《New World: The path of an avenger》Chapter 5: Party


Finally, fifth and last floor, this school have in total 5 floors, my sis' classroom is on this one, mine on first, I'll firstly look for her, hopefully she's still alive, then proceed to the the first floor, look for this hell's exit, although I'm not sure if out there is any better, probably not.

"huu... Hey."

'Oh yeah, the Lolita is here, I almost forgot about her existence, although she is pretty, she doesn't really have a strong presence, maybe it's a problem with her small stature?'

"So, wha... What's your name?" - The Lolita asked me a quite dumb question, she's probably pretty nervous.

"You can just use "Identification" on me, if you want to know my name, aren't you a player yet?" - I think I was a little rude, oh well, what can I do, my social's skills have never been any good.

"So, sorry, Kosuke."

"My sister used to study on this floor, I'll be looking for her from now on." - A little rude again, oh well, she'll get used to this anyway, I don't have time to play the gentleman role after all.

"Oh, do you have a sister? How's is she like?"

"A troublesome girl."

Title Acquired! - Antisocial

You have proven yourself to be a total failure in human


+ 5% Wisdom while not in a party

'Wha!! What the fuck, I know I'm no good, but isn't this a little too far? Is this game mocking me? Oh wait, this thing has a party system? Indeed amazing, but how can I use it?' I suddenly felt information gathering in my mind.

"Invite Kaiya Inoue to party." - I said while looking at her, waiting for her response, her face was showing a surprise reaction.

"I accept it."

I couldn't really feel any difference, but according to the system, we'll be sharing exp from monsters now, although the exp will still be proportional to the contribution done, better than nothing I guess.

"You are just level 2 right now, I'll be doing the killing, stay at the rear for now, when you are strong enough, you'll try kill some monsters too, for battle experience, ok?"

"All right, thanks!" - She was smiling at me, such I beautiful smile, I wouldn't mind look at this scene forever.

"Let's go" - I started walking left, moving closer to my sister's classroom, that was about 50 m away from me. When I was half way, I saw a weird thing that resembles a ratman walking in my direction, hey hey, please, go back to the sewers.

"uuuuugh" - I'm not sure if this Lolita named Kaiya is scared or found it gross, not that it really matters, it'll be hard to transform this little girl in a warrior.

Ratman - Level 7


I threw a Fireball then ran to him, closing our 7 m distance in a flash, slashing his torso with my katana, ending his life, what an insane damage, my Fireball alone did almost 70% damage on his Hp, really incredible, Kaiya jaw was almost on the floor.

"Woooow, so strong!"

"Don't come too close, this classroom must be their spawn point." - As I turned right I saw so many ratmen that I simply could not count! Oh my god! rat's reproduction capabilities are not to be underestimated!

I ran away, grabbed the Lolita that was still surprise with the turn of events, running to the stairs while throwing all my available skills at the ten or so ratmen that were chasing me, I could see real fear stick in her face. I couldn't run anymore, going downstairs wouldn't really do any good, since I could end up at attracting their attention to the newbies over there, they would just end up dying, and going to the right side could lead me to another monster's spawn, and I'd be sandwiched between monsters, that would be certain death, at least the Lolita would certanly die.


I placed Kaiya on the stairs, she was trembling too much, sorry, I can't comfort you right now. I faced the ratman group and counted 7, 3 died from my little desperate attack, the closer monster was 5 m away from us, I couldn't drag this on, since Kaiya is right behind me

I cast 2 Arcane arrows at him, his HP went down to 0, just 6 more to go. I threw myself on the next ratman, I was holding my sword on my chest line, it pierced his heart, he started screaming but I didn't stop there, I slashed my sword vertically, his body wasn't able to resist my immense strength and he end up cut in half from the chest to the genital organ (urgh), his blood splashed all over me, yucks.

I had no time to waste, I pushed his body backwards, colliding with the ratmen close to him, he lost his balance and I didn't let the chance go, casting 2 Arcane Bolts on him and ending his life.

A ratman was able to get pretty close to me and swung its claws direct on my face, but I was too fast for him, and easily dodged it, then cut his hand off, he didn't stop and decided to kill me using his other good hand, but I cut his neck open before he could even get half-way from me.

