《Diary of a reincarnate in a cultivation world》Chapter two- blood


Chaper two – blood

It was the third day since I was reincarnated in to a small child, being in a child body is not a good feeling. Most of the time I don’t even know what is going on, everything is a blur, my emotions are screwed up, sometimes I cry, sometimes I laugh I can’t control anything it’s like everything has gone haywire.

It took some time to control my body, my emotions but I can’t maintain it for long after sometime I loose control and everything become a blur again . In my time of clarity I found out that not only pain, but I have no hunger maybe because of that warm, yellow, stream, inside me but I could not feel it well as I did before . God I hope I don’t die of hunger, hunger is something I do not want do die of . Painless poison good, hunger bad hooo nooo not again … .. … .

Damit I thought I had more time . I have to work on controlling this body more maybe I will become baby genius haha.. , well as I was saying I found out that the women who possibly is the mother of this body ,not mine , I only have one don’t need no more, that women is dead her body does not seem to decay I don’t know if it’s too early but all I could smell was blood. All I could smell was blood, I don’t know if it’s because we are humans but once you smell blood it is very hard to forget the smell and scene of the blood. The women had more stuff on her that I did not see when I first got a look at her a ring, a cornet on her head, some more jewelry. The wounds on the women looks like they were caused by a sword type weapon, her abdomen was torne from one side to the other guts were spilling out of it. There were other wounds on her smaller but deep gnashes and some burn marks as I look at her I thought what could have killed her is it someone that made those deep gnashes Or her self trying to take the baby out ….. It seems to me that this is a medivial times. Her attire remindes me of xiaxia novels, I wonder, is it a world, or is iseakai type magic and demon Lords or is it something else like high futuristic sci-fi type world, or was she going to some type of medivial comicon or a halloween party, but who would go to something like that when pregnant or with a child as small as me, I hope that is not the case because I wiil be disappointed if some kind of supernatural doesn’t exist, what kind reincarnation would that be boring.


Well the first thing is to survive, I hope someone comes and save me preferably some rich or powerful people with a heart of gold. I could only wait . As I was thinking about world around me, I heard foot steps around me I can’t fully hear it because of the echo of the cave or because of my ear I don’t even know if it is human or not, please be huma…

Well looking at the wounds on the women please be something that does not hurt me. A liitle time later I saw a man with a red hair coming closer with a look of great concern he had a mesmerizing face if he was smiling I think he would like those idols perfect beautiful face, he was also had a rob on which was red with dragons on his sleeves, the dragons were dark with something like lightning covering it, well isn’t it just like an anime with distinct looks for everyone.

He came in great hurry not towards me but the dead women , maybe not my father I thought, he towered over her like a great mountain, he took thing out from out of knowhere and did somethings with his hands and said something but nothing seems to work he was crying. I feel things blur again so that he would not forget the fact I was here I screamed as hard as I could he looked at me as everything turn to a blur the last thing I saw was his deep blue eyes as they had rage buring in them like a great ocean, “well fuck”

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