《New World: The path of an avenger》Chapter 3: Fighting Strength


Having satisfied my hungry and thirst, I think it's time to move on, I stayed here for a couple of hours, and Have just seen goblins, after their dead, no monster came here for more than a half hour, it's probably safe to say that if I don't lure any monsters here, I can make this place a 'base' to sleep. Hope I won't be attacked while sleeping. 'Sigh.' Maybe looking for some survivors would be pretty good.

I decided to leave this place and 'explore' out there, after all, I can't stay here forever, I'll set looking for survivors my goal right now. After I opened the door, I couldn't see any big difference, the girl's bathroom right beside where I was probably wasn't a respawn point, and since not many people come here anyway, I think I was the only one around when the monsters started to spawn.

To my surprise, when I turned around, leaving the bathroom area and positioned myself on the long corridor that connect the school, what I had seen was simply a blood carnage, a blood carnage without corpses! Weird fucked up system, it makes the body disappear together with the corpse's belongs if not taken within 10-15 minutes, but leave behind the blood that makes contact outside the body. Is there any motive behind this?

If there is blood near, there is probably monsters close, better be careful, I tried to walk slowly and without making sound, too bad I'm not so good with this, I'd really like a skill that would help me with this. 'Sigh~~'. The closest room is about 25 m from me, weird, have this room always been here? I've never really noticed it.

When I was about 5 m from it, an one-eyed ogre appeared from the room and looked at me, he maintained a somewhat unnatural poker face and walked to me. 'Oh god, that's even scarier than if he came with fury after me'. At least I think I can kill it alone without alert his friend, since if anymore came, it would indeed be very troublesome.

Ogre - Level 8


'Serious, why is this thing's HP so fucking high? It's even higher than the elite goblin'. I started to slowly go back to the 'base', the area has more space than the corridor, and here I won't alert his friends, perfect place for a killing. I got in battle position just when I saw the ogre moving into my sight, but to my unpleasant surprise, another 2 came with him, if there was a luck status, I'm pretty sure mine would be negative!

I rushed to the 3 ogres before they could come to the ampler place that I was, if they came, what would be my advantage against 1, would turn up to be my disadvantage right now, at least in the corridor, no more than 2 ogres can stay in front of me at a time.

I was able to do it in time, I decided to burst one of them, if this turn out to be a prolonged fight, I'll ended dying. I summoned 2 arcane bolts and threw them at the left side ogre, then a fireball, but probably because my low wisdom, it just took to long to form the spells! I really regret right now, not putting any points in it, and my Mana recovery is too slow too, I'll sure put a couple of points in it when I can.

The ogre lost about 2/3 of his HP, my damage right now is just too high! The merits of this class is already showing up, I continued my combo attack with a slash, taking more 20% of its HP, letting it just with about 14% left. It tried screaming in pain and staggered backwards, pushing a bit the ogre that was behind it.


The ogre on the right side didn't let the opportunity pass and slammed his maul on me, I wasn't able to defend in time, and could only tense up my muscles, in a failed way to reduce the damage. This guy is just too strong! A hit to my arm and I was almost sent flying direct on the wall, losing 29% of my HP, if that had hit my head, I don't know if I would be here to tell this.

I wasn't full HP to start with, so this last attack let me with just 63% of my total HP, it was a pretty idiotic idea to come without recharging it to max. I'm without much mana left, it'll be better to just use it with attack spells, than try to put an Arcane Barrier on my body, since the Mana:HP ratio lost is just too high yet, and defense status isn't applied to it, well, even it was, I have 0 defense anyway, dammit Demerit.

I was still able to do a fast series of jumps backwards till I had my back close to the wall right besides the door to the men's restroom. I decided to use my remaining mana points on the arcane bolts, I still had enough for another 12 Arcane Bolts before running out of mana. This is it, time to kill at least 2 of them before they can approach-me, the Fireball has a effect to make they lose balance and go backwards, that will have to do, too bad my casting speed is on the low side.

