《The Mysteries of the Dungeon》Chapter 4: Earth Elemental


Allen then opens up the summoning menu with an optimistic look, "Lets see what I can summon, with the amount of dungeon points that I have."

Summoning List Monster Lesser Earth Rock Elemental - 120 DP Lesser Earth Sand Elemental - 120 DP Mealworm - 3 DP Fauna Dungeon Moss - 5 DP per patch DP Remaining: 100 (223) DP

Dungeon Moss is a type of simple plant that grows commonly in abundance in dungeons.

Due to their high magical power compatibility, they are highly used, and regarded as a magical power catalyst in alchemy and potion craft.

❕ System Notification The first monster summoning will be free. No DP cost.

Allen was excited by the prospect of a free summon, "A free monster summon at no cost. This is kind of like a gacha game where you get a free summoning token at the end of the tutorial."

Walter: Except there is no tutorial. Who even needs a tutorial if you have a smart dungeon a.i like me.

Walter, the dungeon core a.i interrupted Allen as he glorified himself.

Cough! Cough!

Allen lightly coughs in order to clear his throat, as he tries to change the direction of subject himself. "That aside, lets now move on to the summoning process shall we."

Walter: I agree.

Walter, the dungeon core a.i itself agrees with Allen's statement.

❕ System Notification [You have successfully summon 2× Lesser Earth Rock Elemental. 120 DP consumed.]

Allen chose to summon two Lesser Earth Rock Elementals from the summoning tier list, thereby consuming 120 DP points in return.

He could instinctively feel a bit of his mana being sucked out from his body and into the dungeon core crystal itself, to be used as dungeon points for the summoning of the second Lesser Earth Rock Elemental.

Two earth elemental core, the size of a tennis ball, then appeared before Allen and Walter, the dungeon core a.i.

The two earth elemental cores began to glow, emitting faint radiance of white light, as it starts to sucked in materials in from its surroundings.

However, since it was a summon monsters created by the dungeon system itself, pregenerated. The materials that made up the earth elemental is generated by the dungeon system itself.

The mana that is used gets converted into solid matter which is then transformed into large lumps of earth.

The large lumps of rock gradually grew in size, reaching around 2 meters tall. It formed an upper human torso; a stone facialess head with no defining features, two large boulder like arms, as the two tennis size earth elemental cores are buried deep within their chests.

Once the two Lesser Earth Rock Elementals are fully formed. The lower torsos of the newly formed Lesser Earth Rock Elementals partially submerged within the ground, as they lift their boulder size legs up.

The ground began to gave way as the particles of dirt and earth, grains of sand, has fallen off from their bodies.



Allen activated the dungeon skill [Observe] which allows him to see the stats of the two Lesser Earth Rock Elemental.

Status Screen Name: N/A Age: 1 day old Gender: Genderless Race: Lesser Earth Rock Elemental Subrace: Humanoid Class: Unspecialised Title: Stats/Attributes Health Points: 345/345 Mana Points: 285/285 Health regen per sec: 0.026/s Mana regen per sec: 0.046/s Health Condition: Healthy Hunger Satiety: Unmeasurable Fatigue Points: Unmeasureable Spiritual Power: 100 Strength: 27 Intelligence: 13 Agility: 11 Wisdom: 8 Defense: 36 Willpower: 14 Endurance: 49 Spirit: 23 Dexterity: 16 Charm: 1 Vitality: 24 Luck: 1 Stamina: 22 Karma: 0 Skill List


[Body Moldability Lv.1] This skill grants the host the ability to alter or change the shape and structure of one's own body.

Active Skills

[Earth Control Lv.1] This skill grants the host the ability to manipulate the very earth itself.

[Rock Punch Lv.1] A skill that increases the physical damage of the host's punches.

Passive Skill

[Mana Absorbtion Lv.1] This skill grants the host the ability to absorb the mana directly from the atmosphere. Increased the speed of one's own mana regeneration.

[Mana Sensitivity Lv.1] This skill allows the host to detect any disturbance in the mana area. Increased effective in all mana related skills.

[Earth Sensitivity Lv.1] This skill grants the host the ability to detect movements and identify entities within the earth radius.

Allen shouted in surprised at what he just found, "Just look at these two Lesser Earth Rock Elemental's stats. Their stats are more than double my own." He exclaimed out in shock, "How powerful?"

"Even its ability are more useful than mine." Allen said so to himself, slightly amused.

Allen was extremely delighted at the two study rock hard specimen that appeared before him, "Would you look at these two strong Rock Elementals? I'm guessing not even an average could chipped through these pieces of hard rock."

He proceeded to knock on the surface of the body of the Lesser Earth Rock Elemental, testing its tough body and hardness.

"Its rock solid." Allen says, "If these are the weaker lesser versions of the Rock Elemental race. I wonder what the Greater Earth Elemental would look like?"

Allen started to daydream as he imagined a towering figure; a mountain size rock elemental made of stone. Its figure reaching high into the sky, surpassing even the clouds themselves.

Walter: Well, your idea of a Greater Earth Elemental is not so far fetch, but it would seem more like a titan to me considering its large massive size.

Walter, the dungeon core a.i commented, seeing as how he and Allen are connected. They were originally one person. So he could easily see through Allen's thoughts.

Walter: So are you planning on naming the two newly summoned Lesser Earth Rock Elementals or not?

Walter, the dungeon core a.i stated which only seems to further perplexed Allen.

So Allen enquires on what Walter meant, "What do you mean, Walter? Naming monster? What does naming a monster have any effect on the monster?"


