《The Heart Of Dominance》The Worlds Bestiary (Auxiliary Chap)
Hello, welcome to Heart of Dominance's Bestiary, I will be constantly updating the bestiary when new monsters are introduced or when I decide that I want to add one to the story. Just a couple of things to note. The difference between Beasts and Monsters is, that Monsters are all the ones I have listed below and are rare. Where else Beasts are more commonplace. Also, all the measurements are of mortal core monsters. some monsters do get bigger the more their core grows. If I label something as a (Lengendary-Monster) then they are uber-rare.
=Dragons, the most famous of all the Monsters on jakraa and arguably the strongest, however, strength has a cost and the cost for the dragons is reproductivity rate.
: True dragon, the original terror of the sky. They are 60 feet tall at the shoulders and are about 100 feet long. They are black and red. With red dragons being more aggressive and black dragons being slightly bigger and a lot stronger raw strength-wise. All dragons have an affinity with fire because they breathe fire, the fire they breath matches the color of their core. If they choose to sacrifice their core their fire becomes genesis flames and can melt mana itself at a high enough level.
: Hydra, almost as famous as their cousins they have 7 heads that all breathe fire. Unlike the stories the common folk tell however they are not 7 different people but one person with 7 brains, which makes them extremely smart, They reach a height of 150 feet at full neck extension and 200 feet long. they have strong parental feelings, touching their eggs is not advised.
: Mountain dragons, the biggest out of the dragons and thankfully the nicest. they reach a height of 200 feet tall and 450 feet long. Also the only strictly herbivore dragon, they eat only trees and because of that they usually live with the wood elves. They cannot breathe flames but have a strong connection with the earth and all of them have an earth affinity. They are dark brown.
: Wyrm, giant serpents with the blood of their kin, they also can breathe fire. They are 20 feet tall lying flat and are 150 feet long they unlike most of their kin they are omnivores and very gentle creatures. They are usually very tired and sleep a lot. there is no known reason for this. They are the same colors as precious gemstones.
: Wyvern, Out of all their dragon kin these guys are the nastiest and most aggressive. To the point of insulting you before they pretend to eat you only to spit you out and say you're gross while leaving you there half alive. they are 45 feet tall and 70 feet long. They can breathe fire but it is slightly weaker. They know this and it makes them even angrier. They mostly have rainbow scales.
: Drake, they are very fast and very deadly. They are 15 feet tall and 20 feet long. They live in colder environments and have fur all over because of this they are the only dragon that has no scales. But their fur is just as strong. They breathe fire like most of their kin. They are the same colors as the environment.
: LindWrym, cousins to wryms, are considered dragons because they share a lot of dragon blood. However, unlike their scaly cousins, these guys are furry and have two front limbs. They are 5 feet tall and 10 feet long and can naturally fly due to too there inborn wind affinity. They are mostly very soft colors from soft white to grey-black.
: Shen-lung, one of the most ancient types of beasts on jakraa they have no arms or feet, nor wing but they can fly and nobody knows why and they refuse to tell anyone including their dragonkin. They are often looked at as benevolent creatures with a fondness for the humanoid races and they love to bring the rain for farms and keep the lands healthy. They also breathe fire differently from their cousins they have something called spirit fire and they use their soul energy instead of using their mana cores as a conduit for their flames. They have no one size because they can manipulate how big there are. They are usually adored by the common folk, and kings go to great lengths to communicate with them because of their knowledge on cultivating. The most common colors that they are seen in are the same colors you find when you look at the sky.
: LuckDragon(Legendary-Monster), Even rarer than Shen-Lung dragons they are very elusive and only show themselves to the pure of heart. Shen-Lung dragons actively seek them out of curiosity. There are no records on how big they are much less what they look like. But legends say they they are every color at once.
: Minokawa, the last of full-blooded dragons, looks more like a bird than they do a dragon. They cannot breathe fire like their cousins but they can surround thems self with fire that comes out of their pores. And then slam into you at supersonic speeds. They aren't very tall at 15 feet and 25 feet long. They are every color under the sun. But you will rarely see a Minokawa that is a grey or black color. Through colors mean trama.
=Ground-Dragons (Term) These are just Dinosaurs but on jakraa, they are called land dragons or sea dragons. And yes literally every single dinosaur from every period exists on jakraa, however, a lot of them are on Jakree, so they won't appear in the main storyline.
=Leviathan's, this a broader range of creatures, they all share one thing in common though, Dragon Blood.
