《A Pirate's Life, The Virus, and A New World》Chapter 4 Setting Sail! Land Ho?


The nice show Lyric put on to answer Alexandria's question was very inspiring. It made her even laugh a bit since she looked weird hanging over the bow of the ship like that. Of course now that it was time to set sail she had no clue how to do any of that. It was time to rely on Lyric now since this was her ship after all.

"So what do we do next? You are the one with more experience on the water." She was excited to finally set sail even though never having been on a boat of any king in her life. Lyric giggled looking at her, having the expression of wonderment.

Lyric nodded running from her place on the bow towards the ramp they had used to board the ship. She grabbed the line that was tied to a rock looking back to Alexandria. "If you have anything on the land that you can't part with, get it now. Once I start this process it can't be stopped. I doubt you can swim."

Thinking about it for a second then looking down at the water. "Yeah that is true I can't swim. No reason to point it out." She walked over near the edge of the ship. This was the first time since boarding that she took a moment to just stare at the water. It rippled in a rhythmic movement that just pulled her in. There was no way she wanted to fall in there so Lyric needed to do most of the heavy lifting.

"If you tell me what I can do to help that should be enough to get us moving right?" Moving backwards towards the mast, closing her eyes and just feeling the way the waves rocked the small vessel. Even though she had never been on a ship before it felt like home. The cold stable walls of her old room wasn't something she enjoyed at all. The ability to have control and be at the mercy of the water thrilled her right down to the innermost part of her being.

"Alright, what I need you to do is go around the water barrels. There will be a small hallway follow it all the way down to the stern of the boat. There will be a rope going into the water. All you need to do is pull it up. Once that is done wrap the rope around the post sticking out the end then just hang the anchor from the same post."

Alexandria followed the instructions to the letter. It was an interesting feeling doing some type of work without the fear of being hurt. She was working for the soul purpose of going to a new place in order to not only find new places but also new crew members. There was also something that needed to be solved the moment they were underway.

Moving back towards the middle of the ship Lyric was still standing near the ramp waiting on Alexandria to answer her last question. At first they just looked at each other until Lyric pointed out to shore. "Do you need anything from there or can we leave?"


Alexandria blinked thinking for a moment wrinkling her nose. "Nope I am ready to get a move on. What happens after we take that rope off?"

Lyric smiled, removing the rope and pushing off with her foot from the rocky bank. The ship begins to rock a bit slowly moving out into open water.

The sensation almost knocked Alexandria on her ass. She did however have a huge grin on her face moving with the ship as it rocked. Lyric ran past her going to the mast and untying a rope. A sail unfurrowed from the top of the mast catching the wind propelling them slowly forward. Alexandria's eyes sparkled with amazement watching all the new things unfold before her eyes.

"Hey I need you to make sure those lines going from the mast to the sails are secure. We don't want the wind to rip through the sail." Lyric moved towards the rudder at the back of the ship located right behind her cabin. It was elevated a bit so she could see where she was going. The ship was made from a picture of one in a book.

Alexandria moved towards the mast walking around it pulling on all the lines making sure they were secure. After that task was complete she ran to the bow of the ship looking out over the vast expanse of water. There was nothing but the horizon and the dark blue stretching for what seemed like forever. There were also no clouds in the sky and the sun was making the surface of the water sparkle.

She could get lost at just the sight of the water. There was so much before them that was waiting to be explored. A gust of wind brushed against her flapping the sail a bit causing her to smile and close her eyes just to enjoy the moment. Of course the vulture shrieked right then reminding her it was still around. She turned to face the bird looking up at it. The vulture had not moved from the crows nest right above the mast. It seemed to be content up there only voicing it's opinion at the most inappropriate times.

"Would you shut the fuck up at least until I get used to you? The only reason you're still here is because I want to explore that." Her hand gestured out to the vast body of water. Looking out at the beauty again, her nose wrinkled, taking a deep breath as she bellowed, "What do you call this vast body of water?"

Alexandria tilted her head to the side waiting for a response. Thankfully she didn't have to wait too long. "The only thing I have ever heard it called was an ocean. However no one really has a name for it yet." Lyric shouted back along with a soft giggle that floated on the air and didn't annoy Alexandria this time.