I threw 2 arcane bolts at the ogre with low life, diminishing its life to 0. Still had enough time to throw a Fireball on the ogre that was able to hurt-me before the 2 left ogres were able to come close to me. The ogre that had hit me was pushed backwards, but sadly, the third ogre was able to land a hit on my left thigh, letting me with only 31% Hp remaining, and pushing me to the ground. I Had no time to lose, while the second ogre was standing behind with low balance, I used all the strength I could gather on my right leg, and threw myself into the third ogre, my blade was able to pierce his throat, he opened his mouth, it seems to be trying to scream, but wasn't able to, I didn't let the opportunity go, and cast a Fireball right inside his mouth, I could see his insides madly burning, not really a pleasant sight to see, but I could put up with that, since it wasn't me that was burning.

With my high physical and magic damage, plus the critical hits because of the attacks landing on weak spots, I was able to finish this guy quite fast. Only one left, as I lift my head to see him, I was only able to see a big maul coming right to my head, if it hit me, I was sure going to die, too bad for him, I was able to dodge to my right side, and jumped using my right leg.

Doing a horizontal slash to its neck, I left the last ogre with just 39% HP, too bad its muscles were just too dense to me to cut through it till the end. The ogre, feeling the imminent danger, contorted its face and did a diagonal attack with its maul to my left side, my balance was too fucked up, so I wouldn't be able to dodge, instead, I lift my sword to defend from the upcoming attack, I could feel the his great strength behind it, but sadly for him, even if he is a VIT-STR full type of monster, how can he even think of comparing with my cheat-like status 'STR+INT'?


I was able to easily to block it, and even pushed him a little, making him lose his balance since he wasn't expecting that a thin and tiny human like me would be able to bring forth such strength. I would never waste such a precious opportunity, so I raise my sword almost horizontal close to me should, and ran to the 2 m tall ogre, putting all my body weight in this attack, piercing through its muscles, right on his heart, ending his life forever.

Level up

I was able to level up thanks to the last ogre, this was a really tiring battle, I could feel all my body aching from the ogre's attacks, and the lack of stamina, anyway, I decided to allocate 3 points in VIT and AGY, then proceeded to take the gold that was dropped, sadly, no skills nor items, just some gold, or should I say, just a lot of gold! these 3 guys were pretty rich, they left me a total of 70 gold coins, with these 262, I would be able to buy the 'Smaller Space Ring' from the shop (3x3x3 m = 9³m) to store objects, for 240 gold, it would still let me buy the 'Renew Potion'.

Renew Potion I

Restore up to 200 HP, Stamina and Mana points to the user

through 60 minutes, don't work while in combat, and loses

its effects

I bought the objects, drank the potion and started waiting for its effects, since one hour was too long, I started playing with my brand new ring, quite an interesting object, pretty useful too, I could put my sword inside it, and take it out whenever I wanted, store food and fresh water, since it had an ability to stop the decaying effect from bacteria.

I was able to discover a few things from the system too. Although all the skills can grow up in level and evolve, from the lowest to highest 'Beginner - Intermediary - Advanced - Master', the skills generally will remain the same after each evolution, only gain more state bonus, but with some skills, depending on how the user uses it, they can evolve even further they wore suppose to! It's a cheat-like thing called 'Skill Mutation', and in some cases, it's possible to have more than one mutation option, and of course, deciding to not change it at all, but it generally would lead to a bad decision, at least, it was the impression I got.

My skills Arcane and Fire Affinity are already at max level, since they can't evolve further (Master - level 9). It would be pretty cool if I could do my lame Fireball to evolve into a giant meteor, too bad, just a small dream.

While I as day dreaming, one hour has already passed, and I was full of energy again, couldn't feel a thing from the last battle, I certainly felt like a totally new man! Too bad, a brand new and poor man, with only 2 gold coins! Gotta kill some monsters, if a want to fill my belly tonight .