3 more, the remaining ratmen started showing fear signals, sometimes I can feel human feelings from them. I didn't think too much about it, and cast another Fireball, that damaged 2 at once, throwing them off balance, I cast 1 Arcane Bolt for each, and their HP disappeared, the last one didn't seem to have any fighting will left, I simply beheaded him and finished the job, proceeding to collect my rewards.

"Sooo strong" - The Lolita was looking at me with those amazing peaks and sparking eyes, her innocent face was quite arousing, hey, this way I won't be able to resist you know.

"I leveled up, went from level 2 to 4, wow, so amazing, hey, how should I distribute my status points?"

"depends how you want to fight from now on, if you want to strengthen our party, something to tank or a healer would be better, but I don't recommend them, since you'd be useless alone." - I didn't want to trick her, and decided to say what I really thought would be better for her future, not that any of us had something so nice to call a future.

"We, well, if we make a party forever, maybe I could be a healer, if you could protect me from now on." - Wha, What, that sounded like a proposal, I'm like starting to imagine things, anyway, a priest to heal me would be pretty good, since I have high damage, but non-existent defense, if we were to fight together, it would benefice both of us.

"Ok, so you should prioritize upgrading you wisdom, secondly your intelligence, agility and vitality. Higher wisdom will let you be able to cast heals more often, I don't have enough money right now to buy you a heal spell from the shop, try using it, when I buy it for you, try use it on me during a fight, you'll probably receive more exp.

"Thanks, Kosuke" - Said Kaiya while blushing.

"N, no problem, just put 6 point in wisdom, 4 in intelligence and vitality and 2 in agility okay?"

"All right! I'll do my best from now on, to get stronger and survive."


'Well, it seems I just got the healer I was looking for.' "I don't have money right now to equip you and give you a skill book from the system's shop, but I'll do it when I'm done with this respawn point, continue following me from a safe distance, all right? I'll be killing the remaining rats as soon as possible."

"Ok." With everything decided, I continued walking till the ratman spawn point, but before I could get there, some ratmen decided to leave their place and saw me. They looked at me and their friends corpses, I'm sure they are not happy about this, since they started yelling at me with angry faces.

I looked behind, checking on kaiya, she was much better than last time, maybe she'll get used to it faster than I thought. 2 ratmen were about 7 m away from me, I cast 2 Arcane Bolts on the closer one, killed him and proceeded to kill the next one, a slash right on his neck made his head roll.

Seeing their friends almost insta-killed, the ratmen halted their advance, I didn't let the opportunity slip away from my hands, and cast a Fireball, hitting 2 ratmen and pushing them backwards, colliding with the others, and setting them off balance.

I ran to them, my speed is already double of what it used to be, really incredible, I wouldn't even thing about running so fast before this system showing up. I closed a 9 m distance in less than a second, and cut 2 ratmen in half with a single horizontal slash, I couldn't use a my full strength, since this corridor wasn't exactly large, so I was able to cut the first one's torso in half, the second one was able to survive my attack, but it was still in critical condition, I pierced his heart, finishing his already low HP.

4 ratmen were looking at me with fear, it's possible that they have pissed their pants, anyway, not letting this chance go, I was able to cast 2 Fireball in the time they were day-dreaming, killing more 2 ratmen, only 2 left, but they didn't pose a threat to me at all, finishing them with my sword, I collected the loot and went straight to the ratman's room once again.

Their numbers were quite few compared to last time. I could count about 15 ratmen, all were weaponless but one that was behind them, that seemed to be a Elite monster, using a magic hat, robe, gloves, shoes and staff, hopefully he'll drop nice items to me ~~

The mage was the first one to attack, he cast a red circle with 1 m diameter below me, I wasn't going to wait on it to see what it is able to do, principally because of my low defense. It took less than a second from the time the mage cast the red circle till the time I could see flames erupting from it, I probably wouldn't die just from that, but thanks god I wasn't there, because I'm pretty sure I would lose at least 30% HP.

Wizard Rafi - Level 20


'What the fuck?! What's with this dammit rat, isn't it suppose to be a mage? why is this thing HP so ridiculous high? Serious~~' I didn't have time to think about this, since 3 ratmen were already moving close to me, but they were just small fries, better to finish them off before killing the big boss, since he will give me quite some trouble.

I killed the 3 ratmen in less than 7 seconds only using the sword, they weren't my opponents at all, but served as a good distraction, the wizard was already casting another spell, a Fireball was coming right at me, but it was almost twice as big as mine! What the hell!