: True Leviathan(Legendary-Monster), the mere sight of this unbelievable creature is enough to send most creatures into a state of panic. They have jet black scales but underneath their scales, a red glow is always there. They are 1000 feet long and they are 50 feet tall. They eat mostly Kraken and Abaia. They have a slow metabolism and like to rest by underwater volcanoes on the bottom of the sea. If you are swimming underwater you can sometimes hear them slightly moving thousands of miles away.
: Abaia, are giant eel creatures that are responsible for much bloodshed and tears they are very aggressive and like to eat humans. They are 150 feet long and about 50 feet tall. They are not the smartest of the beasts, however. They are an ugly bright yellow.
: Kraken, one of the most popular creatures on jakraa. These have been in legends more times than anyone can count and for good reason, they are one of the more notably weird-looking creatures out there. They have no one average size because their genetics play a huge role in this they tend to take after their mother in about every regard besides gender, but as a general rule, they are massive. They unlike octopuses have way more than 8 tentacles. And the only reason they destroy ships is that they hate sea shanties. They are silvery grey all over.
: Draurtal, They are giant turtles with dragon blood in their veins they can breathe fire like a real dragon but it's weaker than a wyvern. They tend to grow to be about 60 feet tall and 75 long. They live extremely long, mortal core Drautal will live for about 1500 years. They are the most peaceful creature on jakraa even more so than luck dragons. Fishermen will often bring them a net of fish out of general kindness without expecting anything in return. But more often than not Drautals will help in little ways and sometimes big ways. They are a soft blue-green color, and their shell color matches their core color.
: WuToad, are very big toads and they live in swamps or very dense seaweed forests underwater. They are about 8 feet tall and 12 feet long. They are very sought after because of the slime that naturally comes off their body. It has excellent healing properties.
: Sea-Lion, these lions look like their land-dwelling cousins, if you minus out the fur and replace it with scales. They have a fin on their back and their back legs are replaced with a huge fishtail. They have a mild temper and are usually jade-blue. And unlike their cousins, they have traces of dragon blood.
=Flora-kai, all sentient plants that have a magic core and a soul, and trees.
: Burbuk's, Trees that have existed from the dawn of time they are the Shepards of the forests. They are the same size as the type of tree they are. They are usually very kind and forgiving.
: Entak, Living trees they have a face but they can't move. They don't die by normal means and will live forever unless they get killed. They are extremely smart, sometimes you will find them in the middle of city's because people built them around them.
: Draiad, flowers that had enough natural aether gather inside them and they develop a magic core. There are quite a bit of them.
=Hybrid's, the natural mix of two or more creatures that have developed powers beyond the normal beasts that they came from.
: Sphinx (Legendary-Beast), are rather nasty to anyone they do not consider to be part of the deserts tribe. They are intelligent and love to give ultimatums. They have some weird abilities that not even they can describe too well. They on the average stand at 12 feet tall and 20 feet long. They are known for their ruby red fur the same color as the setting sun. They look like a lion besides their head which is that of a female, and if you come across one with a male head...run.
: Griffin, the self-made nobility of the sky they are a very proud creature. they are rather small at 6'5 feet tall and 8 feet long. They have the ability to manipulate the wind in weird ways. They are also sought after as a mount. They have the same plumage as the type of bird they are and the lion is the same color as a normal lion.
: Manticore, a right nasty bastard sums up this beast. It loves to prey on the main humanoid races. They look like an overgrown leopard. The only difference is that their tail is extremely big about 5 feet around and has the same material that horns are made of all around it so it's extra armored. They are golden brown.
: Centaurs, the masters of the stars and prophecy. They are sought out by many so they can hear their future. They are about 8 feet tall and 10 feet long. They are very close to their kin and don't really like visitors. Their skin tone is anything from black to white. But mostly black. The color of the horse varies.
: Pegasus, the most common way of air travel. they are winged horses and are always held in high regard. They are often snow-white, with a golden mane. They are the same size as a standard horse and remain that big regardless of their core level.
: True-Vampire(Legendary-Beast), unlike a normal vampire these guys do not fall into the 'Cursed-Beast' Groupe, and that's because they are all born the way they are. But ask anyone and they would rather run into a Vampire instead of a true Vam. They are 10 feet tall they have very long arms that drag on the ground, with long claws that can cut cleaner than a razor. They have multiple tentacles that come out of their spines. And have an extremely large tongue that they use to suck blood. They can turn invisible at will even in broad daylight which doesn't bother them although they do prefer the night.
