《No Strings Attached [Rewritten]》Ch 3: The process of reincarnation


"Hello, anybody there? where am I?"

Where am I though, this place definitely doesn't look like the pavement, and this definitely isn't a hospital. So with all of my brainpower, I guess this is the afterlife. So I guess Christianity was wrong, there is an afterlife, but I sill refuse believe in Gods, that would be very unscientific.

Time passes

After some time passes, I was able to have some motor control skills and can finally move around, but that didn't really matter since I am in a dark abyss of nothingness.

After flailing around, I notice that the surroundings is humid and warm, but my hands feel cold and and number. Something felt very off so I decided to analyzemail the abyss a bit more.

But before I gcould, it appeared before me

Hello and welcome to the waiting room of reincarnation. Sorry for the long wait but now I am ready to send you to the realm of Sayrngroth, and incase you can't pronounce it, it's pronounced Say-rin-gr-o-the.

After you are done reading this, the abyss will break, leading putting you in a purple tunnel. During the process your mind and soul will start to move through the tunnel landing into your new body. You will then be reincarnated as a Hero of Light, as well with some other people that have been brough over.

Have Fun

- God of Sayrngroth

"WHAT?!" I shouted. Then the abyss started to fall apart, and as the text says, I am now in a purple tunnel. My mind started to go hazy and I found it harder to stay conscious as time progressed. I don't know how they are doing this but my strength is quickly draining. After a while of panicking, I pass out. Then another blue screen appears in front of me.

Transfer Progress 6%

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"The soul and mind have succefully entered our realm my lord." Lucifer said.

"Good prepare the vessel." Lucifer brings in a jar of every low-rankers components we got from war. There was also some demon parts in there, but I guess it would be fine if that were to happen. The jar looks disgusting, with stuff like low-rankers' brains, hearts, intenstines, you name it. Doesn't help that it also has demon eyes, noses, flesh, it sickens me. But if it will save us from poverty, I will do anything for the people. We draw the summoning circle using my blood, as well as adding some extra circles since it's my first time doing this. I then activate some new skills I had to learn in order perform the act.


[Sentient Summoning lv 1 activated]

[Conscious Interference lv 1 activcated]

[Beast anatomy lv 1 learned]

[Human anatomy lv 1 learned]

[Demon anatomy lv 3 leveled up > Demon anatomy lv 4]

[Blood arts lv 6 leveled up > Blood arts lv 7]

The circles start sparking with mana and the palm of my hands are leaking mana streams into them. Lucifer then quickly puts the vessel in the center, after being mesmerized by the streams. He then jumps back to avoid being part of the circle. The air around the room is becoming more tense and the papers and books around the room started to scatter. It's starting to ge harder to mantain the connection a with the soul. *hack*, great now blood is dripping from my mouth. It wiil take some time to heal those fucking magic scars, but it will be worth it in the end, I hope.

The jar starts to shake violently, and the floor starts to crack. Is this good, or am I not pushing hard enough? Before I can answer, the jar breaks and all the guts and parts start forming like a slime. Some body parts get rejected and shot out as flying projectiles while other cling on to the mass of blood. The blob starts to take shape into a body of mostly low-ranker parts. It seems like the only things that are getting rejected are demon parts, and some beast fur? Apparently there were some beast parts in there but that doesn't matter, the important thing is it's working.

The blob has finished taking shape and the vessel in now floating in the middle of the room, naked. The body ratio is skinny but fat, the face has no distinctive features other than it's demon eyes, the body doesn't have any signs of muscles, and the dick is... well saying it would put shame on me. Then out of nowhere, some arachne parts start to fly into the body and deform the low-rank looking body. The spider legs got lodged into the back, 6 more demon eyes of different color started to form, and streaks of dark perwinkle stained his once black hair.


I don't know how that happened but it doesn't matter now, the proccess is almost complete. A spirit is entering the body, along with the mind. I just hope the person wasn't a girl, because we had no body parts from females since the goblins, orcs and ogres defiled them. My men really don't want to touch those things so we just went with male body parts.

The person has sucessfully entered the body and is now unconcious, so we have to prepare for his awakening. I ordered some guards to stand around him for when he awakens. Then I ordered the chefs to make him some meals and my head maid, Christina, to clothe him and take care of him when he awakens. If you are wondering why she is the head maid, it's because I found her in a city we raided. She was 4 at the time on top of 6 bodies of naked men, by my guess they were trying to rape her. Her left eye were full of life while the right one was dead. I've asked her to serve us as a maid and knight, which she accepted, and has served us ever since. She has made a great maid, and has led every knight through rigorous training to become adept in survival and battle. But the only problem with her personality is something that you wouldn't expect, she is a huge pervert. She walked in with a 'record rune' taking pictures of the knights half nude. She also tricked Lucifer into wasting all his money on yaoi,yuri, and some pretty intense BDSM tools. I now wonder to this day if those 6 men were the ones who assaulted her. Her race is demon and her sub race is half-mephit and half-medusa. The type of mephit she is a steam mephit (Mephit). She is tall and hey personality is very... peppy yet stoic. Everything is now in place for when he wakes up, now we just have to wait.

Before entering the vessel Transfer Progress 98%

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"OH MY GOD FINALLY, IT'S ALMOST DONE!" I shouted. Of course no one responded since I am in a purple tunnel. Nothing is going to happen to stop this from being the best moment in my life. I'm still worried that I'm going to have to do actual work, but it's fine. Besides im getting reincarnated by a god, Im probably going to get a cool cheat ability like [Meteor destructor] or [Time Stop]. Maybe I will get awesome stats that a normal person wouldn't have. I will probably have to learn about the world, and maybe the language but that would be cool to do since I am great at everything I -.











"Thank you god for fixing this!"

Transfer Progress 98%Transfer Progress 98%

Transfer Progress 99%

|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| | Wait why is it red? I feel like I should be worrying but at the same time I don't care. I'm going to be a hero and thats fine by me. I didn't notice but the purple tunnel is now cherried color. I just noticed I'm in a completely different tunnel now what happened, how could I not notice this. Before I start to think, I black out and hear a ding. Thank you for joining the process of reincarnation, we hope you have a nice day.

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