are to use any means to find him and turn him to misery and hatred towards humanity then they can kill him. By the end of one earth year if his heart is not bin corrupted then he is granted life. He is not to reserve any aid from any god if they do so the game ends and he wins. Within the year if someone kills him they will get one wish granted by the Gods with restrictions also for every month he gets a new tail and an increase in power starting after the first month. If someone tries to and or dose kills in the first training month he may be revived and granted one tail and increase power to Match. Do you all agree to this?" Thinking it over for a little while "AGREEMENT HAS BIN MADE WE HAVE A DEAL ." "But what about Hoshi Kimi she needs to be held responsible." Inari looks down at Boido and smiles "that is a matter for my clan and I will deal with it." "The council is dismissed and we look forward to the game.”



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