She turned back to the sight wondering if she could come up with a name. Thinking back to when she first looked at the map on the desk in the cabin.


The map didn't seem to have any names on it for the water. Not even the word Lyric just mentioned was on there. A smile crept across her face trying to think of a good name. Of course that would take time however it would be her to name this ocean.

Putting the name towards the back of her mind she spread her arms out feeling the cool wind brush against her body. She could stay like this forever if that was possible. There were still many things to do including figuring out who was in charge. Of course she was the only one fit for the job. Even though Lyric had more experience out here she didn't seem like the leader type. However she would make an excellent. Alexandria tilted her head to the side

"Hey Lyric what would you say your job is on the ship?" There was a much longer silence this time. Alexandria was hoping for the word she was looking for. The last thing she wanted to hear was leader. That would be the wrong move on Lyric's part.

"Well I have been out here a while, I know how to sail, and keep the ship moving. I guess you could call me a navigator. Why is there a job you wanted??"

Breathing out a sigh of relief she nodded her head. That does sound like a job perfectly suited to Lyric's abilities. Of course she wasn't quite sure what other abilities she had aside from turning invisible at a moment's notice. Now would be the perfect time to throw her job out as the leader. Even though she didn't know much about the outside world aside from books. She was going to form this crew into one that would be known all across the planet.

"I would like to be the leader. Is there a specific name for that?" She really needed to go back through her journal since all of her writing about the outside world was written there. The sheer beauty around her was throwing off her ability to tap into her memories. Of course once she was used to everything that would pass. For right now she was going to enjoy it all.

"The word you're looking for is Captain. I have no issue with naming you the captain. We would have to come up with a flag and most likely upgrade this ship." Lyric decided that she had enough of yelling. Securing the rudder she made her way to the bow of the ship. Walking up to Alexandria with that same goofy grin on her face.

"I will tell you from what I hear when I do meet other people, being a pirate isn't the best job at the moment. You do get to do what you want but they are never well received." Lyric took a moment to admire the beauty of the ocean in front of them. She glanced over at Alexandria who seemed entranced perhaps even engulfed in it all.

"I can tell you have no intentions of backing down. Your place must have been a lot worse then where I am from. Of course that city burned to the ground after one of the males there died from the virus." Alexandria looked over at Lyric. How could she even say that? A fire was never something that anyone enjoyed. She had read about when the virus first struck. The world just seemed to be in a constant state of flames.

That is all the leaders back then knew how to do. Which is why the walled cities were the worst places. Order and protection didn't equal paradise in any sense of the word. She shook her head, casting those thoughts into the ocean.

"The best part is there will be no need to worry about flames, the virus, or males for that matter. Those memories should be used to fuel our exploration of this new world. If anyone stands in the way then heads will roll." She had an intense look on her face which didn't make much sense with the ear to ear smile.

Lyric let out a soft giggle. It would seem she found someone just as crazy if not crazier then she was. They both just stood there for a moment taking in all the sights. Alexandria breathed deep, enjoying the taste of the salt in the air. She did know about that since it was in everything they gave her to eat. Her stomach started to rumble again. The vulture shrieked again echoing the sentiment of being hungry as well.

Lyric almost fell over laughing from the sounds. She was helped along as Alexandria pushed her backwards onto the deck. Lyric kicked her feet into the air doing a small flip before landing on her feet a few steps away from the mast. She took a bow tipping her hat to both the vulture and Alexandria.

"Do you have anything to eat on this ship or do we have to find land first?" She walked towards Lyric, flipping her off for the flashy display of backflipping and bowing.

"I do have a bit of food in the cabin and we can also fish off the side of the ship. There are plenty of things in the water to eat. You just have to catch them first." Alexandria walked past Lyric to the water barrels this time finding what looked like a small bucket hanging on the wall above them. She popped the lid of the barrel, took the small bucket dipping it into the water, and took a long drink.

The cool water was refreshing on her lips. Replacing the lid and hanging up the small bucket she turned back to Lyric to ask where the food was. Her eyes widened and her mouth dropped open as she pointed at the horizon.

Lyric spun around to see what it was that caught her attention. Lyric giggled running up to the edge of the bow shouting at the top of her lungs.

"Land Ho!"

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