: Largon, one of the proudest and dangerous monsters. This is a mix between a dragon and a lion. They have no wings but they have raw strength they are 45 feet tall and 60 feet long, They have a large mane and a strip of fur going down their back with some on their legs as well but other than that they have scales and are usually golden colored. They breathe intense flames. And like lions have a natural Soul and Wind affinity. This means that largons have an Explosion affinity from birth. The fire affinity comes from their dragon blood.
: OwlBear, The result of a Wizzard messing around and finding out, his own creation killed him. OwlBears are 10 feet tall at the shoulds and 15 feet long. They have the head of an owl and the body of a large bear.
=Bos-Beasts, all beasts related to common cattle.
: Behemoth, they are about 400 feet tall and 500 feet long. They have no natural affinity. But they don't need it because of the raw amount of power they can dish out. They have four horns two that come out from their temples and two from the bottom of their jaw.
: Minotaur, relatives of the behemoth, more often than not the child of a behemoth when they shapeshift into human form and procreate with a human. Because of this, they are considered a very small race and not so much a hybrid. They are about 12 feet tall with the head of a bull and also the hoves they are also not very smart and are often tricked into working as slaves for meager scraps of food. But besides that, they also have very gentle hearts.
: Unicorn, arguably more famous than dragons. But just as strong, they are loved by agios and aether. They all have the rare aether affinity which makes them a Veritas creature from birth. And they only like to be around kind people. They are silver and 6 feet tall and 7'5 feet long.
: Ramlik, A goat-like monster that lives in winter tundra, they mostly like to live in vansk the land of the eldrasie. They are about the size of a normal horse at the mortal level and have a playful temperament most of the time, just don't hurt one of their own because they will lose complete control and try to kill you.
: Falou, A deer-type monster. They are very rare, but their rarity also matches their beauty. They stand at about 8'5 feet when fully grown. And unlike other monsters that grow with their MSP, they stay the same size. Once full-grown dark green swirls will appear on their pelt, and at that point, they will gain an inborn affinity with nature magic. They are often companions to the nature spirits.
=Titan-Kin, all large humanoid creatures fall into this category even the main giant race although they are not considered monsters at all.
: Storm Giant, the strongest out of the Titan kin, they have blue or purple skin and can naturally create storms. They often live with cloud-dwarves. Or they make their floating castles. They are not much taller than the main race of giants at 70 feet on average. They are nice per se but do believe in justice.
: Mountain-Giant, they are the much bigger(and stupider) cousins to the giants. They are also a lot rarer and like to be left alone. They are 1000 feet tall and have very rocky skin. They eat the earth its self. And after they eat out creators usually fall asleep on the spot and are confused with actual mountains. They are also very grumpy.
: Hill-Giant, the smaller cousin to the mountain giants they are much kinder and smaller. They are about 100 feet tall and unlike Mountain giants, they eat trees and large plants. They are called hill giants because they are often confused with hills seeing how they sleep with their legs and arms tucked into a hole they usually dugout. If you manage to come across one in a snowstorm and can tell what it is you can ask to go into the hole it dug, they most likely say yes.
: Cyclops, one-eyed butchers. They sell and raise meat as a living, and also are hired by humans and by the other races to process huge monsters. They are rather small at 20 tall but they are well mannered.
=Sub-Titan(Trolls), related but not quite the same as their brothers and sisters.
: Jotnar, the largest of the trolls and the ugliest and meanest. They are 140 feet tall. They have pus balls all over them and are in a state of pain due to being beaten as a child(it's customary to beat your children if you're a Jotnar) they have really bad bone issues throughout life because of their childhood. And the parents put a curse on the children to keep them that way. They are grey to light blue.
: Troll, the smaller and much-much stupider brother to the Jotnar, have bulbous limbs and are often seen chasing after livestock because they are too stupid to hunt or even look for berries. They often die pretty fast. They are 30 feet tall and have grey skin with pus running down it at all times.
: Feutroll, the famous fire troll, unlike their brothers and sisters they are not stupid and not ugly. They believe themselves superior to all trolls. They are 100 feet tall and they are red. They are very proud and usually are somewhat calm.
: Jotunn(Legendary-Monster), Frost trolls, not much is known about them because they live in extremely cold places and very few people have seen one.
=Undead, all undead have void cores. Its a punishment from agios for forsaking their
: Zombie, the most common form of undead, is quite literally just a reanimated corpse
: Ghoul, undead humans that have been deformed by dark magic and are used as pawns by necromancers. They eat only the race that they were.
