《The Strays of Dachaigh Gual》Item Descriptions 03


Ayanna’s Claymore

÷ It is a fairly well-made sword, all things considered. It’s rather heavy and lacks the polish of a more refined weapon.

It’s useful for cleaving away at the beasts of the night.

Dark Veils

÷ Those of noble blood often use veils to hide the faces of disfigured family members. This trend has seen an increase in recent years. Perhaps it become fashionable to completely hide ones appearance.

The Robes of the Crucibles

÷ These are well made robes fashioned from the finest of materials. The intricate gold markings that line them are words that speak of otherworldly beings with great reverence.

The Last Soldier

÷ A husk. He is the resurrected remnants of a war without victors. His corpse unknowingly protects the graves of his brother’s in arms without rest.

Ethereal Flames

÷ The effects of the reverie plane in the physical world are not fully understood, although evidence suggests that flames that feel the touch of the bizarre change in color.

The Ashes of the Enlightened

÷ These are the remnants of those who step fully into the plane of reverie. For what other form could one who has found oneness with the cosmos take?

The Lost Awnings

÷ It would seem as though even the Awnings, a tribe bent of denying the plane of reverie, are not immune to its effects.

The Awnings who don’t receive the protection of their goddess wonder the night without wills of their own.

The Eyes of The Aware

÷ It is said that eyes are a gateway into the world’s within all of us.

If that is so, then the eyes of the aware peer directly into the other plane.

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