StatusNameKosuke KuboAge17Level10RaceHumanGendermaleJobBattle Mage (Unique)Gold2TitlesBattle ManiacHealth198/198Health Reg.0.024/SecStamina200/200Stamina Reg.0.25/SecMana248/248Mana Reg.0.01/SecVitality24(0)Agility28(1)Strength+Intelligence50(4)Wisdom10(0)Defense0(0)Magic Resistance0(0)Mental Resistance65%SkillsIdentification (active)

Fireball (active)

Sword mastery (passive)

Arcanne Barrier (active)

Arcane Bolt (active)

Arcane Affinity (passive)

Fire Affinity (passive)Abnormal StatusNonePoints0

'Okay, for sure, the next level, I'll put points in Wisdom.' I started walking as I swore to myself. I was once again pretty close to the ogre's spawn point, I hope the major of them decided to leave the room and do some walking exercises, since I won't be able to fight with too many at a time.

When I was 3 m away from it a dammit ogre started walking in my vision... again... Not in the mood to play anymore, I threw a Fireball on him, since it was able to disrupt its balance, I launched myself into his torso,, bringing him to the floor. He was still breathing, I pulled my sword back, and pierced his only eye this time, it all happened so fast, that the ogre, thanks to its low brain functions and low agility, wasn't able to react at all!

For my despair, when I decided to look at the room, I noticed it was indeed a small room, I don't even know its purpose, the only thing I know, is that it has 14 dammit ogres on it. I immediately cast 2 Arcane Bolts on the closest ogre, and pieced its neck while he tried to swing his maul unto me, I threw another fireball then turned to leave the room, that ogre was pretty much dead, too bad, I didn't have time to wait the blood loss or the lack of oxygen kill him, finishing the little HP he had left, since I didn't want to be trampled by his friends.

Five ogres came after me, but this time I was read, and didn't go too far, I decide to do some hit-and-run with them, maintaining a 3 m distance, I started to madly cast Fireballs and Arcane Bolts on the, too bad, once again, my Wisdom is on the low side...

I was able to kill the 2 first ogre, easily, but my back was already on the wall, I still could turn back to the spacious 'room' before the bathrooms, but had to lower their numbers to the max of 2. My distance from the third ogre was pretty far, about 6-7 m, I tried to kill by casting Arcane Bolts, since this one had armour, the piercing effect on this skill would work out pretty good.

For my despair, he started to madly run after me, swinging a big maul, that seems to have a life and is after blood, my blood. When he was in ranging attack to hit me, he only had 20% HP left, I decided to throw myself at him, and end his life, good for me, my agility was too high compared to his, like a lion fighting a turtle.

The ogre dropped dead as I started to go back to the bathroom's door, still throwing skill at my enemies, that had little HP left, when I decided to slash them apart, I was getting pretty good at it, I have to say. I got the ogres' drop, 118 gold coins, and a HP potion, that can restore 120 instant HP's points, it probably would pretty useful, I could buy this in the shop, as well as a 'Mana Potion', but the cost was fucking 150 gold coins each, they think I am rich, uh? I decided to store it on my Space Ring.

My MP (Mana points) were pretty low once again, down to 70. There were still 8 ogres that I was able to count, and they could even spawn! I could see a bigger and stronger ogre that was behind the others, probably the elite monster from that spawn points, if I could kill them, I could secure another safe point, and earn some extra points, items, exp, and gold.

I decided to head to the room again, this time, as I was turning the corridor, I saw 2 more ogre leaving through my blade, that worked as a mirror, probably looking for their friends, for they to send so low numbers, they probably just think that their friends were eating my flesh and blood right now, and since I'm quite delicious, they were fighting over me!

Okay, coming back to reality, I decided to wait they turn around and do a surprise attack, since they didn't seem to notice me, time to do some dirty play. When the ogre in front was turning the corridor, I rapidly jumped and pierced its eye, it screamed really high, my ears hurt a little, but I decided to torment it a little more, and sent a Fireball through his big mouth.

It died in pain as I gained some distance from the second ogre, that came rushing to me, swinging its maul to my head, too bad for it, the difference in agility is showing itself again, I think this muscles head don't even have 6 points in agility. That swing would be his last, I jumped to the side, slashed horizontal on its rib cage, having opened a large blooded wound on it, the ogre recoiled in pain to the side, then I threw another two slashes on its head, ending his life once for all.

5 more ogres and 1 elite monster left, I'm pretty confident right now, time to do some cash and level up.

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