I hastily moved my sword, in an failed attempt to block its attack, but, although I reduced the Fireball attack and speed, I wasn't able to block it completely, losing 18% HP, what the fuck, such high damage, it wasn't even a clean attack! My 228 HP seems like nothing right now, I decided to active my Arcane Barrier, but it wouldn't last long, since right now I have about 250 remaining MP, and each lost point in health will be equivalent to 3 points in my MP, so I have less than 100 additional HP, if I don't use anymore spells.

I went left, madly swinging my katana, I instant killed more 5 ratmen, the wizard shot another fireball at me, but I was expecting it this time, and gracefully dodge it rolling to the side. There were only 5 ratmen left, 2 ratmen tried to swing their claws on my back, but I was protected by my Arcane Barrier, too bad, I lost fucking 150 MP! Such dammit low defense is really a heavy toll on me.

I beheaded the ratmen that just attacked me, than dodged another spell from the wizard, when I brutally killed the remaining 3 ratmen, the Wizard Rufi was looking with blood-red eyes at me, scaring~~

He started channeling something using both hands, this sound bad, better try to interrupt his casting. When I was just a meter away from him, he finished his spell and aimed his hand at me, I wouldn't be able to dodge it anymore, so I just put my sword in his path, I saw a 1 m diameter blue fireball leaving his hand and coming in my direction, it collided with my sword, than engulfed it and came direct at me, I was pushed until my back hit the wall.

I could feel that my blade was pretty hot, but I didn't want to let it go, so I just endured it, my back was aching all over and my front was really dammit hot, I don't even know how I am still alive, only 22% HP left, but with no mana to use any skills, this is getting really complicated, I'm not sure if I'll be able to survive this, no, I WILL DEFINITELY SURVIVE THIS, I WILL NOT DIE HERE. Concentrate, I need to think straight.

I could feel my body and mind getting sharper, I could 'see' everything that was happening around me, I think I'm in the so called zone, my life is on the line, the wizard once again cast a Fireball on me, but It was too slow this time! I easily moved to the side and went straight at him, in an attempt to pierce his heart, that was pretty much successful, but weirdly enough, it didn't die, and just lost 35% HP, no, actually, it was pretty good, if his defense wasn't so low, and that attack haven't hit a vital point, I would never do such a high damage on this boss, good thing, my attack damage is really a cheat.

The wizard cast a Fireball at me, but my senses were still sharp, I removed my sword and dodged to the side, than slashed him 3 times, too bad, the first attack was a success, separating his right arm from his body, but he dodged my 2 last attacks, I'm not sure anymore if this thing is still a rat, maybe it's a monkey in disguise.

He created a distance of 2 m between us, and cast a Fireball right at me, I was slightly off balance and wasn't able to dodge it, with just my sword blocking it, I lost more 18% HP, leaving me with only 4% and no mana while the wizard still had I-Don't-Know how many MP and 38% HP left, this is indeed a shit situation.

I forced myself to calm, I could feel power surging with me, my senses were getting sharper and sharper, I'll overcome this life-and-death situation.

Skill Acquired!

Through immense concentration, you unlocked

a new ability 'Sixth Sense'

Sixth Sense (Passive)

Your sharp senses let you be able to feel

imminent danger and adjust your reflex while

you close to death.

+ Ability to feel danger

+ Improved reflex while with less than

15% HP

Such a good skill, reflex will natural raise as I raise my agility, but it seems that I can gain it my skills, really nice, and right when I need it! The wizard cast another Fireball on me, but it was coming too slow, and I easily dodge it, moving to the side, then attack it with 3 slashes, my speed didn't improve at all, but my reflexes did, every time he tried to dodge it, I just had to adjust my sword's trajectory, leaving him no room to escape, and killed him on the spot.

Level up

Level up

Level up

Respawn Point destroyed

Such a nice sound, I went straight to level 15, that's just perfect, but I'm too tired, really dizzy right now. As I moved myself on the closest wall to rest, a little Lolita appeared and came close to me with a worried face, I'll just ignore her for now.

"Waaaaaaaa, What happend? Why is your life so low? I thought you were invincible. Hey Kosuke! Talk with me pleeeease, don't let me here alone" - 'Oh dammit what a talkative person, and here I thought she was shy.

"Calm down please, will you? I'm not dead, and I never said that I was invincible, I'm pretty far from that you know? Just go and take the monster's loot."

