《Tails of life》Chapter 2


Once I was done looking at my monster-like body the girl came back the someone. When I looked up I saw the most beautiful woman I’d have ever seen. She had silky black hair that stopped at her waist with nine fox tails with ears on her head with skin whiter than the purest snowfall and eyes of dark blue. A blue that's so dark when you look into them you feel you are sucked into a void and nothing but calming peace surrounds you as you just float around in the darkness.

After I break eye contact with her she introduces herself and the girl next to her "hello my name is lady Boido and this is Hoshi Kimi, my apprentice." As I was finally was able to speak I've found my voice was a deep growl to it sounding like beast hello what's happened to me? As lady Boido looks at me, a sad look crossed her face. As she looks at me for a minute I feel her checking every inch of my body "it's a long story and I honestly don't know what happened to you physical." "But I will do my best to help you understand what I do know."

The silence only lasted a couple of seconds when she looks over at the summing circle in surprise and disappointment then turned to Hoshi "what have you done you did not put this symbol in the right spot." Hoshi looked down at the circle "I'm sorry I was following your example and then when I located him I had to keep add more power I had to use some of your hair as a catalyst to boost the power because I did not have enough."

Boido look of shock on her face as she was wondering "why did it take so much power to summon him." She turned to me and said, "I'm sorry but about that what is your name?" My name is Esmond morrow and it's nice to meets you. "Thank you" Then lady Boido had a look of frustration on her face she looks at Hoshi "do you know what his name means?" "no why is that important?” "Yes, it is very important names have powers and his name means protection that why you had trouble summoning him. You put to much power, distorted his body with both fox and werewolf materials now his human form looks to be gone and all that is left of him is his eyes. Where did the werewolf material come from you did you add any." "no, I did not it might have been on him and I don't know where he got it.” Boido was thinking over in her head for a little while, it was the only explanation.


Turning back to me she tells me that I was to be apart of a right of passage for eight tail fox to get there ninth tail. They have to summon a human being and turn him into a kitsune apprentice but my name and werewolf material have caused an improper summoning we're my human body was completely gone and she cannot fix me as this is my new normal form but she can give him a farel fox form that will come in handy when I'm resting it's smaller and good for hiding.

She also said that she will give me all the powers of a nine-tailed fox but lesser power. As one last kindness she Grant's me a spot in her clan. I looked up to clan what's a clan its funny I've heard of clubs but not a clan. Boido tells me that a clan is like a house or a family but each one has a power that only a creature in that clan can use and that you call the head of a clan lady or sir.

I thought it over for a minute but I would like to know more can you tell me what are the clans? Lady Boido said "we don't have long before you are sent back to your world. I'll only have time to go through this once ok." Nodding my now animal head up and down lady Boido begins. "The five clans are earth, wind, fire, water, and void each one has the power over that corresponding element. Void clan you are a part of is the more versatile elements it can heal and destroy.

But that is all I'm allowed to say you have to discover it on your own for our time is up and once again I'm truly sorry and hope you find peace for you will not reserve any more aid from me goodbye and good luck." ”One last piece of advice please don't overthink things just trust your instincts.” As the light starts to fill my eyes I say this has been one of the strangest dreams I have ever had but it was nice thank you. As the light blinded me I heard "no it's not......".

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