: Skeleton, animated skeleton that can only follow simple commands. They are animated by runes. They are very easy to raise and are often used as a training dummy for kids and teenagers.
: Grand-Ghoul, a ghoul that's mixed itself with other ghouls and look a normal human again. They are only made by high-level necromancers.
: Vampires, are often self-made, they give up on their human side and turn their bodies undead in exchange for extreme physical strength. They are only slightly weaker than Magic Warriors at each level.
: Dragur, these guys are reanimated corpses but they are naturally made when stray energies from Gehenna escape, they are found in deep underground crips.
=Spirits Are a mass of Aether that have a soul and mana core, however have no natural body.
: Deogen, an evil race of spirits they haunt people with suicidal thoughts and try to make them kill themself's. They usually appear as a mass of white smoke with black eyes in the vague shape of a human.
: Tarnet, an evil spirit that possesses trees and stalks children and teenagers in forested places, and if they get far enough from their house or family they will kill them.
: Oni, Spirt that takes the form of a classic devil, but is not all bad intentions if you have a deal it might not kill you outright.
: Nymphs, spirits that occupy certain things in nature like trees rivers, and rocks, when they do this they gain a humanoid body from jakraa as a reward for tethering themselves to the land as an overseer. It's their sacred duty at that point to guard their land the best they can. And the stronger a nymph is the more rich and beautiful the land becomes.
: Jinn, a spirit attached to an object, can be evil but it's rare they usually help the owner in return for Magic Crystals and are called Jinn Weapons.
: House Spirit, these guys are nice and will clean the house if you leave some Magical Beast food out. They can't eat the meat but can absorb the mana that is in it. They like children. Do not confuse them with brownies though, brownies are Fae, they don't like being confused with the fae.
: Stagiri, a storm spirit, are often the servants of Shen-Lung dragons and are told to wreak havoc on tribes or cities that have been rather...unpleasant. They often take the form of a cloud with an old man with a beard.
=Shifter, a monster that has no one form and can change form at will without the help of magic.
=Doppleganger, a Monster that can mimic what it eats and it's not limited at all, if it eats rock then it can become one, it likes to eat young women then live in the person family and eat with the people, it could do this for years, which is usually the case they develop feeling for the family and instead of eating them will just leave. In some cases, they will come back after going to human society for years attending college. And will do this until their entire family dies of old age. This can happen many times in a dopples life span because they live longer.
: PolyMorph, these creatures can only choose to copy one creature in their lifetime and because they take the DNA from a creature and mix it with their own. They mostly try and find a dragon scale, for their transformation.
=Crudas-Boa, this is the group of goblins and their cousins.
: Goblin, small, green, nasty these buggers grow fast and produce children fast and die after 20 years if they don't train their core. They are 4'5. With long ears and large shark-like teeth. They have a rather weird narcissistic issue.
: HobGoblin, The older Brother race to the goblin, they look like actual humans and aren't ugly on the outside. But they are even worse on the inside. Extra evil and they are 5'5 and a lot faster. Even though they look like humans they are still a light green and still pretty stupid.
: Ogre, They are the strongest and fastest out of Cruddas Familia. They are tribal peoples and they aren't mean per se, but they like to be left alone for the most part. They are the same height as the Eldrasie Peoples. And they have normal skin tones
: Gnomes, tiny creatures that belong to the Cruddas Familia. They love to grow things and are often hired by rich folks to take care of their magic herb gardens. They are only 4 feet tall. And female gnomes are rare so their population is always low.
=Avian-Monsters, Monsters that have the same traits as birds.
: Roc, King of lightning, they traverse the sky with a clap of thunder in their Wake. They are bright Purple most of the time and love to eat Wu-Toads. They are 20 feet tall at the head and they have a wingspan of 40 feet.
: Phoenix(Legendary-Monster), masters of flames, even dragons acknowledge their flames. They can cry healing tears, which heals more and more the higher their core level is. They stand tall at 60 feet at the head, and their wingspan is 140 feet long. They have strong motherly instincts. And will baby their babies forever. The men have strong emotions as well but to a lesser extent.
: ThunderBird, they have two heads and think as two different people. They are storm masters. They like to live on the coast. They are huge standing at 120 feet tall at the head and their wingspan is twice that.
: Alicanto, bird of light. They are the only Monster to be guaranteed a holy affinity. They are very rare about ten times rarer than a Phoenix. They are 3 feet tall and their wingspan is 7 feet long. They are very kind but also very shy.