"O, ok."

'Some peace, thanks' - as She proceeded to claim the loot, I bought a Renew Potion I and used it, I could see lots of shinning golden pieces and items, I'm expecting a really nice harvest. When she finished, she sat down right beside me and leaned her head on my shoulder, we silently continued like that for the next hour, I think that maybe I had slept, I hope I didn't let her talking all alone.

"Hey, are you there Kaiya?" - The Lolita opened her big eyes and looked at me with a wonderful smile, so beautiful.

"Yes, I'm happy to know you are fine" - Hey, I'll end up attacking you like that, you know? I'm still a man after all.

"What level are you right now?" - I didn't want to do a lot of scene, and went direct to the point.

"I am level 8, I have already distributed the status points"

"That's good, I got 2500 gold for destroying this spawn point, what did you get from the monsters?"

"hu, about 10000 gold, 98% was from the boss, the small ratmen didn't let any item, but the boss dropped a full mage's set, with a magic staff and a skill book, here."

"Thanks" - Wow, what a nice boss, it dropped too many good items!

Fire Aura (Passive)

The caster emanate a fire aura that boosts his

fire-related spells damage.

+ 15% Damage using fire spells

Fire Imbued Gloves (Rare)

+ 22 INT

+ 10 AGI

+ 10 WIS

+ 3% Fire Resistance

Restriction: Level 15

40 INT

Fire Imbued Robe (Rare)

+ 45 INT

+ 25 AGI

+ 20 WIS

+ 12% Fire Resistance

Restriction: Level 18

50 INT

Fire Imbued Hat (Rare)

+ 30 INT

+ 15 AGI

+ 15 WIS

+ 6% Fire Resistance

Restriction: Level 18

50 INT

Fire Imbued Shoes (Rare)

+ 20 INT

+ 9 AGI

+ 9 WIS

+ 2% Fire Resistance

Restriction: Level 15

40 INT

Magic Staff (Uncommon)

+ 4~9 Physical Damage

+ 20~40 Magic Damage

+ 40 INT

+ 18 WIS

Restriction: Level 12

I decided to equip all the 4 new items, and give my gold 2 clothes armour to kaiya, since she will benefit the most from cloth armours as well. I stripped myself, and put my new clothes, I feel that I'm getting stronger and stronger, and I still have 40 status points to spend

"Wh, What are you doing?" - I looked on the sound's direction, Kaiya was really red-apple, oh yeah, I forgot, I had disposed of my old school uniform, and just had my underwear with me, anyway, I'll just continue and ignore her once again.

"Take it, these are your new armours, they should fit you, since this game's armours adjust to the person, and they are good to your chosen class." - I said as I threw the clothes over her.

"Th, thanks., huuu, can you look over there please?" - Oh, really, I'll go with it.


kaiya changed herself, it really suited her, so pretty, she was using the staff too, since I couldn't use it anyway.

"Hey, I equipped it, but I'm not getting anything from them, why is it?"

"Oh, yeah, I forgot you don't have enough level to use them, but don't worry, you'll soon have enough, I won't be gaining anything from my robe and hat for now too, just put up with it for now, till we level up some more."


"Here, take this, it is a skill book 'Heal' from the shop, it was 5000 gold coins, don't waste it please."

"Thanks, Kosuke" - Se said with a really pretty smile, and sweet voice.

"Let's go, my sis' classroom is just next door."

StatusNameKosuke KuboAge17Level15RaceHumanGendermaleJobBattle Mage (Unique)Gold8173TitlesBattle Maniac, AntisocialHealth280/280Health Reg.0.040/SecStamina270/270Stamina Reg.0.35/SecMana456/456Mana Reg.0.044/SecVitality40(0)Agility37(26)Strength+Intelligence70(54)Wisdom25(19)Defense0(0)Magic Resistance4(0)Mental Resistance65%Fire Resistance5%SkillsIdentification (Active)

Fireball (Active)

Sword mastery (Passive)

Arcanne Barrier (Active)

Arcane Bolt (Active)

Arcane Affinity (Passive)

Fire Affinity (Passive)

Sixth Sense (Passive)

Fire Aura (Passive)Abnormal StatusNonePoints0

Author's note: I forgot to add the "mental resistance" from his battle mage's, the correction has been done from chapter 2 to 5

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