Allen in returns then ask Walter, the dungeon core a.i on the matter himself. He was not sure what Walter, the dungeon core a.i meant by naming a dungeon monster.

Walter: By naming a dungeon monster, it gives the monster a chance to develop its own individuality.

Some dungeon monsters would likely grow stronger or have their intelligence increased if they were given a name. This could easily effect the growth of the monster.

The possibility of them become a unique dungeon monster, the only one of its kind is not impossible. The birth of a new race.

Walter, the dungeon core a.i stated.

Status Screen Name: Einz Age: 1 day old Gender: Genderless Race: Lesser Earth Rock Elemental Subrace: Humanoid Class: Unspecialised Title: Stats/Attributes Health Points: 363/363 Mana Points: 301/301 Health regen per sec: 0.026/s Mana regen per sec: 0.046/s Health Condition: Healthy Hunger Satiety: Unmeasurable Fatigue Points: Unmeasureable Spiritual Power: 103 Strength: 31 Intelligence: 19 Agility: 16 Wisdom: 14 Defense: 41 Willpower: 18 Endurance: 56 Spirit: 25 Dexterity: 19 Charm: 2 Vitality: 28 Luck: 2 Stamina: 29 Karma: 0 Status Screen Name: Zwei Age: 1 day old Gender: Genderless Race: Lesser Earth Rock Elemental Subrace: Humanoid Class: Unspecialised Title: Stats/Attributes Health Points: 356/356 Mana Points: 292/292 Health regen per sec: 0.026/s Mana regen per sec: 0.046/s Health Condition: Healthy Hunger Satiety: Unmeasurable Fatigue Points: Unmeasureable Spiritual Power: 100 Strength: 29 Intelligence: 15 Agility: 13 Wisdom: 11 Defense: 39 Willpower: 16 Endurance: 54 Spirit: 21 Dexterity: 17 Charm: 2 Vitality: 26 Luck: 2 Stamina: 26 Karma: 0

Upon hearing this statement, Allen then became extremely excited, "So what should I name these Lesser Earth Rock Elementals, Walter?"

He asked Walter, the dungeon core a.i for any suggestions on naming the two.

Walter: Considering the lifespan of an Earth Rock Elemental is eternal. There's no need to rush in their development and growth of all things.

You can just simply give them a name according to their order of birth, then later add a secondary name which is unique either for their achievements or because of their respective appearance.

Walter, the dungeon core a.i stated, which sorts of made sense.

Allen thought to himself, "Going along with that sort of naming convention, Einz and Zwei. It means the number one and two in the German language."

Allen named the two Lesser Earth Rock Elementals, Einz and Zwei.

A faint light then envelopes the two as a blue notification screen then appears right before his eyes.

❕ System Notification [You have successfully named the Lesser Earth Rock Elemental, Einz.] ❕ System Notification [You have successfully named the Lesser Earth Rock Elemental, Zwei.]

The blue light emitting from within Einz's crystal like eyes, began to glow a bit brighter than Zwei, as it's intelligence is slightly boosted from becoming a named monster.

Seeing the obvious change within the Lesser Earth Rock Elemental named Einz's eyes, Allen declared, "It does have some benefits being first, being named after the 'number one' in German, meaning that you are the strongest and oldest within the group."

Walter: It's would seem that Einz's intelligence is slightly higher than Zwei's by a few stats points. It must be because of the stats boost after becoming a named monster.

Walter, the dungeon core a.i stated as he made an observation, then checked the two Lesser Earth Rock Elemental's stats.

Allen was slightly amused by this finding, "I see, that is good to hear... to know that their stats has slightly improved."

• • •

With that said and done, Allen said so to himself, "Now that we got some man power. It's time to expand our dungeon." He decided to expand the size of the dungeon core room that they are in.

Walter: You and your great ideas, Allen.

Walter, the dungeon core a.i commented on Allen's new idea.

Allen instructed the two Lesser Earth Rock Elementals to dig, "Einz and Zwei, you two go over there and start digging. I want you to expand our dungeon core room by a few blocks."

(1×1= 1 block)

Heeding to Allen's command, Einz and Zwei started the process of excavation.

The two Lesser Earth Rock Elementals followed Allen's precise instructions, as they headed towards the right flank of the dungeon core room.

With their massive clumps of rock as hands, curved into a scoop like motion, they began digging into the stone.

Only a few words to describe, "They are like heavy duty construction machines, plainly Excavator."

Walter: With their endless stamina, the two Lesser Earth Rock Elementals Einz and Zwei will never tired out. So they can pretty much got on forever.

Walter, the dungeon core a.i commented.

However, Allen was feeling a bit dissatisfied with the amount of noise they are creating, "Well, they are pretty loud too, much like a construction site."

In under a minute, the two Lesser Earth Rock Elementals Einz and Zwei managed to dig a couple of inches deep into the cave wall.

They were like relentless digging machines, never even stopping to take a rest, unless their master commanded them to.

Lumps of earth, dirt, and rock are send flying every where.

However, they never hit Allen nor the dungeon core crystal at the center of the cave room, since it was a controlled area.

The two Lesser Earth Rock Elementals Einz and Zwei scooped up the large piles of dirt, rocks, and debris that has fallen and chipped away from the stone wall, and piling them up all in one large massive dirt pile behind them as they excavate.

Allen sat down and contemplated, whilst staring at the large mountainous dirt pile in front of him, "So what am I goanna do with all these dirt? I have no used for them."

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