: Cockatrice, basically these guys are stupidly strong. Raw latent soul power. They have no natural affinity from birth but their soul worlds are extreme too say the least. They are the smallest in the Avian family at the size of finch, they are a pure dark black. However, they are fast as well.
: Basilisk, ugly basterds these guys with the body of a roster and the legs and tail of a dragon, a failed experiment by an evil wizard a Megaannum ago. They are brute strength and stand at 12 feet tall. and they have a small wing that doesn't allow them to fly. They are smarter than an average human at birth though.
=Cursed-Beasts, one of the main races that have been cursed with a form other than their normal body. The practice of making a cursed monster (most likely as a slave) is outlawed unless it's a punishment by the kingdom.
: WereWolf, the most common were-monster they are cursed with a body that resembles a wolf. Usually done by wizards that need quick muscle.
: Were-Ox, not to be confused with a minotaur, these guys have it the worst out of all the Cursed-Monsters. With the curse they have they turn into an ox completely without being able to change back ever. Its often used as capital punishment and they work until they die.
: Were-Tiger, If you see one, run...run as fast as you can and don't stop they are extra viscous and extra strong they can only be made by king class mages and above. This means that if a were-tiger is around most likely a king-class mage is too.
: Tall-Men, A horrible curse that elongates somebody's body. It also makes their face completely flat beside the huge mouth that's filled with rows of teeth. The curse also makes them want to eat children. Which makes them a popular scary bedtime story.
: Bogeyman(Accursed Being), they were never living breathing beings, to begin with. They are born out of the hate of many people over time. They live to cause more hate and terror. Not to be confused with a spirit, however, they have no soul. They do however have a void core. They establish a connection with Gehenna from birth.
=Dao-Min, the creatures of Gehenna Evil itself. All creatures in Gehenna have a void core. They have zero ability to shapeshift at all even with magic.
: Imp, the most common creature in Gehenna itself. They have small red limbs attached to a bloated little body and are only three feet tall. They have a slight affinity with hellfire. They are also very stupid and can easily be tricked.
: Kappa(Water Imp), basically the same as their brothers but they are always near a body of water. They have no hellfire but they are good with poison.
HellHound, the second most common creature in Gehenna they are vicious creatures that rip and tear for fun. Also the most common summons from Wizards with a void core. They are the same size as Normal Dog.
:Dao-mon, the sentient race of Gehenna. They are like humans but evil as hell, and of course have a void core. They aren't red like depicted by the common folk but an unnatural white like marble. With red eyes and no hair.
: Greater Dao-Mon, is the stronger version of the main race, they are generally 12 feet and have hair but other than that they are the same.
: Arch Dao-Mon, the strongest of the Dao race, now reaches 20 feet. Besides raw strength, they are very smart. They have complete control of hellfire. They are perfect Dao-Min, they are handcrafted by Naotan himself.
: Varnuut, is a bulky slimy beast that walks on all fours, they stand at 20 feet. They are very calm and are used by the Dao-Mon people for labor.
: Demon, A possessed Dao-mon, a fallen angel with possess a Dao-mon and they can get that body stronger and then use through powers via puppeteer style. Demons(fallen angels have a strong connection with gehenna) have perfect control over all the energies that Gehenna releases.
: Demon Warrior, the second-highest in the naotan's army. They are stronger, faster, smarter, and a lot more in connection with Gehenna.
: Demon Knight, generally used as General in the armies of Dao-Mon and Demons. Their connection with Gehenna is almost perfect. They are the strongest just the flesh that Dao-Mon can handle. (They are at the Demi-God Level).
: Demon Lord, demons with a perfect connection with Gehenna are close to being a prince but lack one thing "Total absorbance". They wait on the Demon Prince's.
: Demon Prince, A demon prince is a being that has a perfect connection with Gehenna, they take their orb and melt it into the entirety of the Dao-Mon's body thus gaining a "Real Body" this process is called "Total Absorbance", they are on the same level as a Cherubim. They often take a single type of sin or anti-virtue as part of them which makes them stronger.
: Demon King, there are 7 kings in Gehenna they each have one of the seven deadly sins. They can tap into the main core of Gehenna and wield incredible power. They are just as strong as Seraphim.
: Naotan, nobody knows his actual strength. But one thing is for sure... it's not calculable by normal means.
: Fallen angle, an angle that turned away from the light and lost everything. They have a void core just as strong as their magic core was and they cannot get stronger after they fall. They have no physical body besides a small orb that floats inside their darkness.
=Angel, these are god's servants and trusted warriors. Everyone has a Guardian Angel, besides the angels themselves, Even demons and deities have one they just don't know it. And the angle will always be stronger. They are broken up into three triads each one housing stronger angels and different meanings.
First Triad(Serve Planets)
: Guardian Angle, the lowest but often the strongest because they have to be stronger than the person they are guarding. They watch over a single person
: Angel, the second-lowest out of their kin they watch over towns and churches. They have a strong connection with agios and heaven that gets stronger they do.
: Principalities, are associated with power, and watch over entire kingdoms and think of themselves as royalty. They are masters of physical weapons.
Second Triad(Put Agios Plans into motion)
: Powers, forces of nature they watch over an entire planet. They are also the main warriors that fight in the ever ongoing war in Gehenna. They assist in making the natural order flow properly.
: Virtues, they watch over entire Solar systems. most often three or more. They take on a Virtue and this makes them stronger Via the connection with agios and Heaven. They help run the universe.
: Dominions, Lord over the lower choirs and take inspiration from the Third Triad and higher choirs. They Govern universes.
Third Triad. (Serve agios himself)
: Thrones, they have reached absolute purity of heart and speak with agios himself every day. They contemplate his power and debate amongst themselves.
: Cherubim, They know everything that was and will be, they feel his presence on a deeper level. They often speak and spar with primordial deities to hone themself even further.
: Seraphim, guardians, and caretakers of agios' throne. They are the pinnacle of angle kind. And are sought out by the Primordial deities when they need to know something or when they want to speak with the Heavenly King agios.
: Arch-Angel, something that Seraphim can't comprehend so they don't, and they just have trust in agios.
=Blessed Beings, beings that we're blessed with either great strength or magical abilities from birth. They are not classified as monsters.
: Dhampir, Is the result of a Vampire and a Human having a child. Unlike a true born vampire(A vampire born from two vampires.) They have no inborn weakness like the vampires. Besides being naturally stronger they have purple eyes instead of red and they have pale golden hair. They are extremely rare because it is against vampire law to make a child with a human.
: Nephilim, the union between a human and an angel. Because of their angle parent, they are blessed from birth. They have inborn holy powers. And are favored by agois as his personal soldiers since they are loving of both angles and humans they have no bias towards a specific race. The few that have been born, have been born with perfect looks and a perfect constitution.
=Beast-species, these are not monsters but they are very small races and they are called Beast-Races.
: Wu-tat, these are ape-like men. They are very peaceful monks that live in mountain ranges. They have fur all over their bodies except for their faces which is a pinkish color. They are known for their martial arts and their alchemy. they are rather small at 5'5 being the normal height.
:Frog-Men, rather odd creatures that live in the bottom of lakes. They have entire underwater towns with lights and everything. It's not odd to come across a shiny lake at night at least once in your life. They are the same size as humans and look the same besides the green skin and frog head.
: Fairies, small creatures with the wings of a butterfly, like to make a soul contract with humans. they do this because they, at a young age learn of all the places on Jakraa and have an extremely good memory. They sign themselves off as a lifelong guide in return for food and a place to sleep(Sometimes in a bag on the person's shoulder). They like the races but they love the pointy-eared ones. They are 6 inches tall.
: Snake-Men, live in swamps and like to be left alone, they are clever and are good at making strange spells. They have the tail of a snake and the top half of one of the main races. They are about 15 feet long.
: Halflings, small men that live in small cottages and hallowed out hills. They are about 3 feet tall, they mostly have curly brown hair and brown eyes, they have no one skin color. They love to eat and play games as a pastime.
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8 362 - In Serial11 Chapters
len's first weird love (lenxmiku)
this story is a lenxmiku fanfiction .... so i don't own VOCALOID i'm just a fan Of lenxmiku hope u like it ^•^/ Love chu ♥♥♥
8 165 - In Serial75 Chapters
(TinCan) I Hate U.
Tin - you hate me? For what's the reason? Can stopped walking and turned to him. So confused as to why he sounded so broken all of a sudden.Can - why are you asking such stupid questions?Tin - you're being unfair. I told you my reason why I hate you, you should tell me yours.Can - we're enemies.Tin- enemies? (Turned to Can) tell me... tell me why do I feel this pain whenever you says something like that? (Punched his heart) it hurts... a lot right here. (Punched his heart a couple more as he started to weep.) Can...Can, why?Author's note:Hello everyone! I'm new to this and my grammer is suck big time but I am a fan of these lovely bl romance so I am writing a story of my own. Read if you like and also please support me! It would really help encourage me. Hehe!
8 126